Chapter 2; Friendly Visit

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Jen felt bad for lying to her villain kicking ass trio, but she had to. She knew if she did not make up that excuse, Dr. Wells would most likely suggest for her to stay longer. Jen couldn't do that, besides she needed to visit her small friend. She lived out of Central City, in a small town. Much closer to Central City that Star City. Besides, she hasn't seen Natalya in years, it's time to visit.

Only thing that concerned Jen was the new employee. Mike? It just seemed, suspicious to her. Than again, living in Star City, and helping Team Flash makes her more paranoid. Mob bosses and meta-humans, what a crazy world she lives in.

What a crazy world everyone lives in.


"NATE PUT THAT DOWN! Sam give Amy back her toys! Jamie give James back his sippy cup! Amelia, stop climbing on that!" I yelled at the kids, trying to get to all of them at once.

Mike picks Amelia up, setting her on the ground ushering her away from the shelf she was previously climbing on. I took the pocket knife away from Nate, confiscating it from them. Mike delt with Jamie and James, leaving me with Sam and Amy.

"What did I say about stealing each others toys! Both of you, it you're rooms," they dropped the toys, running off. I turned my attention to Mike and the two kids. The children seemed to be fine now, thank god Mike is good with children. He will be a major help around here. Speaking of help! "Mike, I have a friend coming over from Central City. She will be helping out with the kids. Her name is Jenny Cold," I warned him, smiling.

"I used to live in Central City, beautiful place," he commented.

"How cool! My mother lives in Central City, I don't see her much, but she's an amazing woman. Her name is Titania Roman," whoops, to much information most likely. I babble a lot, I hope Mike won't mind it...

"Interesting name,"

"Well we are Russian!" the doorbell rang and I jumped with excitement. "That must be Jen! Come on Mike let's introduce you to her,"

I bounced down the stairs in a fast pace, Mike following behind me in a much slower, calmer pace. Opening the door I was greeted by a warm hug. Pulling away, I ushered my friend into the small orphanage. Shutting the door, I turn my attention to the white haired woman.

"I haven't seen you in so long Jen!" Jenny is about 5'7", 4 inches, give or take, taller than me. "Jenny meet Mike Fullman, Mike meet Jenny Cold," I introduced the two. They shook hands, but Jenny seemed, weary of him for some reason. "Mike head downstairs, I'll meet you down there in a moment!" Mike left, leaving myself and Jenny.

"What's you're problem with Mike, Jen?" What can I say? Curiosity got the best of my small form. It's only natural.

"I don't trust him Talia, just, don't get close to him. He seems familiar from somewhere, and that's not a good somewhere,"

"Alright... But I trust Mike, Jen, that's not going to change. He's a good man! Besides, I got heels I can stab him with if he does anything," inside joke.

Jenny laughed, shaking her head, "Imma go watch the kids, they will be excited to see me, see ya!"

I waved slightly, before booking it towards the basement entrance. We need to get everything fixed up before winter. In winter, everything is freezing and it's harder to fully move in. Especially with everything in the dark basement.

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