The mall and Christina

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*skip time*
Now where at the mall ladys and gens.

"So where do you guys want to go?" Tyler asked.
"I dont know bro" Daniel said to his Brother.

Oh ya they made it up to each other..if i forgot tell you guys..

"Well maybe we can go to chipotley" i asked, hoping for them to say yes.
"Sure" Jonah said.
"Im okay with that" Jack said.
We all agreed and went to chipotley.
We all got our food and sat down. I sat in the middle of Daniel and Jack.
"This is soooo good" Corbyn said,having a bite if his salad.

One hour has past and now there just walking around.

"Oml hey Jack" a girl said hugging him. He hugged back.
"Hey Gabbie" he said kissing her forehead.
Ugh... why would he do that?
Hehe you're jelly uh yes duuh he just kissed her on the forehead, i should be jelly. UGH what makes it worse im going to start crying right now cause im such a freaking softy.
"Uhm guys im going to the bathroom" i said while a tear escaped my eye.
"No you're not, you're staying here with me" Corbyn said. He prob knew i would stay there crying for a long time, and was holding my wrist right now.
"Can i walk with you guys for a little till Christina comes" Gabbie said.
"Cristina? Is she coming?!" Corbyn said with a giant smile. "Yes she is im waiting for her right now". She said.

Did i tell you guys Corbyn is dating her in this story? Well shr is lol 😂

"Yeah you can walk with us for a little" Jack said.
"Thanks" she said and smiled.
"Where shall we go now?" Tyler asked.
"Hmm i dont know" Corbyn said still holding my wrist. A few sec. later of him holding my wrist changed to holding my hand. Oh shit i blushed.
"Hm why you blushing? Im the only one who can make you blush Zachary" Jack said. He smirked, cause i started blushing even more.He send Corbyn a glare. "Oh..i should leave before your boyfriend here kills me" Corbyn whisperd in my ear and left. I blushed did he actually say that Jack is my boyfriend?!


"Oml hey Jack" i heard someone say. It sounded just like its prob. her. She hugged me and i hugged back." Hey Gabbie" i said kissing her forehead.
Shit, should not have done that, you should have done that Jack!
"Uhm guys im going to the bathroom" Zach said. I saw a tear escape his eye.
Fuck! I told you i shouldnt have done that! I wanted to say something, but before i could Corbyn said "no you're not, you're saying here with me" Corbyn said and was holding his wrist. Uh Corbyn who do you think you are, he is my boyf- okay he isnt but he is going to be. Well thank god he isnt holding his hand..
"Can i walk with you guys for a little till cristina comes?" Gabbie asked.
"Christina? Is she coming?!" Corbyn asked with a giant smile. "Yes she is im waiting for her right now". She said.
"Yeah you can walk with us for a little" Jack said.
"Thanks" she said and smiled.
"Where shall we go now?" Tyler asked.
"Hmm i dont know" Corbyn said.
W.t.f Corbyn is now holding Zach's hand, ALERT he is holding Zach's hand. I looked up at Zach's Face he is blushing. Oh no, oh no no no. I desided to go to them.
"Hm why you blushing? Im the only one who can make you blush Zachary" i said crosing my arms.
He blushed even more when i said that so i smirked. He looks so cute when he blushes. I send Corbyn a glare. Then he whispers something in my Zach's ear. Ugh he started blushing. Why would he blush?!
Corbyn then left and chuckled.
Okay bro he is doing this on purpose he is trying to make me jellouse. For.sure.
"What did he say? "I aksed.
"Please answer me" i said getting inpationd. "Corbyn said-"
"HOLLY SHIT Corbyn!? " a girl screamed.
"Aah Christina!!" Corbyn screamed and  hugged her.
"I missed you so much" he said and kissed her.
"Aaww" everybody said except Corbyna.
But what about Zach? What did Corbyn tell him?! I swear if he is flirting with him im going to kill him.

Haha yes we have a jeallous someone here 😂
Have a great day 💖🖤

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