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   We arrived. Megatron and a police-looking Decepticon was waiting. I'm only as tall as Megatron's chest. Credo Revolution by Zardonic blared over the speakers and neon lights danced everywhere. Metal glowing vegetation was everywhere. Giant metal mountains is everywhere. Space and ground bridges were everywhere. The sky looks pretty, filled with stars and colorful nebulae. Cybertron is a metal version of Pandora from the movie Avator. I transformed and looked in awe. Cybertron's electromagnetic field felt more powerful than Earth's. The rest of the Decepticons stopped dancing when they saw us and whispered about us. The music continued. I imagined Cybertron look like a Jupiter-sized disco ball in space with all the lights going. I looked back at Megatron with anger. He was eating a cyber-formed Rhodanian. It has metal skin that had a purple hue to it. It's pinkish energon streamed down his chin. It was saying something in it's native language in panic. "Mm... This Rhodanian is crunchy, metallic, and sweet!" "Really, Megatron? You have bad karma!" I scolded. "What? I need more energon. Haven't you heard of circle of life?" He said. "Don't sing it to me," I shot back. Everybody laughed at my comment.
   "My leige. I have brought the Xygonian Transformer I told you about," Knock Out said. He threw down the dead Rhodanian and walked towards me. "I wonder what you taste like, little gremlin. Or I can use you to build a bomb," he said. I pushed Knock Out against Megatron and yelled," Maxima! Slugbug! Roll out!" They sped past me and Megatron. There were some weapons on the wall to my right. There was a very attractive looking sword, so I transformed and rushed to it, transformed and grabbed it. Once I touched it, it glowed blue and energy surged through me. "Whoahaha!" I laughed in amazement. One Decepticon said, "It's the Star Saber! But it can only be used by a Prime. How is an outsider doing that?!" I could tell they're scared of me, except Megatron. "How interesting," is all he said. I snarled at him. "Even though you're cyber-formed. You're still an animal," he said.
   Me and Megatron came at each other, a sword popped out of his arm and he raised it. I quickly build up a lot of electrical energy, electricity flew everywhere. We deflected each other's attacks and went flying backwards, crashing into mountains which came tumbling down. One mountain that Megatron crashed into almost landed on the Decepticons. One said, "Evacuate!" Another said, "Would y'all tone it down! Cybertron was just restored!" They left, leaving the cyber-formed Rhodanians behind which is now free. They yelled in their own language, my guess, "Run!" They rolled into balls and rolled off. I just rose from the rubble and shook off the pain. "Cyclonus! Get back here!" Megatron yelled. Cyclonus was the one who flew off in jet mode. "You deal with the super Transformer!" He yelled back.
   "Hey, Barricade. Remember when Goku went up against Frieza?" Knock Out asked the police-looking Decepticon. "No. I don't watch Dragon Ball Z," Barricade said. "Well, they ended up destroying the whole planet fighting," Knock Out finished. "So that makes y'all the Ginyu Force?" I smarted back at him. "WATCH YOUR MOUTH, MISS GASSY SASSY!!!" He shot back. I laughed.
   Megatron abruptly attacked me and I formed a force field out of my electromagnetic field, deflecting his attack. "How did you do that?" Megatron asked. I was even surprised. "Remember the electromagnetic converter I mentioned, Lord Megatron?" Knock Out asked. "Ah yes!" Megatron said as he look hungrily at me. "I just reacted is all," I replied. "Well your reactions is causing damage to Cybertron!" Barricade yelled. I flipped him off.
   Megatron flew into me and we crashed into a mountain... Again. We got up and started to fight with swords. "Die, you little gremlin!" He yelled as he swung at my torso, but I did an aeriel kick to avoid his attack and counterattacked and yelled, "Die, Megalodon!" He avoided it. "It"s Megatron! Not megalodon!" 'Then you should see a dentist! Your teeth looks like shark teeth! Haha!" I laughed. Even his followers laughed and he gave them a dirty look. I kicked him in the stomach, and did a butterfly twist towards him raising my sword. He got me instead, chopping my arm off, energon gushed out. I screamed and collapsed on my knees. He grabbed my hair and pulled me towards a bomb he was making. I growled as he pulled my hair. He took the top off the bomb and held me over it, draining my energon into it. "Knock Out told me you still have the effects of the bomb in your system," Megatron said. "Yeah well, he talks too much," I said.
