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It’s been a week that Chaeyoung and Jihyo went missing. The girls had no clue where they are.

They tried to asked their teachers but none of them know the reason. The teachers said ‘Only the principle knows’.

They can’t just barged in to the principle office and asked. It would be crazy.

The students also find it weird that their president is not in the house. Some student worried and some are happy that Jihyo weren’t around.

The girls almost give up in finding the both of them. They also tried to talked to Red Velvet. Irene’s group.

They were always here but except for their leader, Irene. They tried to asked them but they just avoided them.

Who is Irene to Chaeyoung?’

The question that always been played in their head.


Mina and her squad are now in the class waiting for the teacher for their first period.

They were all talking to each other until a figure stop them.

Their eyes widened as Jihyo came in and she ignored the people and went to her sits, minding her own business.

Mina and her squad quickly went to Jihyo. They surrounded her with a worried face plastered on them.

“Where have you been?” Sana asks and hug the latter. She really missed Jihyo.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry” Jihyo slightly smile.

“We’ve been calling and texting you for the whole week and you never anwser it” Nayeon said.

“I want to clear off my thoughts that’s why I’m off from my phone” Jihyo sighs.

Jeongyeon look hesitant to talk to Jihyo since she thinks the latter might still mad at her.

“If you want to asks where Chaeyoung is I’m sorry I can’t” Jihyo saw Jeongyeon was hesitant to talk to her.

She doesn’t mad anymore at Jeongyeon. She knows that Jeongyeon was trying her best to reached her and Chaeyoung.


Jihyo sighs. “The only thing that I can tell you Chaeyoung is not coming back now”

The atmosfera suddenly turns quiet. They trying to proses what Jihyo had told them.

“What do you mean by that?” Mina rose her eyebrows. Right now, her heart were pounding hard. She had a bad feeling about this.

“Chaeyoung already move out” Jihyo looked away not wanting to see their reaction.
Down deep in her heart, she also hurt. She loves that midget but if that Chaeyoung wanted she can’t stop her.

“So you mean she doesn’t graduate here?” Tzuyu’s eyes started to teary. Dahyun quickly hug the latter and gently caressed her back.

Jihyo nod. She also feel bad towards them. But this is Chaeyoung wishes so she had no choice.


“Unnie, if the other are asking my presence tell them that I’m moving out” Chaeyoung hold the older hands hoping that the latter would helped her.

“Why won’t you tell them by yourself?” Jihyo asked.

“I’m not ready yet” the younger looked down.

“Fine I’ll tell them” Jihyo smiled assured that she will.

Both of them are spending some times together before Chaeyoung moved. They wanted to treasure this moments so they would remember each other.

~End Of Flashback~

Jihyo’s eyes almost burst into tears as she reminds the midget. She screctly wipe her tears. She really missed her.

The teacher came and they quickly went to their own places.

Mina was spacing out thinking about the cub. Her tears slowly drop. She regret that she doesn’t tell her truth feeling to her.

I’m sorry that I’m to late to tell you that I love you, Chaeyoung

Mina crying quietly while recalls all their memories they make just for the two of them.


They meet at their usual place after school. Jihyo is not with them. They actually wanted to dragged Jihyo along but the latter is fast enough to avoid them.

They sat quietly while sipping their drinks. Some of them were cried as you can see their swollen eyes.

“This is all my fault” Jeongyeon broke the silent. The girls lifted up their head and looked at Jeongyeon.

“Don’t blame yourself to much Jeong” Mina soft voice comfort her.

“It is my fault. If I don’t think about the reputation too much, Chaeng wouldn’t leave us” Jeongyeon groan and ruffled her hair roughly.

“I’m sorry if I made you thought I blame you unnie” Dahyun apologise. Dahyun talk to her after a long week she ignored Jeongyeon.

“Me too. I don’t know that we were too harsh on you but to be honest we’re not completely blame you Jeongie” Sana hold her hand, feeling sorry towards the latter.

The other nod. They were also sorry to Jeongyeon. They give Jeongyeon a big hug as they forgive her. They really miss their old Jeongie who was really cheerful person.

“One more thing, I met Jihyo unnie when I went to CR” Tzuyu said as they broke the hug.

Now their attention is on Tzuyu. They wait for her to proceed.


Tzuyu was washing her hands after done doing her business. The door behind her suddenly opened and Jihyo came out with a chuckled face.

She froze when she saw Tzuyu. She acted natural and not minding that Tzuyu is looking at her.

As Jihyo already finished, she quickly went out the CR but a voice stopped her.

“Where did Chaeyoung move to?” Tzuyu asked looking at the older. The latter gulped nervously and turned around.

“I don’t think I can answer that” Jihyo maintain her cool. But actually she is hella nervous.

I just need to know where is she. Don’t you think you are being too selfish unnie?

Jihyo silent. She sighed before she answer Tzuyu.

“Fine. I only can tell you where but I can’t tell you details” Jihyo gave up.

“She is in America. There, are you statisfied now? I need to go see you around Tzuyu”

Jihyo left Tzuyu dumbfounded.

“It’s hella far from here” Tzuyu sighed and left the CR.

~End Of Flashback~

“America?! It's hella far from korea” Jeongyeon's eyes widened.

“Believe it or not I'm still shock” Tzuyu sighs.

Why would you have to go that far Chaeyoungie? I miss you so much’ Mina whisper to herself.


Hope you guys enjoy! Pls stay with me till the end!

And sorry if it had an error.

Also pls stream TT. We almost there🙏

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