part 10-confess

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The next morning came back and you woke up early to get ready, as you went to the bathroom you took off your clothes and hop into the shower after a hour you got out and got ready. When you went downstairs you saw jimin sleeping peacefully you smile and move his hair away from his face, you lean in to him and say.

You: I like you.

He move then you move and giggle.

You: this time wake him up for reals now. Park jimin wake up or you'll be late to school!!

He jump and got up.

Jm: your vocie scared me.
You: hehe sorry.

He went upstairs and got ready. The door knock, you went and open it, it was jimins brother. He just walk in without saying anything, you just look at him and didnt care. As jimin came downstairs you told him.

You: yah your brother just got here he didnt look happy.
Jm: hm? Oh thats fine hes always like that when he goes to his friends place.
You: oh.
Jm: lets go.
You: ah. Yeah lets.

You both walk to school. You were thinking about the confession and then as you made it you stop him, he look at you.

You: um jimin...I have something to tell you.
Jm: what?
You: um well...

You stop there for a bit and took a deep breath.

Your pov: its okay y/n you can do it. Just tell him and he'll accpet you.

Jm: what you wanna tell me?

As you hread that you close your eyes and shouted.

You: um park jimin I-i-I l like you for the frist time i saw you in school!

The tree blossoms pedals started to fall as you say that. You open your eyes and saw that he wasnt surpise no react to it.

You: um-
Jm: *scoff*

He just scoff at you and look at you again.

You: w-whats your answer?

He had a expression on his face that scared you a bit. He bent down to you and say.

Jm: my answer to that is..

You close your eyes.

Jm: no.

You open your eyes slowly and look at him slowly.

You: what?
Jm: your not my type. I olny made friends with you is because I wanted to do this...

He grab someones drink as they were about to pass by they look at jimin. He pour water on you, you were shock and hurt. Somi saw she ran to you guys. Jimin laughed evily and left you. You had tears in your eyes.

S: are you okay? What happen?

Your vocie was shaky as you answer her.

You: I-I confess to him...h-he say n-no b-because I'm n-not his t-type..
S: omg come on lets go get you clean.

You nod as you hold in your tears. You changed into your pe clothes and went to class with somi. As you enter in class you told her.

You: can i be by myself for a biy somi?
S: sure.

She went and sat down on her desk while you walk to your desk. You sat and thlught about what happen.

Your pov: why was he so nice to me last night? Why was he my friend then? Was he using me? I dont get it. I cant believe I trusted him..I hate you park jimin.

Tears drop in your eyes and you wipe it away. As it was lunch you were walking to join somi and then..jimin trip you.

You: ah!

You fell on your arm and your food was all over you. Somi saw and was about to come to you, you stood up and walk up to him.

You: yah! What the hell! Doesnt mean you reject me you can do that to me!

Everyone was looking even his friends were looking at you.

You: why are you so rude? I thought we were best friends? You were just using me. You werent even a real friend. I dont know why you even invited me to sleepover at your place!

Everyone was shock to hear that.

You: it was a waste of time. Thats it.

You grabbed a ham that was on your shoulder and threw it back at him.

You: our friendship is over if your gonna be like this.

You walk away somi follow you. His friends stood up but jimin stop them.

Jm: don't. I got this.

They sat back down. You went to the bathroom as somi was waiting for you outside and wash up. You turn off the water.

You: THAT STUPID IDIOT! ugh!! I hate him!

You grab a napkin and clean your clothes then walk out.

S: cant believe you say that y/n.
You: well what else can I do. He's the one who rejected me. I'm trying to defend myself in not scared of him. Also I didnt know he had this side of him.
S: yeah me too. He never shows it.

It was after school and you went to get your things at jimins place. It was only his brother home.

You: hi i came to get my-

You look down and saw that he alresdy pack it for you.

You: oh thanks.

He smile and close the door.

Your pov: good thing jimin wasnt home yet. Wait! Or did he.

You open your suitcase and saw that nothing was ruin.

You: thank god nothing's been touch.

You call your mom and she came to take you home.

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