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“Do you still love me?!” she shouted.

“What are you talking about?!” Chaeyoung's breathe rapidly as the love of her life was in Somi's hands.

Somi was pointing the gun at Mina who was lying lifelessly on the ground after getting beat up by Somi's man.

“P-please let her go” Chaeyoung begged. She don't want to lose Mina.

“Make a choice son chaeyoung” Somi smirked. “If you chose me, Mina will be safe or if you chose her, she will die” she laughed evily.

“Just shoot me! Just shoot me not her! Please!” Chaeyoung begged loudly. Her tears were broke as she can't think of anything to save her girl.

“No no no! I won't shoot you because if I shoot you then it's not worth it for me” Somi said cutely. But for Chaeyoung, she hate that tone of her so much.


Chaeyoung averted her eyes to the lifeless body. Again, she cried even harder when the soft yet weak voice called her.

“M-mina! I'll save you! I promise!”

“No need. I'm fine. But please don't chose her. I rather die than seeing you suffering” Mina said, smiling weakly.

“Shut up you fucking bitch!” Somi kicked Mina's body and the latter winched softly. Mina doesn't have energy left to sreamed after all the suffered she's been through.

“Stop! I said don't hurt her!” Chaeyoung yelled. She clenched her hands angrily then ran towards Somi. She averted the gun away from Mina and they begin to struggling.

2 weeks ago

It's been three months since Chaeyoung and Mina started to dating. And it's also been three months after Chaeyoung's encounter with Somi. Mina don't know about their encounter that night. Chaeyoung don't want to think about it and just let it pass. She wanted to focus on Mina and hoping that Somi won't bothered her life with Mina.

But her hope has been crushed when she received an unknown message claiming that Mina has been kidnaped.

2 hours before Mina got kidnaped

Mina was waiting for Chaeyoung after the class was over. She waited for the latter until the cub sent her a message.

Little Cub💘 : I'm sorry Minari. I can't send you home. The coach wants to have a meeting :(

Minari💞 : It's okay. I can go home by myself. I'll see you at home💕

Little Cub💘 :  Are you sure? You can wait for me if you want it? Or are you already tired?

Minari💞 : Yeah, I want to clean up myself. I smells stinks you know :(

Little Cub💘 : I don't mind, baby. You still smells good to me ;)

Minari💞 : Alright then, I'm gonna go now. See you later. Love you♥

Little Cub💘 : Okay take care, love you too♥

Minari💞 logged off

Little Cub💘 logged off

Mina smiled at the latter's last words. She kept her phone and went home. Mina oblivious that a man was following her. Mina kept on walking until she's lead to a quiet street, and that was when she got kidnaped. The man quickly put a handkerchief around Mina's mouth, causing the girl to flinched. As much as she wanted to fight back, her body became weak due to lack of air. She passed out and were brought to an abandoned house.

“Where do I have to put this girl?” the man asked his boss.

“Just put her in that room” a familiar voice said, pointing at the room across her desk were she was resting.

“Now it's time to have fun~” she smiled evily, spinning her gun with her finger.

After 30 minutes of torturing, she left Mina unconsciously in the room after countless of slapping, punching and kicking. She wanted to let her anger to Mina, thinking that Mina is the one who causing Chaeyoung to hate her, when she was the reason why Chaeyoung left her.

She went back to her sits, pulled out her phone and sent Chaeyoung a message.

“The superwoman will come to save her woman. That's actually sounds great!” she chuckled evily.

“Wait for me, Son Chaeyoung” her eyes went soften when she looked at the old picture of her and Chaeyoung were the cub kissed her cheek sweetly.

End Of Flashback

FUCK. That's all Chaeyoung can said. The moment when she saw the message after the meeting ended. She hurriedly drove to the address that was stated in the text.


“You bitch deserve to die!” Chaeyoung yelled as she and Somi still struggling on the ground.

“NO! SHE IS THE ONE WHO DESERVE TO DIE!” Somi pointed at Mina. Chaeyoung slapped her hard.

“Don't you even dare to point at her with you filthy fingers” Chaeyoung gritted her teeth.

“You leave me no choice Chaengie” Somi slowly got up, she averted the gun to Mina.

“Now let see if you can live without your precious penguin” Somi smirked. She release a shot towards Mina.


Mina's eyes widened.

“I'm s-sorry”



Sorry for those who was waiting and sorry if my grammars are sucks


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