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The week went by pretty fast. Nothing all that exciting. However...honestly Tae and Yoongi were more worried about their time away than I was. They were always asking me how I was feeling. Suggesting that I just go with them and they would pay for my flight. But it was ridiculous. We hadn't heard from Parker since the last time he texted me and I really do think Jungkook's idea worked. I just needed them to be gone so that they could come back and see me in one piece waiting for them. The day before they had to leave I was sitting with Taehyung on the couch and I knew something was bothering him. Any time something bothered him he would scratch behind his ear. Mostly because he was thinking about something.

"What is it?"


"What's bothering you?"

"Why do you think something's bothering me?"

"Well one, you asking me that question, and two, you keep scratching behind your ear. Dead giveaway babe."

He sighed heavily. "I just don't want to leave you."

"Taehyung, we have been over this." I said irritated.

"I know we have. I know you're an adult, and I know that you can take care of yourself. But I have a right to be scared for you even if you're not. You're my girlfriend and I love you." He said more stern than normal.

"Yeah, but I'm tired of having the conversation." I said standing.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he said. Then he stood up. "I take that back. I'm not sorry."

I turned back towards him raising an eye brow.

"I'm tired of my feelings about this situation being pushed aside. I know this is your issue...I know that this has affect your life in traumatic ways that I could never fully understand...but I have feelings too. I am terrified to leave you alone. You mean everything to me. You're the only person I have ever loved as deeply as I love you and for you to push my feelings aside like they are unimportant is really hurtful. It's like I don't matter in this."

"Seriously?...I'm scared too Taehyung...but any time I get worried or scared it makes you even more so. It's not fair that I have to worry about YOUR feelings and hold back my own. It's exhausting."

He looked at me with a blank face. I must have hurt his feelings and immediately I regret it.

"I'm glad I know how you really feel about it." He said starting to walk away from me.

I sighed heavily. I shouldn't have said that. "Tae...wait."


I stopped. Did he just say no?


"I'm going to bed."

He climbed up the stairs taking two at a time in long strides. I leaned over the counter and wiped away the tears that built up in my eyes. After a few minutes I was able to pull myself together. I walked slowly up the stairs and into our bedroom to see Taehyung sitting on the side of the bed clearly waiting for me. His elbows were on his knees and he lifted his head to look at me.

He was crying.

My heart broke into a million pieces and I ran to him. He opened his arms to me and pulled me hard into his body. My legs circled his hips and waist and I took a deep breath smelling his scent.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered through tears. "I never meant to push your feelings away. And I didn't mean what I said. Being around you isn't exhausting. It's exhilarating."

"I'm sorry for walking away like that...I won't do it again, I promise."

"Okay." I mumbled into his neck.

We stayed like this for several minutes just enjoying each other's warmth.

"Now I don't want to go because I want to cuddle in bed with you all day." Tae said breaking the silence and rubbing my back.

"I'll probably just watch movies, nap, and take a bath. By the time you guys get back I'll be refreshed and everything will be all good."

"I'm missing bath time?!"

I giggled. "You can't be around for all my bath times Tae."

"Says who?"

I giggled again and looked into his eyes. I reached up and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "I really am sorry for snapping at you. I just hate that you are all as anxious as I am about Parker."

He lifted my chin and pulled me towards him giving me a swift kiss on my lips. "There will come a day...that I will be so fed up with your nonsense that I will book you a spa day with Jimin, and pay for it just to get you out of my hair for a few hours...but until that're all mine...all the time...and that means your anxieties are not a fault. And after last weekend you know how the rest of the guys feel about you. You're like their sister."

"Aside for Yoongi and Jimin though...they don't think of me as a sister."

He laughed. "No. Not them...but for other reasons."

"We really need to discuss with them how and when they want to do the foursome." I said kissing behind Tae's ear.

"We'll figure it out baby." He kissed me a little harder this time. "But I need to go to bed...the flight leaves in less than 7 hours."

"Okay." I kissed his nose.

We stripped to our typical panties and he boxers...and curled up together on the bed. We said our "I love yous" and our "goodnights" and finally fell asleep.

I woke up to kisses on my neck from Taehyung and giggled when he got to my sensitive spot.

"Don't you have a plane to catch?"

"Yeah but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye and giving you kisses."

I turned to look at him. "I love you Tae."

"Love you too, Noona."

He kissed me on the head again before leaving the room. I heard Jimin and Yoongi poke their heads through the door saying their goodbyes. I slept in that day. Thank the lord because Taehyung is ALWAYS up by no later than 8 no matter how late we stay up. I don't know when that boy sleeps. By the time I got up it was 11 am. I took a long shower...shaving so that when Tae got back he had a fresh canvas. I picked out a simple plum purple dress to wear for the day with a nude matching bra and panty set underneath. I curled my hair naturally, and allowed it to air dry while I watched a few more episodes of True Blood. By 2 I was starving...I didn't even notice that I didn't eat. When I opened the fridge the first thing I saw was a note from Jin.


I made you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just heat it up.
And don't worry, we will be back before you know it.


I love this family. I opened the container labeled 'lunch' saving breakfast for tomorrow. It was delicious. I have learned to absolutely LOVE Korean food because of Jin. It was undoubtable my favorite...even above Mexican. Once I was done, I continued to watch True Blood eventually falling asleep on the couch. I had a bit of a bad dream though; someone had snuck into our house. I woke up with a bit of a jerk and realized it was almost 4 am. I slept through dinner, but I was so tired I didn't really care. I went back up into our bedroom and changed. Since Tae was not here to act his role as human heater, I didn't want to sleep in just panties. I grabbed a black cotton pair of boy shorts, a tank top, and Tae's favorite sweatshirt. Once I was done, I washed my hands and got dressed.

I snuggled into bed quickly closing my eyes to resume my sleep. Suddenly something wrapped over my shoulders making me jump.

"Oh my god scared me."

"Cupcake...I've missed you."

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