With Arms Outstretched

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Beth was walking in the hallway when she heard someone behind her call her name. Turning around Beth sees Nathan approaching her.

"Beth." said Nathan as he grabs her arm and leads her into an empty classroom, gently pushing her against a wall, and kisses her.

Beth gently pull back from the kiss "Mmm, uh, we can't do this here right now." said Beth as they both laugh.

"We just did... alright, I'll kiss you later." said Nathan as he gives her one last kiss, before walking out of the classroom. Beth smiled as he walked off and leaves herself.



Beth walks over to Nathan who was at his locker and grabs his shoulder. As Nathan swings around, surprised to see Beth who was laughing.

"Very funny." said Nathan.

"Hey, are you okay? Lucas said you had some trouble at practice yesterday." said Beth.

"Lucas needs to mind his own business. We got a game coming up, that's all. I just get a little intense." said Nathan as Beth nodded her head.

"Are you, uh, okay? You're shaking, Nathan." said Beth looking at Nathan concerned.

"My heart's racing too." said Nathan as he grabbed Beth's hand and placed it over his heart.

"That's what happens when I'm around you." said Nathan which makes Beth smile.

"So your house tonight, right? Tutoring?" asked Nathan.

Beth nodded. "Are you sure you're okay?" asked Beth.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I had a bad day yesterday. See you tonight." said Nathan.

"Yeah." said Beth as she walks away, and Nathan waits until he's sure she won't turn around, then swallows another pill.



Later that day, Beth was in her bedroom with Nathan on her computer, while Nathan was looking at a bulletin board of photographs as he was pacing around her room.

"Nathan. Are you going to pace all night, or can we get started?" asked Beth.

"So, these are your parents? Why are they never here?" asked Nathan.

"Yeah." said Beth sighing. "Since Brooke and I are 17 they basically think we can take care of ourselves, oh and they send money like every month... So." said Beth as Nathan sits on the her bed.

"So a month ago, did you think we'd be alone in your bedroom?" asked Nathan.

"Oh, but we're not alone in my bedroom. We have the forefathers with us." said Beth as Nathan chuckled.

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