Chapter 16; Falling for a Maniac

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Everything is crumbling down around her. Her entire world, coming apart, and she didn't know how to stop it or even slow it down. With each thought of Mick, another piece of her it's torn. Thoughts to help him, or turn him in. Why she still hasn't turn him in is the real question. Every time she went close to the phone, her heart stops. She can't betray him, no, she won't betray him. Why she won't, well she's still debating that with herself as well.

In a desperate attempt to rid herself from her mind, Natalya glances at the clock. The slow ticking seemingly adding fuel to her flame of anger. Nonetheless, she continues to stare at it. Give till two, only five more minutes before she has to take the kids to the park. Five more minutes until she can finally divert her attention to something else. Only five more minutes, and she can finally be at peace.


ONE WEEK HAS PASSED. Mick still hasn't shown up to work, nor called in. Natalya thinks this is a good thing, the kids on the other hand, think otherwise. It's not their fault either, she just can't find a way to tell them that 'Mike' is a bad guy. It's not in her blood to ruin children's thoughts on a person. Even if that person is a wanted criminal.

At the moment, Natalya sits in bed. Her laptop sitting in front of her, her back arched over, fingers furiously typing on the keyboard. Information... More information is what she needs. Information on Mick Rory, the little she has now is not enough. It's like a drug, he is a drug, once he pulls you in with his intoxicating innocence, you are hooked. Never able to part ways with the troublesome life that he lives or the things he is willing to do.

Very little time with many thoughts isn't good. Two hours until the kids will be back at the orphanage. With all her thoughts and things she wants to research, she won't have enough time. That itself is giving her major anxiety to hurry things up. Almost as if she hasn't had her regular dose of her drugs, making her go crazy just to have it back.

Letting out an agitated groan of frustration, she slams her laptop shut. Letting her fingers run through her hair. The sleeves of her baggy grey sweatshirt running down to her elbows from that action. The dark grey of her plain sweatshirt contrasting between the bright red of her mid thigh shorts.

Natalya's fingers untangle themselves from her hair. Letting the brown locks fall loosely against her face. The ends brushed against the back of her neck. Nothing makes sense, and she is starting to think that it will never make sense. Why would a criminal work at a petty orphanage outside of Central City? What was his goal, what is his goal? Why did he suddenly disappear out of the blue? Nothing is adding up, and Natalya is starting to worry, no matter what her mind is telling her. She is finally letting her heart take control.

Mick Rory (3rd person POV)

Mick sat in his house. His lighter sitting on the coffee table in front of him. Elbows resting on his knees, head held in the palms of his large hands. He is thinking, and surprisingly thinking about Natalya. A quirky orphanage worker that loves the kids. An innocent soul, a soul that he just can't help but want to break. To burn it into ashes, to take away the little she has left.

That's what's bothering him. She is bothering him, how she is, he has no idea. It is a peculiar event though, he hasn't even touched his lighter. That's another thing that is bothering Mick, why hasn't he touched his lighter, his fire? He lives for his fire, it's what keeps him going. What gets him through the dark times.

Why he vanished all of the sudden, well, that's a more difficult story to tell. Unfortunately, he has ran into a few bumps and needed to stop pretending for a while. To rid everything from his life and sort things out. To put it simply, he may have pissed off the wrong person.

Back with Natalya (3rd person POV)

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Natalya hums a happy tone while cleaning up the play room in the orphanage. Kids running around frantically downstairs while she cleans things up. Mrs. Brooke volunteered to watch the trouble makers while Natalya tidies up. A tradition that has been happening for the past couple months every other day when the kids get back from school or preschool. Mrs. Brooke decided this a while ago, thinking that she should bond with the kids more. Something about when Natalya leaves to get a better job to support a family.

She barely notices the small tap on her leg. Still, she notices and looks down, to see that small orphan boy, Nate. "Yes, Nate?" She smiles down at the growing boy in front of her.

"Ms. Natalya, when will Mr. Mike come back?" the small blond boy asked the Russian woman standing in front of him.  The small brunette looked down at the orphan, "In a while Nate."

Her voice is soft and quiet. Nonetheless the fear seeped through her calm demeanor. Natalya still hasn't broke the news to the orphans she took care of. The news of how Mike was actually a villain. How his real name is Mick Rory and that he's wanted by the police. All the kids still looked up to him, that's not a good thing.

The worst thing is...

She fell in love with a man that is constantly on fire. A man, that brought her, her own Enlightenment.

Wait... In love? No, she's not in love, she can't be... can she? Mick Rory is a murderer, a criminal that has done so many bad deeds. Hurting innocents left and right. The sudden thought of actually loving him seems surreal. Suddenly, unwanted memories sprout up in her mind. With quick thinking, Natalya rushes Nate out of the room. Once he is gone, she finally gives in. Sitting on the ground, back pressed against the wall. Fingers entwined with her hair. Eyes shut tightly, image after image. The sounds, it's as if she is reliving it all again.

Doctors say it's PTSD, she says it's a curse. A curse to relive every moment spent with her dreadful father. That she will meet again...



I KNOW, I know... I haven't updated in a LONG time. Terribly sorry. I haven't had anytime to edit this chapter lately and school has been hectic. My updates may become regular again, I have no idea though. Enjoy this chapter though, and happy 2019!


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