part 6-jimins house

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When it was 6 per you went to class and saw jimin was there laying his head on the desk. You walk up to him and say.

You: hi..jimin..

He hread and stood up immediately and looked at you rubbing eyes.

You: sorry I woke you...
Jm: no its okay.

You sat down next to him, he looked at you curiously and ask

Jm: are you okay?
You: hmm? Well yeah im okay, why?
Jm: its seem a bet down.
You: I am? Well..hehe..its maybe because im tired..

You laughed again, he asked one more time.

Jm: no your not..
You: sister jungsoon is 16 and has a boyfriend and my mom slap her for having one...because we are to young to date..

You put a sad experssion on. Jimin reach out his hand and pat you on the head you blushed and didn't look at him.

Jm: its okay.

You look at him.

Jm: i was 16 and I dated someone but my parents didnt care becuase they know I was the oldest in the family.
You: really? Hehe lucky you.

The beng ring and class started. You touch your head and was more red.

Your pov: he pat my head...and that warm smile he give me..

You smile to yourself and class continued on. After school you didnt saw your mom came to pick you up.

You: thats usually come at this time.

You give her a call but she didnt pick up.

You: maybe something came up. Ill just wait then.

And then you felt a arm wrapped around you, you startled and look who it was.

Jm: sorry did i scared you? Haha.

You blushed and act cool while smiling and blushing at the same time.

You: your brother here today?
Jm: no. How about you? Are you supposed to go home at this time?
You: well I been waiting for her and she hasnt show up yet and I try calling her but she didnt pick up her phone.
Jm: oh well wanna walk home with me then?

You blushed.

You: r-really?
Jm: yeah. And then you can call her at my place and besides we are friends right?
You: right! Okay ill go with you.

He smiled and you walk out with him. As you both were walking out girls came to you two.

G: hey jimin. Wanna come to my place today?
Jm: why?
G: for help with my homework.
Jm: sorry can't.
G2: why not?
Jm: I'm busy.
G2: with what?

He jusy scoff and smirked at them and then He grab your hand and held it up to show the girls and say.

Jm: I'm going home with my girlfriend.

You were shook.

G: what?
Jm: I say i cant because I'm going home with my new girlfriend.
G: scoff.

They left. And you blush more of why he say that as you guys were walking to his place you ask him.

You: why you call me that?
Jm: so they can leave me alone. Those girls are hella annoying when they are with me.
You: oh s-

Ask you were about to say something you both got to the house.

You: wow this is your house?
Jm: yeah lets go in.

You nodded. Times past and you decided to call your mom while 3 hours playing games with jimin to come pick you up from jimins house.

Jm: she pick up?
You: yeah. I give her the address of your house. Shes coming.

About a minute later you saw her car outside and grabbed your things.

You: well shes here bye jimin. Thanks for bringing me here.

You smile at him and walked out. He just wave and trun off the lights, you walk in the car.

You: sorry mom that was my friend.

And then you hread a sob you look at her and saw tears all over her face and blood on her forehead.

You: mom what happen?

She drove off.

M: your sister and dad got into a fight today...
You: why?
M: your dad saw a car outside park in front of our house and saw jungsoon and a boy walk out of it...then he saw them hug and kiss he got so mad and when she walk inside the house your dad slap her.
You: were you there?
M: i didnt know until i came home from work and hread yelling and shouting inside the house..I walk in and saw them fighting i try to stop but your dad push me and i hit the kitchen counter thats why im bleeding.

You put a banded on her forehead. As you got home your dads car wasn't there so you thought he went drinking after fighting with jungsoon, you walk in the house and you hread crying from jungsoons room you were about to open her door but decided not too and went to your room and sleep for today and not think what happen expect being with jimin.

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