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That night I woke up next to Taehyung like always. I was on my back in front of him with his arm tucked under my neck and his other arm around my waist. Somehow...I was wide awake. I laid there for a minute thinking about the conversation I had just over heard.

One: I used to cry in my sleep? I guess I never really realized how sad I really was. I got Bex to subside the loneliness and I thought it worked...I guess it kind of did.

Two: I bring drama?...But I understand what Namjoon was trying to say. I don't think he meant it was ME who brought the drama as much as he meant drama is with me. It's one of those things I guess...its just true.

Three: They think I'm family? My heart swelled remembering all the kind things they were all saying about me. Despite the short time I had known them we became so close. I didn't realize the love I had for them all was reciprocated entirely.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I jumped a bit right after when I heard Tae talk.

"Why are you awake?"

"I'm sorry." I said rubbing his arm. "I didn't mean to wake you baby."

"It's okay...I like waking up to's my favorite."

I turned a little more towards him. He kept his eyes closed and a witty response came to mind.

"What about that one morning?"

"We've had a lot of mornings together babe."

I started running my hand down his chest and abdomen. "You know what morning I'm talking about." I said in the most sultry voice I could manage. He opened one eye looking at me as his smile could no longer be hidden.

"I may remember a particularly amazing morning."

"I'd say that may be your favorite way to wake up."

"Mmmmm I'd say my second."

"Oh...and what would be your first."

"When you go to bed naked and I wake up to the blanket on your hips and your...absolutely outstanding tits are on display for me."

"Oh...okay...I'll go to bed naked more often."

"That's all I ask baby...all I ask."

We laughed together and he pulled me in for a kiss. It was soft...his soft kisses are the best. They make me feel so many different things it becomes overwhelming. My heart rate started to increase and there were butterflies in my tummy.

When we pulled away I couldn't stop myself. "Taehyung...I'm so in love with you." I looked him in the eye as I continued. "You are the most wonderful person I have ever known. I can't express to you how happy I am. I've never in my life been as happy as I am now. And that's because of you."

He pulled me I for another soft kiss and when he pulled back he was serious. "Is something wrong baby? Why were you awake?"

"Drunk me always wakes up in the middle of the night."

"Oh... I think that may have been the first time I had ever seen you actually drunk."

"That's because...again...I don't drink very often."

"Hmmm here I was thinking you woke up because of the conversation you over heard."

My eyes went wide. "What conversation?"

"Oh stop." He said sitting up a bit looking down at me. "I know you were awake earlier."


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