Chapter 1; Normal Life

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Epigraph of "Enlightenment"

One year ago Mick Rory went on a heist with Leonard Snart. The heist didn't go to well, causing Mick to get third degree burns on the side of his body. When he disappeared, only Snart knew where he went and told no one playing it 'dumb.' In that one year before Leonard got Mick again, many things can happen. One unexpected thing did happen for Mick.

He fell into a rather deep hole that you can't climb out of.

Mick Rory, fell in love.


"MIS. NATALYA..." a six year old girl tugged on my shirt as I wash the dishes.

"Yes Amy?" I dry off my hands, bending down to be at eye level with the small orphan girl.

"Sam took my barbie again," Amy huffed, puffing her cheeks out and crossing her arms.

I let out a laugh, standing up, "Let's go get it back than Amy." Rolling my eyes at the children behaviors, I walk up the stairs, Amy trailing behind me. I make it to the top of the stairs and go towards the play room at the end of the hall to the left.

Inside, I spot Sam playing with Amy's Barbie. Why a boy wanted to play with a Barbie doll, I guess I'll never know. "Sam, you know taking someone's toy is rude," I tsk the small boy. Sam quickly gave Amy's her toy back and apologized, rushing off to play with his toys.

That's when all the kids ran over, greeting me with open arms and smiles. I love these little orphans, with all my heart. If anything were to happen to them... I may hurt someone, and I hate hurting people. Gives me a bad feeling in my gut, as if karma is going to come and bite me in the butt.

I do work at the orphanage, but I'm only part time. Meaning I don't live here, or here very often. The kids grew on me, I guess they just get extra excited when I come back. I never knew why, and I never will. I'm caring, yes, but not very motherly. If one of the kids get hurt and it's not even bleeding, I'll tell them to suck it up.

I feel like doing this at certain moments could get me fired. Luckily for me, my boss is usually in her office. Normally I never see her, which is great in my opinion. I love my boss, she's like a mother to me, but she can still fire me. Very frightening if you ask me.

"Ms. Natalya, did you here that Mrs. Brooke is hiring some guy," One of the older kids stated, peaking out of their bedroom.

Curiosity rose in me, my eye brows rose. "Do you know who he is?"

"Some guy named Mike or something," the teen replied before slipping back into their room. Sighing I walked toward Mrs. Brooke's office door.

I knocked softly, getting a muffed 'come in.' I open the door to see a man sitting across from Mrs. Brooke. He was bald, some facial hair and was rather tan. Tall and well built as well.

"Perfect timing Natalya! Meet Mike Fullman, he will be working here from now on," Mrs. Brooke was a kind lady. Curvy for sure, she had dirty blonde hair down to her mid-back. Light brown skin with welcoming brown eyes while mine are a amber color.

Mike stood, being at least 6'3" sadly, I am only 5'3". He extended his hand to me, "Mike Fullman," his voice was gruff and deep. I smiled up at him and shook his hand. Actually, surprisingly be looked around my age...

"Natalya Roman,"

"Russian?" he asked, referring to my Russian accent.

"Indeed," I pulled my arm away back to my side. Mike simply stared down at me. Suddenly, feeling self conscious in my clothes. I wore a black high-waisted skirt that ended at my knees. A white buttoned up shirt tucked in and black flats. My barely shoulder length brown hair was in a half undo, my bangs falling loosely around my face.

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