😢Xygonia, my home planet😢

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   My name is Electra Magneta. My Xygonian name is a little lengthy. We Xygonians were once nocturnal peaceful primate-like people and were the number one hunters in the galaxy. Our predator was the Lupanians, wolf-like people, and the Felonians, cat-like people. Lupanians are typically waist high, but can grow through transformation to my height. Now we're not as edible since we're made of Transformium. We used to have a tail, but lost it through stages of evolution. We used to have fur until my planet was cyber-formed by the Decepticons for more resources. We called the metal, sky metal, because it fell from the sky. It cyber-formed half the planet. Now we're made of it. There are about 200 of us. Our landscape also looks like metal crystals. It looks beautiful in the moonlight. I'm expecting them to come to harvest our organs and energon any day now. But they never came. Instead my abusive father is raising a rebellion against the queen, which could cause extinction. He believes our metal skin is part of evolution because some survived the cyberformation, like as if it's a gift. Some that did committed suicide because they didn't want to be a robot anymore.
   When I found out my father became a Decepticon and raising an army, I planted a time bomb in his spaceship. I ran for cover, jumping over a rock. My fiber optic hair emitted green light on the rock. His ship blew up. I looked back and laughed until I heard my father yelling at my sisters.
"DID YOU BLEW UP MY SHIP?!" He yelled in Xygonian. Slugbug, the youngest sister, hid behind Maxima crying. "No! I swear we didn't!" Maxima said in Xygonian. I jumped in and yelled in Xygonian, "I did!" He slowly looked at me. "You did? Come here!" He yelled in Xygonian. Maxima looked at me. "Dammit, Electra! We're always getting in trouble because of you!" She yelled in Xygonian. "And I always take the hit for ya. So you're welcome!" I shot back as I walked past her to my dad. He punched me in the eye, I grunted. "That's for blowing it up! Why did you do it?" He asked in Xygonian. I answered in Xygonian, "I did it because you became a Decepticon." He hit me in the stomach. For some reason I liked the pain. It's better than emotional pain. "You know someday the Decepticons will come to harvest our organs and energon," I said in Xygonian. He slapped me and I got angry. I pulled in energy from Xygonia's electromagnetic field converting it to electricity, circulating it through my entire metal body and to the palms of my hands and feet. I levitated. My optics were sparking. It was such a rush, like adrenaline. That all happened in a split second and I managed to create a thunder ball and floating in the air. It also saps my energy though. So I have to be careful. Then I felt a stab in my back through me. I gasped in pain, blood-red energon leaked out. It smelled like someone was wielding metal. I realized that it was Painmonger who stabbed me. He got that name because he likes inflicting pain, especially me because he knows I can take it. He pulled me close to his body. "You're gonna kill your own father, tough girl?" He asked in Xygonian. "Screw you!" I shot back in Xygonian. "Painmonger! I do the discipline, not you!" My dad yelled at him in Xygonian. "Lord Dominator! She was gonna attack you!" He said in Xygonian. "I don't care!" My dad shot back. Painmonger scoffs and transformed and flew off. Me and my sisters isn't old enough to transform yet. I'm pretty close though. My dad looked at me. "Don't you go anywhere! I will conquer Xygonia!" He shouted in Xygonian and flew off. I knew
   "Y'all two stay here. I'm gonna see Queen Machinemax," I said in Xygonian and ran off to Xenosis, the capital of Xygonia. Maxima yelled my name but I ignored it. I'm gonna warn the queen. There were two guards by the doorway. "Halt!" One yelled pointing an electric staff at me. I grabbed it, spun around, and elbowed him in the face knocking him out. I knocked the other out quickly using martial arts I taught myself.
I made my to the throne room. The queen saw me and stood up. "How did you get in here? And why are you bleeding?" She asked in Xygonian. "Your guards wouldn't let me in. Guess," I said in Xygonian. "You are not allowed in here. Not after you and your sisters hijacked my ship and took it on a joyride and crashed it! I have enough being part of your family squabbles!" She continued. I winced in embarrassment when she mentioned her ship. "Yeah... That's just us being kids. But I came here to tell you that my father is gonna overthrow you!" I warned her in Xygonian. "Then we will be prepared," she said in Xygonian. "You don't have enough people! What about the Autobots?" I asked in Xygonian. "I asked for help and they abandoned us!" She yelled in Xygonian. "What if something happened?" I continued. One of the guards I knocked out came in. "Some green-haired girl- HALT! YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HERE!" He said in Xygonian when he saw me. "See her out and be sure she gets medical attention," the queen said in Xygonian. As soon as the guard put his hands on me, I pushed it off. "I can see myself out. Thank you!" I told him in Xygonian. I walked out, still bleeding.
On my way, I saw a dead body with a suicide note saying in Xygonian, "I don't want to be a robot anymore." I cried and left.
   I got to my sisters. Slugbug called my name and hugged me. "You shouldn't have gone! You're still bleeding!" Maxima shouted in Xygonian. She patched me up while I searched on the galactic web on my collapsible portable device for Optimus Prime. It showed that he went to a planet called Earth. "I know where we gonna go! Earth!" I said in Xygonian. "But dad told us to stay. Plus how are we gonna go to Earth?" Maxima said in Xygonian. "He can kiss my ass!" I shot back. "We're gonna steal a spaceship." "Oh the queen will love us," Maxima said sarcastically in Xygonian. Slugbug laughed. "Brighten up Maxima and let's go!" I shot back. "First we gotta know English. I'm downloading Earth's language directly into your brain. I will do the same to myself," Maxima said in Xygonian. She got her portable device and a cable. She connected it to my cortical psychic patch behind my neck. As soon as she downloaded the info, I almost fainted. I backed away. "Hey! That felt funny!" I yelled in English. "I don't see you laughing," Maxima said. "Smart-elic!" I said. "Smart-ass!" She shot back. I just gave her a look and walked off.
We snuck up to the hanger filled with spaceships. "Yep! We're gonna die!" Slugbug laughed I chose one of them and snuck in, my sisters followed. Me and Slugbug strapped in. Maxima ran in yelling, "Shit! Guards are coming!" I pulled a lever that activated the levitators, knocking Maxima off her feet. I pulled another lever that propels us forward, Maxima smacked against the wall. "Oh, Maxima. You better strap in," I said. "Nah. I like being tossed around in a crowded spaceship," she smarted back.
We flew by Rhodania, planet of the rat-like, silicone-based people. Their planet was half cyber-formed. "Oh my god. They've been hit too," Maxima cried. "I promised I will radio them as soon as we find the Autobots," I said.     
We continued our journey.
   We made it to Earth's system. I looked it up while flying, on a holographic screen. "Not while flying!" Maxima yelled. I ignored her. It said something about how the system was formed, how Saturn pulled Jupiter away from the sun so then other planets formed Hm... Interesting. It almost sounds romantic. There's one planet's name that got me laughing as we past the blue planet Uranus. "What's so funny?" Maxima asked. "See that blue planet? It's name is Uranus," I said pointing. Maxima snorted and said, "My anus is not that big!" We all died laughing. I laughed so hard, I farted. My sisters fussed about it. "Not in a confined spaceship!" Maxima yelled. I caught my breath after laughing so hard. We continued to earth passing Jupiter and Saturn.

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