this boy will be the death of me

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"So you're going to get out of my house now before my mom comes and kills me?" I asked.
"Naah im going to stay" he said.
"Ya ya"
"Lets go to the mall" Daniel said.
"Are you dumb or are you dumb? I asked.
"Oh..whoops i forgot"
"So what is the punnishment your mom gave you?" I asked.
"Hm clean the house and the dishes" he said.
"What?!" I yelled.
"Yeah i know right im lucky" he said and laughed.
"Ugh.." i said and started laughing too.

One hour has past and Daniel desided to leave before my mom comes out of work.

Now im alone at home.
My sibs are at my grandparends house. Mah parends are at work sooo.. yeah im pretty much 'home alone'

Skip time to..uhm how do call it?

School? Naah its hell for be bro.

*skip time to school*

I was walking to my next class. Wich i have with Jack and Tristan.
I sat next to Tristan.
"Hey Zach" he said.
"Hey" i said not looking at him.
"Why arent you aswering my texts or phone calls?" Tristan asked.
"Uhm my mom has my phone, im grounded"  half of that was true and half was a lie. I have my phone in my pocket i hope he doenst notice.
But fate has other plans..
"But i see your phone in your pocket" he said.
"Uhm.." i started sweating.
"I-its Jack's..." i leid.
"Shall i give it to him?" He asked.
"O-okay.." nooooo i need my phone!
I gave him my phone. He stood up and walked to Jack.
They werent that far from me so i could hear what they where saying.
"What do you want" Jack said kind of Harsh.
"Here, Zach had your phone" Tristan said.
"But that- oh yeah thats mine" Jack said.
"Is it?" Tristan asked.
"Yeah, why do you care?"
"Hm open it for me then" Tristan said.
Luckely i gave my password lock to Jack.
"So it is your phone.."
"Yeah no shit sherlock" Jack said.
"Now go away, and if you do something to my boy again you're dead" Jack continued.
"What ever" Tristan.

I could here him walk towards me. He sat down again.
"Wasn't it funny that Jack had a wallpaper of him self on his backround?" Tristan asked.
Oh shit.
"Y-yeah well yesterday i dared him to put his own picture on his wallpaper"I said.
"Oh lol okay" He said.

*Skip time to lunch! My favourite periode*

"Ugh im done with this school" Daniel said while sitting down.
"Why?" Tristan and i said in Sync.
"Cause the teacher just gave us like a million homework to do" Daniel said crossing his arms.
"Well its going to be fine" i said and chuckled.

"Dont mind me but im sitting here" A boy with Curly hair said, sitting next to me.
"Uh.." Daniel said.
"What?" Jack aksed.
"Nothing" Daniel said.
I just started laughing.
"What's so funny baby" Tristan asked.
I couldnt even stop laughing.


"Dont mind me but im sitting here" I said.
"Uh.." Daniel said.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing" Daniel said.
Zach then started laughing out of nowhere
"What's so funny baby?" Tristan asked.
That stupid fuckboy is trying to make me jealous. Well guess what its not working dumbass. And i saw that Daniel was schocked aswell.
"Jack.." Daniel whispered.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Its not what it looks like" he whispered again.
"Yeah i know.." i said.
Zach was still laughing.
"Zachary lets go" i said.
"Where are we going?" Zach asked.
"Just follow me" i said.


I was still laughing. I dont even know where that came from ahaha.
When i calmed down i saw that Jack was glaring at Tristan.
"Zachary lets go" Jack said.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Just follow me" he said.
I followed him. He was walking to his table and asked Eben to follow him aswell.
Why Jack?!
We went to the back of the school.
"Uhm.."  i said.
"Okay so Zach you cant hang out with Tristan anymore" Jack said.
"W-what?!" I asked.
"Why not? Your not my fucking mom!" I yelled.
"Shh Zachy just listen to me" he said calmly.
"Tristan is a bad person, he is a fuckboy. The day when he put his hand on your thaigh? He wanted to put his hand somewhere else. He wants to steal you from me, he wants to have you for his own and then break your heart. Before you say anything he told me. He told me he wanted to do all that.
The day when he needed to go to the sciense class? He didnt need to go, he asked you to go with him so that would be a perfect chance for him do that to you. Thats the day when he told me.." he said.
I was chocked. I-i how could he do that? And why?
"W-why?" I asked.
"Baby im sorry.." he said and hugged me.
"Eben knew too, he actaully knew all the time..he tried to tell me but i didnt listen" Jack said.
"I know everything" Eben said with a draculla voice.
I started to laugh.
Then we all started laughing.
"Hmm.. " Jack said.
"Will you stop doing that?!" I said but quickly put my hand on my mouth realising what i just did. I raised my voice.
"Hhmm" Jack said again.
"Sorry" i said.

Okay now you're wondering,
'But i thoughed that Jack was like your Crush or bf kind of person i dont know what im saying i should shut up, smiley Face'  you should say that fast mwahaha
Yes you're totally right but im still kind know...scared of him when he gets mad. And he is like the famous dude. Sooo..
Yeah i should not have done that.

"No you should not have" Eben said.
Oh god..
"What are you talking about dont scare him" he said while hugging me.
"Oh..i thought- never mind" Eben said.

"Are you scared of me babyboy?" Jack whispered in my ear. That gave me shivers.....down my spine hehe.. okay serrious mode is on

"N-no,well kind of when you're
m-mad" i said.
"Hmm.. dont worry i wont be mad at you.." he whisperd again and started playing with my hear.
Okay my stomich is going crazy right now.
I gulped.
"Dont be scared babyboy" He whispered in my ear again.
I hid my face under the crook of his neck to hide my blushing.
"Hmm.." he said.
"You're cute" he said. I started blushing even more.
"S-stop" i said.
"Stop what baby?"
"You're making me blush"
"Im trying"
"No you're not, you're trying to kill me" i said.
He chuckled.
"You're cute baby"
"Fuck you" i said.
"Hmm with my pleasure' Jack said.
Did he just-
"N-no thats not what i meant!" I started to freak out.
"Sshh i know what you meant baby" he said and kissed my cheeck.

This boy will be the death of me

please stop...  •JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now