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“Relax Son Chaeyoung. She will be fine” Nayeon calmed her.

“I can't. I'm too nervous” her palms were sweating due to her nervous.

Can't blame her tho. Of course she's nervous since Mina is now giving birth to their kids.

Yeah you heard it. Ever since they married, they have been planning to have kids. Chaeyoung suggested that they should adopt but Mina refused that she wanted to have her own child instead of adopting. Chaeyoung was worried but agreed nonetheless since she knows that Mina was controling her and there's no way she would ever ignored her pouted. They went to the hospital to do the fertilization process as both of their parents agreed.

After the process worked, Chaeyoung had to bare with her mood swings, craving for weird foods and sometimes she became super clinging and sensitive that one time Chaeyoung had no choice to stay at home rather than went to work and also had to stay beside Mina for the whole day. If she out of her vision, Mina would cried nonstop until Chaeyoung had to carried her to make her stop crying. It was a fun and memorable experianced for her althought she was always tired.

The female doctor came out from the room wearing a warm smile and they all immediataly stood up waiting for the news.

“Congratulation Mrs. Son, your wife success delivered a twin”

Chaeyoung yelled happily knowing that she's going to have two kids.

Mina was asleep after being moved to the VIP ward. Chaeyoung smiled and kissed Mina forehead. She felt pity that Mina had to go through the birth proses.

Being a lightsleeper, Mina opened her eyes as she saw her tiger kissing her.

Mina pulled her nape and locked their lips for awhile. Their lips move in sync and none of them want to break the kiss.

Chaeyoung broke the kiss as they were lacked of air and rubbed Mina's head softly.

“Thank you” Chaeyoung broke the silence.

“For what?” Mina stared into Chaeyoung's eyes lovingly.

“For everything. I know that giving birth is really hurt yet you manage to go throught” she took Mina's hand and kiss the back her hand softly.

Mina's heart melted from Chaeyoung sweet moves.

The nurse came in after knocking their room. She brought the newborns to their mothers.

“Mrs. Son, you need to feed them. It's time for them to eat” she said with a smile on her face.

Mina nodded. The nurse handed Mina the baby girl while Chaeyoung hold the baby boy.

The nurse retreated after teaching Mina how to breast feeding the baby.

She was a little bit flustered that Chaeyoung was watching her breast feeding their daughter. The latter chuckled seeing Mina redden face.

“I've seen more than this Minari” she teased the wife.

Mina playfully slapped Chaeyoung's bicep and glared.Chaeyoung once again burst into laughter.

After done feeding their daughter, she handed the son to Mina while holding the other twin.

Chaeyoung slowly rocking her daughter trying to get her to sleep. Then, a loud voices barged in. It's their gang.

“Would you bitches please shut up? I'm trying to get her to sleep here” Chaeyoung furiously whispered.

They grinned like an idiot before apologising.

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