Chapter 6; Full Time

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Natalya blinks a few times before she just started laughing. She doesn't know why she started laughing, but it brought tears to her eyes. The randomness of everything that has been happening to her is catching up. Slowly, her laughing dies down. Still having the feeling of how everything that's been happening to her, is all because of one thing. One cause, and one ending.

Natalya hit her head with her palm, a picture of Mike popping up out of no where in her head. Mike isn't that one thing, she knows it, at least, she hopes she does. If everything that has been happening to her for the past week or two led back to Mike... She doesn't know what she would do with herself! It's not normal to think these things about your colleagues. No, not normal at all.


NATALYA WALKED INTO THE ORPHANAGE on Thursday with a certain type of confidence. She held her head high, posture as straight as possible. The smile on her face never faltering. Stack of papers neatly held in her arms, bag slung over her shoulder. Short, fluffy brown hair bouncing at each step she took. Nothing could damage her mood today, not when she is going to finally be able to see the kids full time.

Sadly, Natalya couldn't stop herself from slightly tugging at the hem of her black leather skirt. Seemingly to short for her liking. Luckily, her red off-the-shoulder top didn't bug her. Actually happy that it was tucked in nicely in her skirt.

Her black and red heels clicked on the floor in a satisfying pattern as she walked up the stairs and down the hallway. The talking of the kids ceased. Natalya couldn't help but let her eyes travel to were Mike stood. He leaned up against the arched wall entering into the playroom. A sadistic smirk resting on his face, arms crossed, eyes lingering on Natalya's small form.

She instantly looked away, stopping in front of Mrs. Brooke's office door. With a deep breath, she brought her fist up to the wood. As she let her breath go, she knocked, bring her closed hand back down to her side. Everything seemed to be going a million miles a minute for Natalya. The world started to spin in anticipation. The feeling a denial rising in her chest.

Moments passed, the old, creaky door swinging open to reveal Mrs. Brooke. Mrs. Brooke looked tried and grumpy, probably waking up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. "What do you need Ms. Roman?" her horse voice grumbled lowly.

"Can we talk in your office Mrs. Brooke...?" Natalya chuckled nervously, sending her boss a quick smile. Mrs. Brooke stepped out of the way, letting her employee in. Natalya sat on the seat, Mrs. Brooke sitting at her desk across from her, the door now shut.

"What do you need?" Mrs. Brooke's normally warm presence turned cold... Just thinking about hugging Mrs. Brooke now made her terrified. The older woman gave of the feeling of home, at this time though, she was scary. Natalya felt herself become scared just about thinking of making her boss angry. Her death wouldn't be painless and quick, with Mrs. Brooke, it would be long and antagonizing.

"Well, I was wondering if I could start working here full time?" The young woman's voice went quiet, nervousness rushing through her veins. Don't get me wrong, Natalya can be fierce, sarcastic and sassy. Still, the nervousness in her never seemed to cease after years of being a timid shy girl. Her mother is a wonderful person now, but as a child, her lovely mother wasn't so lovely. Natalya has the scars to prove it, as well as the scars to prove the existence of her disgraceful father.

"It will be much easier with you here constantly," Mrs. Brooke gave a curt nod, scribbling something down on the back of an envelope. Natalya's eyes lit up with joy, jumping from her seat. Grabbing her papers and bag. Her rapid nods barely seen, she ran from the office and into the hallway. The door slammed behind her on accident from her excitement. Natalya paid no mind to the sudden loud noise, simply running down the stairs and nearly tripping. No matter what the odd Russian woman did, she never learns her lesson. Falling at that moment seemed to far off to even consider. Still, that's what she did, Natalya tripping once more from her clumsiness. Falling to her knees and most likely scraping them.

"Дерьмо," Natalya cursed in her foreign language. Her Russian accent coming off stronger than normal as she spoke her native tongue. Using the cuss word 'shit' to show her true feelings about the situation. Luckily, no one is around to witness her incredibly clumsy fall to the ground. The stack of papers she once held scattered everywhere. Her bag fall from her shoulder and on the ground, contents spilled.

To her displeasure, there is one person around at the time she fell and dropped everything. It was none other than Mick Rory himself. Watching Natalya in the background as she scrambled to get everything put away. Her face flushed light pink and eyes looking frantically for anything she could have missed. He could practically feel her palms and knees ache from being on her hands and knees for so long.

Being Mick, he didn't help, just watching, craving a beer but didn't pursue it. If he did, around the kids, he would be fired and cover blown. Besides, Mick is starting to warm up to this place, the kids are growing on him more and more each day. No matter how hard his exterior is, he's interior is just a pile of mush. Insane and deadly, but sweet and sour. Four combination that do not mix well together. Resulting in people believe he is insane, and points, he is, other times, he is not. Mood swings is what Leonard likes to call them, as for Lisa, well, she calls them Pyromaniac Jumps. Just to spite the criminal, it's almost like Lisa doesn't have a bone of fear anywhere in her body. Making criminals angry didn't bother her, even if they could kill her.

Mick turned his attention back to Natalya, his arms securely folded against his chest. Natalya stood, bag crossed over her shoulders, the stack of papers held tightly. Speed stepping over to the table, she set down the now crumbled papers. Her eyesight going towards Mick. Now found, he turns around and leaves to the play room. Being at the top of the stairs helped Mick see what she was doing more clearly. This led to one result...

Natalya's face going beat red and the thought of him watching her the entire time.


Sorry it took so long to get out! School has been keeping me busy quite a bit. Plus getting inspiration for this chapter was hard. Well, here you go, finally it's out!

Remember, leave a star to show your support, comment to through your love into the world, and share to all your friends and family! The support helps so very much. Also I am writing a lot of chapters in advance, so don't expect a chapter for a couple of weeks my sweet Boos! That's what I will call you guys, "My Boos," comment if you have a better idea. Also comment if you want to make me a cover...

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