Chapter 23; Waking Up

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Mick wipes his tears, knowing fresh ones will soon take their place. He can't cry, he much stay strung, for her.

With that, he mutters the last thing he may ever say about her again:

"I love you, Nat, I always have, and I always will."


HER EYES FLUTTER OPEN, THEN SHUT AGAIN. A bright light blinding her, making her blink multiple times. The first color she sees is white, and the first sound is the contant beeping from beside her.

Slowly, she turns her neck to see a heart moniter. Confused, she turns her head to the other side, trying to ignore the aching in her stiff neck.

In her arm, she sees an IV, which proves her theory, "Shit, a hospital... What happened?"

"Do you not remember?" she hears from across the room to the right. She looks, only to see a piffy red-eyed Iris West, with a white-haired, sleep deprived Jenny Cold.

"You were stabbed yesterday morning, on your way to the police department," Jenny finishes for Iris, knowing that she wouldn't be able to finish without bursting into tears all over again.

Natalya suddenly remembers everything from the day before. First, it was the agonizing pain, then the feeling of despair when she thought of coming face-to-face with death itself. The next thought that comes her her head breaks her heart. An image of Mick, in complete dispair watching the news about her.

"I remember--" her own sob inturrupts her. Tears streaming down her face, and her chest heaving. She pays no mind to the sharp pain she get in her side from crying, it just feels so good to let it all out.

Iris and Jenny are instantly at their best friends side. Both of them trying to calm her down, to no avail.

"Talia, talk to us, whats wrong?" Iris trys her best not to cry, her eyes tearing up.

"I-I..." she sobs out, not knowing how to explain that she fell in love with a pyromaniac criminal. That she fears he think shes dead. Fears that she may never see him again.

Natalya is a reck, and its not because of her being stabbed not that long ago, no, its about a boy. As childish as that sounds, its true. Natalya Roman is in love with Mick Rory. So much so, that her heart breaks just thinking about him. How she can't have him. Hes off limits, and she knows it.

Maybe they could work out, maybe they will get married and live in a house with a white picket fence with little ones running around. Perhaps, she could have her happily ever after, with a man whos tainted red.

Perhaps, love at first sight and happily ever afters are true.

■ £ ● £ ● £ ■

Its been twenty minutes since Natalya has calmed down. She still hasen't spoke to her two friends. Even when the doctor came and told her the condition she was in, she had no reaction, just stared blankly at the light blue wall. Even when he left, she said and did nothing.

"Talia, speak to us," Jenny says softly to her bed-ridden friend, Iris sniffling beside her.

Natalya says nothing, continuing to stare at the wall. All she could think about is Mick. His eyes, so dark and mysterious, that if you look close enough, you'll realize they are blue and not brown, they just draw her in, and his voice, it gets her high, so intoxicating. Hes begging, begging her to uncover all his secrets, to tell him its alright and that she doesn't care about everything hes done, the people hes murdered.

Her eyes become glossy, just thinking about him breaks her heart even more. Turning the shattered pieces into dust.

Is this what its like to be in love? To miss him when he leaves the room, and cry when hes gone for more then a day. To feel relieved when you see him, but mad at the same time? For your knees to go weak when he speaks, and holds you in his arms? Everything about him just pulling you in, your heart aching for more and more.

"Дорогой!" Natalya is snapped out of her thoughts. The voice of her worried mother ringing in her ears.

"Мама," she barely whispers out, her voice not being prepared to speak.

"I came as fast as I could, are you alright Дорогой?"

"Y-yes," she croaks out, not even sparing her mother a glance. She doesn't have the energy to move.

Out of the corner of her eye, Natalya sees Jenny walk over to Mrs. Roman and take her over to Iris and they talk privately. Natalya doesn't listen to them, just continues to space out.

Suddenly, everything becomes dizzy, and the room starts to spin. Darkness dances across her vision, the last thing she heard was her mother call out, "--Natalya!"

Mrs. Roman runs over towards her unconcious daughter, Iris running out of the room to get a doctor, and Jenny reassuring Mrs. Roman that everything will be alright.

Everything was alright, until the two woman in the room saw Natalya flatline. The constant beeping of the heart moniter replaced with a long, single beep.

Her heart stopped.

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Mick lays in bed, staring at the off-white ceiling. He hasn't move from the spot since he got the news, and doesn't plan on moving anytime soon.

Nothing is clear to him anymore. A few years ago, he could tell you he wanted to be one of the best criminals out there and rule Central city. A few months ago, he would tell you that all he wanted was her. To tame her, then break her and leave. A few days ago, he would tell you that he loves her, wants to hold her and protect her. Now, he doesn't know what he wants.

Is she just another conquest? Or does he truly love her? Mick doesn't know for sure, but he knows one thing for certain, he would do anything for the small Russian woman. If she told him to change, he would, if she told him to be nice, or sweet, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Is this love? Mick can't tell, hes never loved someone before. Never thought of another human being the way he thinks of Natalya.

This is love, it has to be. What else could this feeling in the pit of his stomach be?

But now, shes dead. She has to be, its what his gut feeling told him. Or, could his gut be saying something else? Maybe she is alive, he hasen't kept up with the news long enough to know.

For now, he will stay hopeful that he will be able to see her beautiful brown eyes and award winning smile once more.



Дорогой = darling

Мама = mother


Hello my beautiful fans! I am happy that you made it this far, and glad you have went through this journey with me.

You all will be hella happy about next chapter, and a little skeptical of the circumstances 😉


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