Chapter 25: An Eye for an Eye

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*Y/n POV*

I'm heading to Ozpin's office. It's been about a week since I had turned Pyrrah and Jaune into devils and not much has happened since that.

I have been training with the boosted gear and Funus' gauntlet, increasing how much I can take in the Balance Breaker before I pass out.

I walked into Ozpin's office, and saw Rias, Dad, Ozpin, and Goodwitch.

"Oh hey Dad," I said, "What's up?"

"Hello son," He greeted, "We have something to talk about."


I walked out of Ozpin's office, Rias was with me. Dad had returned to Hell and Ozpin had given us a mission to do.

Apparently Titus was seen in a small village not far away. Not long before him, Ophis was seen in the same area, although we're not supposed to tell anyone about that.

"Go get your peerage, I'll get mine, and we'll leave immediately." I told Rias.

She nodded and walked off to go find her peerage, as I walked to Team RWBY's dorm. I knocked on the door and it opened, showing Ruby.

"Girl's let's go." Is all I said.

They followed me, and after a quick stop to get Jaune and Pyrrah, we headed for the Bullhead, where Rias and her peerage met us.

We all got into the Bullhead, and it took off.

"So what's going on?" Weiss asked.

Rias started to explain, "Our dad gave us some information on where Titus is, and we're hoping to get to him before he leaves."

"Alright," Yang said, "Y/n, you okay?"

"I'm going to kill him." Was all I said.


After a while, we landed in a field outside of a destroyed town.

"Damn, he destroyed everything." I said.

"Yeah," Rias said, "Let's find him before he can do anymore damage."

We began to walk through the town, I had Fell Cyclone in it's gun form, pointing it around. We saw green flames still burning some of the rubble, a good sign that Titus was here.

"Keep an eye out," I warned, "He could still be here."

Suddenly, something punched me in the face and sent me flying into a wall. I looked up and saw that Titus was standing in front of me, his gauntlet on his arm. The strange thing was, Vali's wings were on his back.

"I'll kill you Gremory," He said, "For Vali."

"I must avenge Issei." I returned.

"Please, that pervert was nothing compared to my brother," He said, "You will pay for Vali's death!"

We both got into positions to fight, and I switched Fell Cyclone to it's sword form. My gauntlets appeared on my arm, and Ascalon came out of the Boosted Gear.

"I will end you Y/n."


*Third Person POV*

The two dragon-wielding combatants charged at each other, as Y/n swung his swords and Titus flung his fist into Y/n's face. Y/n caught the punch and threw him into a destroyed wall, making it fall completely.

Titus jumped up and grabbed a piece of the wall, and threw it at Y/n. Y/n got hit and fell to the ground, as Titus got on top of him and started repeatedly punching him in the face.

Suddenly, Titus was hit by a giant ball of ice, turning his attention. Weiss had fired the ball, and both peerages and Rias were standing there, launching attacks at him. He got off of Y/n and started to walk towards them, as Kiba and Ruby ran at him.

He caught their weapons in mid air, and threw them into a broken building, wielders attached. Blake and Weiss tried to attack him next, only to be knocked out swiftly. Pyrrah threw here shield at him, and he caught it, and threw it back at her, knocking her down. He flew over and grabbed her, throwing her into Jaune.

Koneko and Yang charged at him next, swinging their fists. After getting within a foot of him, they were sent flying. Xenovia came running up behind him, trying to catch him off guard, only for her sword to be caught out of midair. He threw the sword, with her, into a building, causing it to collapse on her.

Rias and Akeno began to launch spells at him, only for the spells to not affect him at all. He shot his own spells at the two, sending them flying.

The only ones left were Asia and Gasper, huddled together, terrified. Titus prepared a spell to launch at the two, and fired, expecting to hear the screams as they died.

Except, the only thing he heard was the sound of the spell hitting something, and then four words.


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