The First Cut is the Deepest

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"Hey." said Beth as she catches up with Peyton. "Lucas told me about Brooke. I was afraid something like this might happen." said Beth.

"Ten points for Beth." muttered Peyton.

"How do you think she's doing?" asked Beth.

"Who knows. I don't think she'll ever speak to me again. I know I wouldn't." said Peyton just as they look up to see someone driving around the corner and honking while they look at the license plate they notice it's from Dan's dealership, and when the car stops in front of them they look up to see Nathan getting out.

"What'd you do? Knock over you dad's dealership?" said Peyton, and Nathan gives a sarcastic smile back. "Okay, none of my business. I'll see ya, later Beth." said Peyton before walking away.

"Okay. What is this?" asked Beth pointing to the car.

"Dad gave it to me. His way of showing me who's in control." said Nathan.

"Ew, give it back." said Beth.

"No. If I'm going to live like this I'm going to take everything I can get." said Nathan, and Beth raised an eyebrow."

"Okay." said Beth.

"So what'd you do last night?" asked Nathan, and Beth groaned.

"I was up all night bidding on ebay for those Sheryl Crow tickets." said Beth.

"Oh yeah. The show's tomorrow." said Nathan.

Beth nodded. "Yeah." said Beth.

"Any luck?" asked Nathan.

Beth shook her head. "No, but there's three more auctions tonight." said Beth.

"I got DSL. Do you want to come over?" asked Nathan.

Beth nodded. "Oh yeah!" exclaimed Beth laughing.



Beth, and Brooke were walking together after just finishing cheer practice, and stopped when they heard a voice behind they, and turned to see Peyton.

"Brooke! Sooner or later you're going to have to talk to me." said Peyton.

"Why don't I just smile at you, you know, Peyton style, pretend everything's okay and lie to your face." said Brooke.

"If I could go back to the way things were then I would." said Peyton.

"Back to when my best friend was cheating with my boyfriend and I was too stupid to realize it?" asked Brooke.

"You're not stupid!" exclaimed Peyton.

"Did you sleep with him?" asked Brooke.

"No! No I didn't. Okay? We stopped before it got that far. God, Brooke, I am sorry okay? We were going to tell you and then the accident happened and you liked him so much and I just...-" said Peyton before Brooke cut her off.

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