Chapter 15; Orphanage, Mick Missing

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

With a huff of air, Natalya can't take it anymore, the curiously finally getting to her. She reaches under her pillow and takes out the case file, opening it up. The first thing she sees is a picture of Mike with the kids. She flips it around, and her heart stops. Mike Fullman's real name is Mick Rory, a known criminal in Central City who worked along Leonard Snart for a while.

Then it dawned on her... She left the kids alone, with a murderer.


NATALYA RUSHED BACK TO THE ORPHANAGE THE NIGHT she found out who Mike is. Now she is in her apartment, pacing back and forth in the living room. Her shift doesn't start for another hour, but from anxiety, she left last night without saying her farewells. She tried to sleep when she got to her apartment, and she did, but inevitably, she woke up at four a.m. Two hours before she even has to be at the orphanage! Now, it's five, she's ready to go but can't seem to leave her apartment.

The thoughts of Mick killing all of the children before she got there gnawing away at her. She called the orphanage last night, she knows that the kids are all alright, but that doesn't stop her imagination.

Time ticks on, and soon enough, Natalya is sitting in her car which is parked in front of the orphanage. She stares up at the large building, it looming over her. She doesn't dare open the car door, fearing what may happen when she sets foot on the orphanage grounds.

Still, she forces herself out, taking a deep breath with every step that she took closer to the entrance. Knowing that with each step, she's just a little bit closer to facing Mick. To facing her worse fears...

Natalya opens the door, only to be granted by a small pair of arms wrapping around her waist. Looking down, she sees that it's only Nate,  happy to see his caretaker. "Hello Nate, I'm glad to see you too," Natalya giggles, all her fears, and worries leaving her just by the touch of the child.

"You're here before Mr. Mike this time, Ms. Natalya!"

Now, the words that one sentence Nate just said surprised Natalya. Mick not here before her? He's always there before her, even if he was simply playing a role as Mike. He seemed to generally care for the orphans. He can't possibly know that Natalya knows who he truly is... Can he?

"W-What do you mean?" fear seems to slap Natalya across the face. Thoughts of Mick doing horrible things to the orphans sticking to her brain like the plague. Would he hurt them? Would he actually hurt them? Sweet, innocent children... It wouldn't surprise her if he's done before, after all, he is a criminal. Still, the thought of him hurting the children seems unbelievable, but still, it sends a shiver down Natalya's spine.

Shaking her head, she pushes Nate in, shutting the door behind them. Keeping the cold out for good. Not wanting anyone to get sick.

"I mean, Ms. Natalya, that Mr. Mike isn't here yet! He's always here super early, just not today... Do you think he's taking a vacation, just like you?"

"Probably just a day off my dear, now, go run along and play," she replies a little too quickly, pushing Nate along. He complies, not thinking anything of it and goes to play with the other kids his age. This leaves Natalya alone to ponder. Could he have been fired? Maybe even quit? He could possibly be out sick or took a day off... Yeah, that's it, a simple day off!

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As time went on Mick still didn't show up. Natalya consulted Mrs. Brooke about him not showing up and she has no idea where he could be either. He ditched his job, something that could possibly get him fired. From what Natalya could gather, he probably only took this job to stay hidden. All of the records of anyone working in the orphanage is all on paper, not online. Meaning no one could track him there, and he is most likely is very good and covering up his tracks. No doubt having help from his old buddy Leonard. 

How she knew that Mick Rory once worked with Leonard Snart, well her mother lives in Central City. Also, her friends' brother is the CCPDs forensics scientist. She gets news on crimes very fast for not living in the city. Thus meaning she knows just about all the crimes, particularly interested in the heists of Leonard and Mick. Unfortunately, she never got to see a picture of them, that's how she is in this predicament now.

Out of frustration, Natalya harshly sets down a plastic plate in the kitchen sink. Grumbling under her breath angrily. Angry that she can't get her thoughts together. Angry because she let a murderer take care of the kids. Angry, because she can't stop thinking about Mick.

Everything is crumbling down around her. Her entire world, coming apart, and she didn't know how to stop it or even slow it down. With each thought of Mick, another piece of her it's torn. Thoughts to help him, or turn him in. Why she still hasn't turned him in is the real question. Every time she went close to the phone, her heart stops. She can't betray him, no, she won't betray him. Why she won't, well she's still debating that with herself as well.

In a desperate attempt to rid herself from her mind, Natalya glances at the clock. The slow ticking seemingly adding fuel to her flame of anger. Nonetheless, she continues to stare at it. Give till two, only five more minutes before she has to take the kids to the park. Five more minutes until she can finally divert her attention to something else. Only five more minutes, and she can finally be at peace.



Horrible, horrible chapter. I know, I'm a terrible human being. It's been a while since I updated, now I am on Christmas Break. No promises if chapters get out quicker, but I hope they do. For both of our sake... also bad writing, I got stressed and rushed to sloppily edit and post. I will of course fix everything once the story is finished and I have time.


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