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Guys just an explainer here,in this chapter there is going to be some Trigger warnings. So I just wanted to say please stay save dont start cutting your self no matter what. This is going to be a long chapter so, enjoy! 💕


i had no clue what to do, so i just stood there like an idiot watching Daniel and Eben arguing. I was still thinking about what Eben said, Daniel is not my boyfreind, we are just great friends, plus i wouldn't just tell Eben out of nowhere that August is his boyfriend, right? Suddenly i heard someone calling for me.
"Earth to zach".
And guess who was in front of me, yup! you guessed it right, the one and only Jack Avery. I watched him get closer and closer. I just froze right in front of him just staring at his beautifull chocolatey eyes, how does he know my name?! Probably Tyler. Jack just stood there confused "Uh, Zach,right?" Jack asked " y..yea" i said while looking at the ground ,i blushed. He then placed his hand on my chin making me look at his eyes "Is Eben bothering you?" he asked. You dont even know how hard i was blushing at that mommend my hart was pounding super hard.


"Is Eben bothering you? " i said while placing my hand on the youngest boy's chin making him to look at me. I could see he was blushing and i smirked. "U..uh Yes h..he is" he said . Then i careffuly moved my hand of his chin. He looked at the ground again while blushing. I then looked at Eben and then at August "Guys lets leave, my sister's are waiting for me" i leid. When i saw Zach blushing thats when i knew he was gay. But i didn't want to hurt him. "Why? This fucktard is yelling at me, im going to make him pay " Eben yelled. "Okay guys lets go! "Tyler said, i could see he was a little angry that Eben called his brother a fucktard. "Ugh fine!" Eben said." Lets go then ". I looked at Zach ,he was still looking at the ground blushing. Did i make him blush that hard? Well i mean ,all the girls want me. I thought to my self. Eben walked away with August because he couldn't handel me anymore. Daniel took Zach by his arm and looked at him ,he said he was okay and hugged him. I didn't like that for some kind of reason, but why? Im straighed i like girls! "Bro, you good?" Corbyn asked . "You look kind of jeallous " "heh why would i be jeallous?" i asked and we went at my place.


i was freaking out Jack Avery just talked to me. I opened the door of my house , i was greeted by Reese " Zachy you're home!" She said with the cuttest smile on her face." Hello Reese, how was your day?" I asked "it was great!" And she walked to the kitchen "hi mom! Im going to my room!" I shouted to the kitchen for my mom "Okay honey ". And we walked upstairs to my room. I closed the door and i didnt even know where to start. "Daniel! Did you see that Jack talked to me!" I said while freaking out "Yea i saw you where blushing, and did you know what else i noticed?"He said a little annoyed " "what?" I asked " that Eben knows your GAY! And now he is going to tell the whole school! " I knew why he was sad and angry ,because if enyone knew i was gay they would look at me differendly, i ,myself, knew that was messed up ,but i could't do anything about it. " sorry okay" he said while noticing i was tearing up a bit. He hugged me. I didn't know what came to me but i started sobbing, like always.

Time skip

*TRIGGER WARNING ⚡* please stay save!

When Daniel left i knew exacly what to do i went in the bathroom and got my razor blade.
I started cutting

One cut for Eben

One cut for August

Two cuts for being gay

And one cut for liking Jack

"FUCK i screamed. I just looked at my self in the mirror just thinking what am i doing? I then cleaned my cuts with water and cleaned the floor so there is no evedance. I went to bed crying my self to sleep

please stop...  •JacharyWhere stories live. Discover now