   I heard engines behind us before Megatron did. "Autobots!" Megatron gasped. I looked, but I didn't see Optimus Prime. Where the hell is he? My sisters where behind them. I heard one Autobot say, "I thought Megatron is dead." "Very well! If I can't have Cybertron, then no one will! I have Earth instead!" Megatron said as he hacked into the console, grabbed the bomb, opened up a space bridge, and left. The Decepticons followed. I looked shocked. I ran to the console to see what he did but it's in a language I don't understand.
   I was having a panic attack. "WHAT DO I DO?! WHAT DO I DO?!" I panicked. The Autobot with bright, shiny green and black paint shoved me aside and said, "Let me handle this!" Slugbug called my name and hugged me. Maxima said, "I brought the Autobots like you said! Oh great! I have to fix you up again! This is getting old!" "Wow! What happened?" Sam asked. "Looks like a hurricane blew threw here!" The samurai looking one said. The chunky Autobot said, "What the hell?! Looks like Superman picked a fight with another Kryptonian. Was that you?" "Uhh... Yeah," I said, feeling like I'm gonna getting yelled at for planetary abuse. "I'm Hound and that's Crosshairs who's trying to figure out what Megatron did." A samurai looking Autobot walked and bowed. "I'm Drift," he said. The yellow one gave me my arm and look into my optics. "And that's Bumblebee," Drift added. The orange and black one said, "I am Rodimus Prime." "Uh... I never heard of you," I said straight to the point. I guess it was a little rude. "Ouch," Hound said. "I need Optimus Prime. Where is he?" I asked. The Autobots looked down, even my sisters. "He gave his life to restore Cybertron. So he gave the Matrix of Leadership to me. I know you need Optimus. Your sisters filled me in, Electra Magneta," Rodimus said. I felt tears building up. I walked away, not wanting to cry in front of them. "What does that mean in Latin?" I heard Crosshairs say. "That's her name, numbnuts!" Hound defended me. Bumblebee followed me. "Stop, Electra," he said. "I failed Xygonia," I cried. He hugged me comforting me. I heard Crosshairs say, "SHIT! We're going into the sun and the computer lock me out!" I almost fainted. "What?!"
   Slugbug pointed behind me and screamed. Sure enough the sun appeared. We all had shocked look on our faces. "Autobots! Evacute the humans! Then get below surface!" I yelled. "Uh... I'm the one who gives the orders," Rodimus calmly said. "Sorry. I'm used to ordering my sisters around," I said. Crosshairs snorted. Bumblebee opened up a space bridge. Sam and Dakota went through. "Warn your people Megatron is coming," Bumblebee said. I heard... THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! I look behind me and all I saw was teeth. I screamed and jumped. The Autobots laughed, then I laughed. "That's just Grimlock! Haha! He's a Dinobot. His kind was cyber-formed. Few including him survived," Drift said. "That's just priceless! Haha!" Hound laughed. Grimlock transformed. "Me, Grimlock almost died. Hurts like hell," Grimlock said. They noticed my sad expression. "What?" Bumblebee asked. "It's just that me and Grimlock have one thing in common and I will stop it!" I replied. "Say... Is that the Star Saber?" A little metal man asked. I kneeled down and noticed two more little robots. "There truly is more than meets the eye with this outsider," said the one with big red optics. "Wheelie by the way and this is Brains." One with fiber optic hair said, "Sup?" I stroke his hair with my finger, then looked at mine. "I'm Cybertronian, not Xygonian. But you are beautiful," Brains said. "I'm Cogman," the metal man said. "Us Cybertronians are very diversed." "I hate to be Captain Obvious but that sun is getting closer," Crosshairs said. I realized what I have to do. I looked back at the Autobots. "Y'all get below surface. I'm gonna become Cybertron's Saturn," I said. They gave me a puzzling look. "Um... Did Megatron knocked some screws loose in your head? You can't stop a whole planet!" Crosshairs said. "JUST GOOOO!!!" I screamed as I gave Bumblebee the Star Saber. "Be careful," he said and left. I heard Slugbug excitedly talked to the Autobots of how Earth's system was formed as they walked off, then transformed and rolled out. It's getting dustier and hotter closer we got to the sun. It's up to me now.

Transformers Interstellar Wars Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now