Chapter 5; Movies and Thoughts

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Completely, and utterly fine. Being as pretty, tall or adored as models would be exhausting. Physically, and mentally, she doesn't believe that her mental stability would be able to handle it. Plus, at the moment her makeup is washed off and hair sticking to her skin.

Natalya let out a snort of a laugh, walking around the puddle and holding her head high. She took long strides, feeling like she could go anywhere and be anyone with her confidence. She's not going to let her appearance and personality define her. Natalya Roman, is going to let herself dine her.

That's just how she roles.


NATALYA SAT IN HEE LIVING ROOM, sitting criss cross on her worn out couch. The TV playing a sappy romantic movie, a tub of ice cream in her lap. A metal spoon hung from her mouth, she stared intently at the screen. She has seen this movie many times before, but she couldn't help but watch it again.

After being fired, Natalya has the rest of her week off. When she goes back to the Orphanage she will talk to Mrs. Brooke. Hopefully Natalya can get to work at the orphanage for full time. If she does this, she can possibly actually have a vacation. Natalya has been hoping to visit her mother and friends soon.

Lucky for the adult, Central city wasn't to far of a drive, meaning she could get there in under three or four hours. Meeting everyone at CC Jitters is the hard part. They all have jobs now, its not like back in High School. In High School, the group of friends met up every weekend. Went to the mall, got coffee and food. Had slumber parties and talked about boys all night. Yeah, definitely not High School anymore.

Suddenly, a sex seen came up on the movie. Natalya scrunched her nose up in disgust. Quickly she took the remote and turned off the TV. Remembering why she didn't watch that movie very often. With a sigh, she put the ice cream tub and spoon on the coffee table. Her grumbles filled the living room. Natalya isn't a fan of 18+ movie scenes. She is fine with gore and horror, but sex scenes, not her thing.

With a sorrowful second sigh, she stretched her stiff limbs. Natalya walked over to the wall connecting the kitchen and dining room. She closes her eyes, feeling for the light switch. Flicking it on she groans from the light, even with her eyes still closed. Seconds later, she opens her eyes to be greeted by a blinding light.

Natalya blinks a few times before she just started laughing. She doesn't know why she started laughing, but it brought tears to her eyes. The randomness of everything that has been happening to her is catching up. Slowly, her laughing dies down. Still having the feeling of how everything that's been happening to her, is all because of one thing. One cause, and one ending.

Natalya hit her head with her palm, a picture of Mike popping up out of no where in her head. Mike isn't that one thing, she knows it, at least, she hopes she does. If everything that has been happening to her for the past week or two led back to Mike... She doesn't know what she would do with herself! It's not normal to think these things about your colleagues. No, not normal at all.


You can Definitely tell that this is a filler chapter.... Just roll with it peeps! I'm sorry I'm so cringy, but I can't help it!

Second, dreaded school has started back up for me... Chapters will take longer to come out. Please do not scream in the comment section to updates every. Single. Freaking. Day. It becomes highly annoying at times. Don't get me wrong, I love all of you guys! I just don't like spamming...

Please, leave an amazing comment, a star to show your support and share to all your friends and family! All the support is very helpful when making the next chapter.



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