I Shall Believe

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"I'm sorry what did you just say?" asked Beth looking at Nathan from her position on her bed.

"About what?" asked Nathan.

"About the way that we started." said Beth, before Nathan could answer Beth's phone started ringing in the background.

"Nothing. Just when I first came to you for tutoring, I figured the easiest way to mess with Lucas was to hook up with you, but..-" said Nathan before Beth cut him off.

"-..So everything between us has been a lie?" asked Beth.

Nathan shook his head. "No that's not..-" said Nathan before Beth cut him off.

"-..I cannot believe this, Lucas was right about you all along." said Beth just as her answering machine picks up.

"Bethany, pick up. There's been an accident. Lucas is hurt pretty bad. Bethany? said the voice of Keith from the answering machine.

Beth stands up from her position on her bed and picks up the phone. "Keith, hey. He's going to make it right? Okay, thanks." said Beth.

"Come on, I'll take you to the hospital." said Nathan standing up from the bed.

Beth shook her head. "I can't talk to you right now, Nathan." said Beth.

"Beth, look I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." said Nathan.

"Just go... Pleas, just go." said Beth as she dials a number on the phone and Nathan leaves her room.


"Hey." said a voice making Beth look up to see Peyton walking into her room.

"Hey, Peyton." said Beth.

"Beth, I thought you'd be at the hospital with Brooke and Haley." said Peyton.

"Why aren't you there?" asked Beth.

"I dropped Brooke off. It's just kind of weird, she's still with Lucas." said Peyton making Beth sigh.

"She doesn't know about you guys yet?" asked Beth, and Peyton sighed and walked into the room and sat down next to Beth on her bed.

"We were going to tell her tonight." said Peyton, and Beth sighed. "Don't you want to see him?" asked Peyton.

"Yeah I do. I just can't." said Beth.

"Why not?" asked Beth.

"If you don't mind Peyton I'd really like to be alone right now." said Beth, and Peyton nodded and stood up from the bed.

"Yeah. Yeah okay. But I'm sure his mom would really like to see you." said Peyton.

"Peyton, I'll go when I'm ready." said Beth.

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