part 24- enemy

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As you woke up you noticed arms was wrap around you, you look up and saw jimin hugging you while slepping. You were about to struggle him off you, you just look at him and move his hair from his face and touch it.

Your pov: why he look so cute and handsome at the same time when he sleeps?

You rubbed his cheek and then got up slowly by moving his arm, as you got up you went to the bathroom and got ready. You went to jimin and threw a pillow at him, he moved.

You: yah! Get up or we'll be late!

He got up and walk to the bathroom then 10mins later he got out.

You: ready?
Jm: yeah.

You smile and went downstairs.

You: okay mom we're re-

As you trun to her she was collapse on the floor, yours and jimins eye wided.

You: MOM!

You went and grab her and then you look at your hand and saw blood. You were shaking while looking at it.

???: dont move.

A gun was pointed at jimins head as jimin slowly face him it was a man wearing all black with a black cloth cover his mouth.

???: get on your knees. Both of you!

You let go of your mom with tears in your eyes and the both of you got on your knees.

You: who are you? What you want?
???: you dont need to know who I am. What I want to know is...where is your father?

You wided your eyes.

You: I dont know where he is.
???: bitch! You do know!

He hit you. Jimin was shock.

???: tell me where he is?
You: i dont know...I juat dont know...I'm telling the truth...!

You cited infront of him, the man just laugh.

???: haha. How funny.

He hit you with the gun.

You: ah!

You fell and he grab you, and then as he was about to hit you again jimin stopped him.

Jm: let her go.
???: and what you gotta do huh?

Jimin punched him he fell the other way, you went to your mom and call the police. You look at jimin and he was on top of the man and was non stop punching the man. You let your mom go again and crawl to jimin.

You: jimin stop! Jimin look at me! I'm okay.

You grab him by the cheeks and teying to make him turn to you as he was still beating the man. He stop and look at you.

You: I call the police they're coming. Just stop okay?

He got off the man and hug you, you hug him back.

You: its okay. Its okay. I know its hard to control your temper. I'm here and that's all it matters.

20 mins later the police and ambulance came they took your mom and you. Jimin was left alone in the house, he look around and punch the wall really hard.

Jimins pov: I'm never gotta let anyone get in the way of our relationship or this family.

He look at his fist and it was bleeding. He then say.

Jm: Kim joon. My biggest enemy...ill get you.

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