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Mina runs as fast as she can to open the door. She knew who’s coming and that’s why she’s so excited.


Chaeyoung smile as soon as the latter hug her.

“Minari~ i’m sorry if i’m late” she apologised. Not that she purposely late it’s because her mom give her an errand. That’s why she had to do it.

“Nah it’s okay. Come in” Mina gesture her to come in.

“My parents aren’t here so it’s just the two of us” Mina said.

Her stomach fills with butterflies as she imagine her and Chaeyoung alone without anyone bother.

Chaeyoung nodded and flopped herself onto the couch.

Mina was staring at the cub. She found out that Chaeyoung is wearing a grey jacket with with shirt and a pair of black pants.

 She found out that Chaeyoung is wearing a grey jacket with with shirt and a pair of black pants

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(Just imagine she wore a white shirt in her grey jacket)

Mina found she look hot that night. She never knew Chaeyoung was this stylish. Chaeyoung that she knows is like a nerdy one.

This is a side of Chaeyoung that she doesn’t know. Mina is curious about Chaeyoung’s life. She hope to get the opportunity to know Chaeyoung more details.

“Mina~ you’re staring” Chaeyoung giggled.

Mina blush in embarressment and smacked Chaeyoung shoulder slightly as the latter continue laughing at her.

She smile and went to the kitchen.

“Is there something you want to drink or eat?” Mina asks while taking out two mugs.

“Hot Chocolate please”

She nodded. After 5 minutes, Mina entered the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate. She give one mug to Chaeyoung who was watching some show on the television.

Chaeyoung thanked the latter and Mina flopped herself beside Chaeyoung.

Mina took the chance to admire at Chaeyoung’s features secretly.

She look from Chaeyoung’s sparkle eyes down to her pointed nose until her lips. She notice that Chaeyoung had a mole down her lips.

“Done staring?”

Mina chuckled. She froze as Chaeyoung turned her head and staring at her.

Both of them are at some staring competition and no one dares to step back.

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