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The students gather around at the gym and so do Mina and her squad since it's P.E class. Mina was searching for a certain tiger but no sign of her. She sighs quietly but enough for Jihyo to hear it.

"Looking for Chaeyoung?" she whispers.

"N-no, I'm just looking around" Mina suttered.

Jihyo slightly smirked. "It's obvious Mina-ya. Still want to deny huh?" she thought.

"She will be here but she can't join the P.E class since the cub is having her practice" Jihyo said.

"Practice for what?" Mina rose her eyebrows confusingly.

"For her upcoming taekwondo tournament"

"I don't know the cub is learning martial art" Sana spoke as she heard it.

"Well..she start to learn martial art since she was 6 years old. She really loves sports especially basketball and taekwondo" Jihyo explained.

They nods and the teacher begin to check their attendance.


The girls was playing volleyball when they saw Chaeyoung in her taekwondo uniform along with her members.

Chaeyoung and her teammates started to warming up. They did running about 5 laps.

Mina and her squad are done playing volleyball. They're sitting on a bench and watch Chaeng's practice.

"Aren't she tired? She already done 5 laps" Jeongyeon amazed. Her eyes are still on Chaeyoung figure.

"She sure have lots of energy" Nayeon had a motherly smile on her face.

"She's too strong for a small person. I'm so jealous" Tzuyu pouted. They chuckled as they saw Tzuyu aegyo.

They continue to watch her practice while resting.

Chaeyoung and Bomi had a practice match. They bowed to each other and begin to fight. They used all their skills to break down their opponent

Mina just watch her in awed. She felt weird as she saw Chaeyoung was sweating. The cub looks hot, she thought.

But something is even more bothered her when a group of girls squealing over Chaeng.

She glared at them. Her eyes says 'dont even think to take her away, she's mine'. She keep on glaring until Sana poked her playfully.

"Jealous ehh?" she wiggles her eyebrows, teasing the latter.

"No I'm not" she stares at Sana blankly. But her eyes says vice versa.

"Yeah I believe you" Sana scoffed.

They keep on watching Chaeyoung until Bomi accidentally kicked at her nape.

"Arghhh!!" she groan and immediately fell on the ground.

There's a loud gasped coming from the students who watched them.

"OMG! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you" Bomi quickly apologised. She didn't do it on purposely.

"It's okay" she smile but soon turning into groan as she tried to move her head.

"Are you okay?" Baekhyun asks. He check her nape that already turn into purple.

"Your nape already swollen. I think we better take you to the clinic" he suggest.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "No need to worry. I can still training"

Jihyo heard it and she immediately rushed to the cub.

"Lets go to the clinic. You can't training in this condition" she said and before Chaeyoung could speak, Jihyo already pulled the latter's hand.

She sighed in defeat, knowing that no use to arguing with Jihyo. She always win.


Soon they arrived at the clinic, they explained to the nurse and she quickly treat Chaeyoung's swollen nape.

The door suddenly open, revealing the girls with their worried face.

"Chaeyoung-ah are you okay?" Nayeon walk closer to Chaeyoung to get a better view of her nape.

"I'm don't have to worry"

"I have to get back to the gym" Chaeyoung get up from the bed.

"You can't go in this condition" Mina spoke.

Chaeyoung look at Mina, she stare at her intensely and Mina did nonetheless.

"I need to and thanks for worrying me" Chaeyoung broke the stares and walk back to the gym.

"Aishhh that cub is really stubborn" Jihyo ruffled her hair annoyingly.

They all can just sighs, don't know what to do with the cub.


They went back to the gym and saw the cub is still training.

Mina watch her with worrie eyes since her nape still swollen.

Since when you became so stubborn cub? Chaeyoung that I know always obey to us”

She sighs deeply at her thought, but being distract by a group of girls who was squealling over Chaeyoung are talking about the tiger.

Is she okay?”

“I don't know. She doesn't look good”

“I hope her nape is okay”

“Poor my Chaengie~ she's hurt. Damn that Bomi is really a bitch”

“Hey who says Chaeyoung is yours? She mine”

“Nope she's mine. I saw her first”

“Yeah right..saw your ass”

Mina clench her fist. Her blood is boiling from anger.

Sana saw Mina face is turning red. She nudged Nayeon who sits beside her. Nayeon look at her confusingly, Sana then pointed at the angry penguin.

Nayeon smirked because she heard the girls said.

“Calm down penguin. You might kill them if you in this state” Nayeon whispers.

“They're too loud, it's disturbing me” she groan and shoot her death glare to the girls.

“I know you heard them. Just admit it that you like the smol cub” Sana tease her. Her smirked grown wider as she saw Mina's face all red.

“Shut up squirrel” Mina hissed.

They laughed causing the others looking at them. They apologise but they cover their mouth to prevent any voice.


Boring chapt..I know, anyways stay tune!!

Sorry unedited

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