part 14- divorce

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It was the next day and you walked home cause your mom didnt came to school tp pick you up. You went home and noticed that your parents were fighting you ran inside.

You: whats going on here?!
Js: I dont know I just got here with mom. Did you walk y/n?
You: yeah. Mom didnt came for me.

You ran to your parents and stop them.

You: whats going on?! Mom! Dad!
M: its your dad hon!
You: what?
M: go on tell your daughters or I will.

Your mom back up, you and jungsoon was looking at your dad.

Js: what?
D: i-i had a affair...
You&Js: what?!
M: you see why we are fighting girls? Hes been cheating on me!

You then look at your mom and she took off her wedding ring.

You: mom what you doing?
Js: mom don't!

There was tears in her eyes.

M: I want a divorce.

You and jungsoon had tear in your eyes.

M: if you love that women more then me go married her then. I just want a divorce. I cant take this. You been like this snice the girls turn 10.

Your eyes wided. You look at your dad he took off his ring too.

Js: dad no...
D: fine lets...but I'm taking jungsoon..
You: no dad dont!

You grab jungsoon and your mom grab you. You try to let go of her grip, jungsoon was holding onto you while your dad pull her.

You: we wont be able to see each other anymore...
D: I dont care..let go y/n.
You: no please!

Your dad pull her harder and your hand slip her arm.

You: no!

Your dad drag her to the car and went back inside to pack their things. He then came back down with a paper that he sign it was a divorce paper.

You: no! Mom don't!

You were crying as you try to stop her from signing the paper, it was to late she sign it. Your dad took the paper and walked away leaving you two. You stood up with tears all over your face.

You: why? Why you did that mom?! I cant believe you two! Why take jungsoon? Shes my twin!
M: I know! It was your fathers idea to cheat on me i didn't know until you two were 10.

She cired and went to her room leaving you there crying.

Your pov: what am I gotta do? Without jungsoon I wont be normal anymore...shes my olny sister...

You wiped your tears away and went upstairs. You look at your phone and see pics of you and jungsoon. You try not to cry but you did.

You: sob..why cant i stop crying? Sob why this have to happen? Jimin rejected me and blluy me now my parents divorce and took away jungsoon. Sob...what do I do?

You lay in bed abd fell asleep.

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