who saved Zachary

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Daniel noticed what was wrong and he was laughing. Oh if i didn't mention daniels brother was friends with jack, but he would rather not talk about him. We went to class, i had history ,thank god daniel was with me in that lesson! Everybody talked through each other, i actually did not like it. Then Mrs. Norris came and everybody stopped talking. "Good morning class" she said."today we will be learning about ...okay guys i'm to lazy to think about anything!
I was thinking about jack, i was not paying attension. Suddently mrs. Norris asked me a question "So Zach, tell me what the...i told you guys i'm to lazy " i just froze, i didn't know the answer. Luckely someone knocked on the door. It was ...
dun dun duuuun

Who shall it be? SIKE I am going to tell you in the next CHAPTER ... see you next time mah fellow limelights.

P.s  Im sorry that the chapter is so short.

P.s.s Ahaha and sorry for leaving you guys on the cliff hanger.

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