Chapter 3; Pancakes

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Mick hates taking orders from someone, despises it. For this, he has to take orders, to keep up his charade. At the end of this, he feels fire coming in the orphanages way. Lots of fire that could burn down forests. A fire caused preferable by a gun to make it easier. A heat gun that will come in a heatwave.

The screams of the children got louder and louder as he got closer to the playroom.

Let's the wars begin.

Adults Vs Children.


NATALYA LAID IN BED in her apartment, groaning as if she is in pain. "Kids are so evil!" there was a laugh in response. Natalya didn't seem surprised, turning to her phone. She is in a video chat with her reporter friend, Iris West. They don't speak much, but are very close nonetheless. The funny thing is Iris is also friends with Jenny.

"Calm down Talia, they're just kids!" Iris's smile never faltered when she spoke. Iris sat in bed in her boyfriends and her place. The two were a cute couple, but the way Iris talked about her adoptive brother. It leads Natalya to think that Iris is actually in love with him and not Eddie. She can't be certain, after all she is only a worker at the local orphanage. Not a detective, reporter nor superhero. Natalya is just a small Russian woman who can not seam to hurt a fly.

"Savage little kids I tell you! They're beasts, everything they touch gets destroyed. At least I got another set of hands now..."

"Who?" Iris questioned her friend, wiggling her eyebrows.

"His name is Mike, just hired him today actually. Great help, kids love him, but it feels like he's hiding something. Like a deep dark past. Or like he's murdered people? Like-like-like," Natalya starts to stutter over herself, using the word 'like' to many times.

"Slow down with the 'likes' Talia!" Iris rolled her eyes at her friend. Natalya simply stating at her through the phone screen.

"I'm heading off to bed now Iris. I have work in the morning and it's nearly eleven. I'll meet up with you for coffee when I'm in Central City."

The two bid their goodbye, hanging up the video chat. Natalya already wore her pajamas and did her nightly routine. Standing from her comfortable position on the bed, Natalya walked over to the opposite wall. She turns off the lights, jumping onto beds with a moan.

Cuddling up in the blankets, Natalya slowly welcomes sleep, her eyes closing. Everything goes back, finally peace runs through Natalya's veins as sleep takes over.


Natalya rushed into the orphanage, looking down at her watch. 5:30 am sharp, good, just enough time to make the children (and Mrs. Brooke) breakfast. The kids normally wake up at six-thirty to seven. Meaning she has close to an hour or two to make food. Knowing Natalya's low cooking skills, the time may not be enough. Sadly, she can never say that she will be an old fashioned wife. Mentioning that, her husband better know how to cook, because she barely does.

Looking through the cupboards in a rush, Natalya finally find pancake mix. Easy enough to cook, not hard enough to burn the house down. Just her type of food. Glancing at the instructions on the package, Natalya gets to work making breakfast. After awhile of stirring the batter, she has came to a conclusion. She will make more pancakes than the kids and Mrs. Brooke will eat. This is because she doesn't know if Mike will want any food.

Natalya took her cooking slow and steady, taking longer to make pancakes than it should. By the time she was finished it was six forty-eight am, meaning the kids should be up shortly. The first to come down is Mrs. Brooke, basically sniffing the air. Any moment Mrs. Brooke smells food, good or bad, she is downstairs in a flash. (see what I did there? Hehehe)

"Good morning Mrs. Brooke, pancakes are ready. You can have three, I'll go get the children," as soon as Mrs. Brooke entered the kitchen, Natalya left the kitchen. Being in the same room as her boss is nerve-racking. Let alone telling her how many pancakes she can have. She told her anyway, making sure that the kids will have enough to eat. While still assuring that there will be extras in case Mike will want any.

Natalya jogs up the stairs, deciding to take up the girls first. Stopping in front of a pink door, Natalya opens it slowly. Inside all the girls slept, bunk beds lining the walls. Most of them empty for new children. Everything is pink, purple and blue, the colors picked out by Mrs. Brooke. Natalya's hand traveled against the wall, finding the light switch and turning it on.

"Common girls, time to wake up, it's breakfast!" Natalya smiled when she successfully woke up some of the light sleepers. "Help wake up the others girls, hurry before food gets cold."

Natalya turned to leave so she could wake up the boys. To her surprise she saw Mike already in the boys room waking them up. Talk about a dedicated worker, everyone working before Mike always left most of the work to Natalya. You could say that Mike was a pleasant surprise to her.

She turns her attention back to the girls, "Hurry up guys! Or the boys will eat all the food before you can."

Natalya turns, shutting the door as she walks back down the stairs. Entering the kitchen to find that Mrs. Brooke was no longer ogling the pancakes. She counts the number if pancakes, seeing that three pancakes were eaten. Obviously devoured by none other than Stephanie Brooke.

Hearing the small thumps of feet coming down the stairs, Natalya turns around. She sees the children rushing down the stairs and towards the dining room. The last to come down is Mike. When Mike enters the kitchen, Natalya's smile grew. She didn't know why, but she is just happy when he is around. It's probably because how much he works to keep the children healthy and safe. Yeah, that's it.

"Help bring the pancakes out to the children please. There are some extra pancakes in the microwave if you want them..." Natalya said shyly, taking a large plate of pancakes.

There are two plates, each one stacked to the brim with pancakes. For a small girl like Natalya to be carrying the large, heavy plate of food, most people would become worried. Good thing 'Mike' isn't most people. He let's the small woman do what she wants, not matter the struggles or the worries. Besides, being worried isn't what he does. Sadly, no one in the town knows that. Not his small, no good town, he is Mike, the nice hard working orphanage worker.

Mick brought the other plate full of pancakes into the dining room once Natalya disappeared from sight. When he walks in he saw Natalya set down the plate. He simply set his plate next to the other one. Mick wasn't paying attention when Natalya spoke again.

Mick left the dining room, going towards the microwave in the kitchen. Hesitantly he opened it, to see just what Natalya promised. Three beautifully made pancakes stacked on top of each other. Steam flooding out of the microwave. Mick couldn't help but let a tiny smirk tug on the corners of his lips.

This woman, this Russian woman is something else. Even he can see that, he just hopes she doesn't attract unwanted attention.



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