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   I sat there for three days. Then finally I felt a slight shift in the electromagnetic field, and I got to my feet. Something was wrong. I feel like something will happen. I radioed Cogman. "Cogman? Change Cybertron's atmosphere to oxygen," I said. "How do I do that?" He asked. "Try using ice from the astroid field," I said. "Won't we rust?" He asked. "Just do it! Also install a global climate control!" I yelled. "Ok, ok!" He said and hung up.
   I turned the ship around to Washington DC. I parked just outside of New York. I didn't know why but I felt like I should prepare for global evacution because my instincts told me to. First I gotta make a truce with the Americans. I past the Autobots. "Where you going?" Bumblebee asked. "All of you spread out throughout the globe and make tried. I'm making a truce with the Americans," I said. "But what if they shoot you?" Bumblebee asked. "Then they shoot me," I said blunted. "Well that's obvious," Crosshairs scoffed. "I'll just wait here." I walked up to him. "I'm a Prime now. Do as you're told to do," I said. "Why should I take orders from the powerpuff girls?" He said. "The what?! If you don't like it, then join the Decepticons!" I shouted back. "That's a little harsh," Hound said. "Start with Mexico, then work your way down," I said. "Hound, start with the South American countries, then work your way up to help Crosshairs." Slugbug ended up staying in the ship. So the rest of the Autobots split up and bridged out of here. Bumblebee stayed. "What is this about? What's going on?" He asked. "Don't tell anyone this just yet and I may be wrong, but I think Unicron is waking up. I felt a shift in the electromagnetic field," I said. Bumblebee looks worried. "Go to Canada and make a truce. I'll be alright alone," I said. "Be careful," he said. "You be careful," I shot back. We transformed and split up going opposite directions.
   There happened to be an inauguration. In fact, the president was talking about us and what to do about us. Some say we should be scrapped. Some say we should be saved. To show that I came in peace, I blared No Guns Allowed by Major Lazer. Also I hoped music will keep them mellow. People let me pass. "You better leave, Autobot," one said as I past. "Oh! This one likes Major Lazer too!" I heard another say. Some others cheered, some not. Finally, the president appeared as I past the crowd, well most people. A hand-full still surrounded me with curiosity. "Back up! I'm gonna hulk out!" I joked. They did and I transformed, my green fiber-optic hair blowed in the breeze. "I'm kidding about the hulking out part," I said. "Hey! It's Random Rowdy Robot!" Someone said. "Yes. That's my facebook name. I'm really Electra Magneta," I said. "Well, it's now Aurora Borealis Prime since Optimus Prime died." Suddenly I feel sad but I didn't want to cry in front of people. Then a missle hit my side, waking me up from the stuper I was in, energon leaked. The TRF were lined up behind the president, the one who shot me looked familiar. General Sanders! I thought the TRF was wiped out back in Lubbock. "Be gone metal beast!" The president shouted. "You have guts coming up here alone." I just sat down just like a mule would do if someone tell it what to do, energon pooled out from me. "Us Autobots just want peace. Please make an an alliance with us. If not, just leave us alone," I said. 'Why would I align with you?" He asked. "Because we need each other," I said. He laughed. "Y'all fight on Earth, making a big expensive mess. Why would we need each other?" He asked. These humans are so arrogant and hard-headed! "You humans have more differences with each other than my own kind. You humans are more primitive than us. However y'all have the most interesting culture in the galaxy," I said. "You like us for our culture?" He asked. "Yes, for starters you humans are the only species in the universe who makes movies," I said. "You like our movies?" He asked. "Yes, like Guardians of the Galaxy. That movie is hilarious as hell and I love talking about culture," I said. Someone from the crowd said, "I love Guardians of the Galaxy too!" "So you see? Spiritually, we are not so different," I said. "We good?' I held out my hand as a sign of truce. My hand was too big. "Shake my finger?" I asked. "Pull my finger!" Someone yelled from the crowd. We all laughed. "Who said that?" I asked after I caught my breath. General Sanders looked frustrated. "You're gonna listen to her?" He asked. He marched up to me. "See these? I made these from your shards," he taunted me with his flashy new jewelry. I wiped my energon on his jacket. He stepped back. "And now your skin will be a pretty shiny color," I teased. "What?!" He exclaimed and threw his jacket on the ground. "The TRF will be disbanded," the presidentt said. "What the hell?" Sanders yelled. He looked at me. "We're not finished yet, titaness!" He yelled and marched off. "We now have a truce," the president, shaking my finger. I left blaring Live My Life by Major Lazer.
   I was on my way to the rendezvous point, which is in New York. I was on a scenic route. I was listening to Phoenix Down by Disturbed, even singing along with it. Out of nowhere, a big military truck came from a road right of me and hit me. I transformed and tumbled down the mountain. Luckily it wasn't too far down, but it still hurt a lot. I looked up and saw Sanders. "We will not follow you! Good bye, Autobot!" He yelled. His men pushed boulders over and some landed on me. They left thinking I'm dead. I pushed rocks aside and climbed up, hurting. I transformed and drove off, energon leaking.
   Bumblebee was waiting. "What happened to you?" He asked. "A failed assassination attempt. I'll talk later. Let's meet up with the others now," I said. "We gotta get you to Maxima!" He said. We transformed and drove off, Bumblebee stayed really close to me. We got to the ship. When we transformed, I almost collasped but Bumblebee caught me. "MAXIMA!" He screamed. Maxima came down from the ship and saw me. The Autobots followed her. "What happened?" She asked. "Forget about me. Stand me up, Bee. Any success?" I asked. Bumblebee helped me up, my energon leaked as I stood up. Rodimus was as battered as me. "The Russians would not negotiate. However, I found a hand full. Their government would not help them," he said looking at a small crowd not too far from here. Some of them were half cyber-formed. They just looked poor and depressed. No, there's desperation in their eyes. "Eastern Europeans has joined," Drift said. "Australia and Africa joined," Maxima said. Slugbug was talking to humans. "Central America is now allied with us," Crosshairs said. "South America is with us as well," Hound said. "Canada is a piece of cake," Bumblebee said. "Now can you tell us what's going on?" Maxima asked.
   "I believe Unicron will rise soon. I felt a shift in the electromagnetic field," I simply said. I heard a mixture of murmurs throughout the crowd. "We may have to evacuate the entire planet," I said. Excited chatter erupted, not the good kind. Bumblebee carried me up to the ship. Maxima immediately began fixing me up as soon as Bumblebee put me down. "So how are we gonna evacuate the entire planet and where do we put the humans?" Rodimus asked. "Cogman is already working on changing Cybertron's atmosphere. We will split up into five teams, each of you take four of my newly spawned Autobots. Then y'all help evacuating. Humans will take food and blankets. Maxima, Slugbug, you both will be in charge of the ship," I said. "I'm flying," Maxima told Slugbug. "Aw... I will never have fun," she groaned in disappointment.  For now, we rest up. Bumblebee sat down and I leaned against him. I heard Sam and Dakota come in. As I fell asleep, I heard Dakota say, "Aren't they great together?" I dozed off.

Transformers Interstellar Wars Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now