Crash Course in Polite Conversations

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"Hey Brooke, hey Beth, Hey rake boy." said Peyton'd dad from her computer screen as they entered Peyton's room. Peyton looks behind to see use walk in, "I see nobody uses the doorbell still." said Peyton's dad.

"Papa Peyton, the scruffy thing's working for you." said Brooke making Beth laugh.

"What are you guys up to so early?" asked Peyton's dad.

"I don't know. Peyton just asked us...-" said Beth before Peyton cut her off.

"-...Oh no, you know what? You'll find out when you get home." said Peyton.

"Not even a little hint?" asked Peyton's dad.

Peyton shook her head. "Uh Uh. Not even. I love you." said Peyton as Beth and Brooke wave bye.

"You better. Love you too, honey." said Peyton's dad.

"Bye." said Peyton and ended the call, turned off her camera and stood up and turned to look at us.

"So, what's the surprise?" asked Beth.

"I need your help with something. Come on." said Peyton before walking out her room. While we all exchanged confused glances, but eventually followed Peyton outside to her driveway. Where Beth assumed was a car parked in the driveway with a cover over it, when Peyton took off the cover to reveal an old red car.

Lucas whistled looking at the car. "Damn that's nice. Is this your dads?" asked Lucas.

"Yeah, he hasn't driven it in like a year though. Do you think you can get it to run?" asked Peyton looking at Lucas.

"Of course he can. And he's going to look good doing it too in a tight little wife beater, maybe some grease smudges." said Brooke as she was biting down on her lip as she was eyeing Lucas who walked over to the car and popped the hood and looked at the engine.

"And I was thinking maybe you could help me wash and wax it." said Peyton as she looked at Beth and Brooke.

"Glad to help." said Brooke with a smile.

"I would've loved to help, but I have to work." said Beth sympathetically. "I'm really sorry P. Sawyer, but I have to go." said Beth as she looked down at her watch.

"It's okay really, don't worry about it Beth, go." said Peyton with a smile.

"It's really nice of you to do this for your dad, Peyton." said Beth giving Peyton a hug. "Bye guys , have fun." said Beth waving at Lucas and Brooke before she turned around and left.



"Good morning, Sir. Table or counter?" asked Beth when an old man walked into the café.

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