Chapter 9; Digging

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

The next hing Natalya knows is Mick is gone, storming out of the room without another word. She must have hit a nerve, he normally does not do that. Normally... A word she now cannot use to describe her coworker. Natalya does not believe Mick is normal anymore, he isn't just little old Mike Fullman. She thinks that he is something more, someone more. Mike Fullman is just an act, a facade.

At least, that's what she thinks...


THE STENCH OF ALCOHOL FILLS NATALYAS NOSTRILS. The bar over whelming for her, making her scrunch her nose up in disgust. How anyone drank the putrid beverage is beyond her understanding. I mean, Natalya is up for a few drinks after a rough day, but getting completely drunk... That's just not her, and hopefully not her future husbands thing.

The only reason Natalya has came to this bar is because she needs information. Information on Mike Fullman. She has found yet another lead. Asking the old couple for an interview for who they think he is. Apparently they have seen him on the news somewhere. Natalya just hopes that the couple remembers correctly, after all, they are quite old.

The reason they are meeting at a bar is because they are the owners of this bar. Making it easier for them to talk to Natalya if she came to them. They are lucky, she is using her only free time after work to speak with them. If they end up being a dead end, she might just strangle them. She is cranky, that's for sure, staying up all night the night before than taking care of crazy children. Dark bags under her eyes that wasn't covered fully that morning by makeup as proof.

She saw an old man wave to her from a small booth in the back corner, no one else around there. A happy old lady sitting on the inside of the booth, that must be them. Natalya makes her way over to them with a fake smile plastered on her face. "Hello, Mrs and Mr. Newell I presume?"

"Yes, yes we are my dear," Mrs. Newell replies. Speaking to Natalya how she would speak to any young man or woman in this town. A happy vibe radiating off of Mrs. Newell, making her feel wise and just a sweet old lady in general.

"Please, do call us Betty and John," Mr. Newell adds in, grabbing Natalyas attention. Ignoring what his wife said moments prior in the conversation.

"Yes, yes of course. I'm Natalya Roman, pleasure to meet you both!" Natalya sat down across from them in the booth. The fake smile and enthusiasm just adds to itch of leaving the dreadful bar. Of course, Natalya is relieved too, hopefully, she can find out who Mike is. At the same time, she is more afraid than she has ever been in her whole life.

"Down to business," John sent Natalya a horrid smile. The feeling of leaving nearly jumps to her throat. A bad feeling making her stomach twist and turn.

"Yeah..." Natalya shook her head, smiling bigger once more. Bending down to her bag and taking out a note pad and pen. Opening to a new page, she looks back up at them. "Who do you think Mike Fullman is?"

John opens his mouth to speak, but his wife cuts him off before he uttered a single word. "First of all dear, his name is not Mike Fullman it's Mi-" a drunk man is thrown into the table before Betty finishes her sentence. Natalya slides back in her seat, shock setting in. The man stands back up and runs at the other drunk biker. Sending punches that normally misses it's target.

John stands from his seat, running to break up the fight, Betty following in suit. Sending Natalya an apologetic smile. Shaking her head, she stands, deciding to leave the bar. The weird feeling still stabbing painfully in her gut. Taking slow, painful steps towards the door, Natalya goes around the out of control fight.

Yet again, fate seems to slap her in the face, not letting her find out who Mike is. Is the world against her or something? Why can't Natalya find out who he is, find out if he is a criminal or not? So many questions swirl in her head, unintentionally ignoring the odd feeling that grew stronger the seconds she continues to walk.

The crisp air blowing lightly, making her nose and cheeks tint pink. Sniffles following shortly after. Her hands neatly tucked into her large black winter jacket. Red thick leggings keeping her legs mostly warm. Her combat boots making slight clicking sounds at each step she took. Sadly Natalya has made the mistake of forgetting her hat. Short brown hair barely doing anything to keep the back of her neck and ears warm.

Winter is coming near, snow bound to hit in the weeks to come. The white powdery substance that gave Natalya joy. Sadly, this season also came with many issues at the orphanage. Children getting to school and back safely, no one getting hurt with snowballs. The large house the children are temporarily in keeps getting colder. Basement having many other issues as well.

This didn't stop Natalya from loving winter, as of a few years ago, Winter is now her favorite season. Summer isn't the best for the Russian, the heat to much for her to bare. Winter is cooler, and keeps her on her feet easier. This cold season also reminds Natalya of her friend Jenny.

Speaking of her friends, only a few more days before she can finally go on vacation for once. Visit her mother who has fallen ill in the colder days. Have Jenny drive up from Star City. Letting Iris and Jenny introduce her to the infamous Barry they keep speaking about. Maybe a tour of the city before the snow hits.

Everything is starting to look up for her, at the same time, everything is going down hill. The mystery about Mike mainly causing that saddened mood. According to her two best friends, Natalya needs to loosen up and forget about him. They say that she is acting like he is her ex-boyfriend or something. That usually gets a snort out of her.

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