🔫TRF and Paparazzi 📷

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   We sped down the highway. Dakota and Sam were with me. Izzy, Squeaks, and Cade decided to go with Optimus. The TRF were shooting at us, missing us. They're not very good shooters. Sam screamed and said," Really?" Dakota just said, "This is insane! Is this what y'all do daily?" "Yep!" I said. "Stop shooting at us!" Bumblebee shouted. But they kept shooting. "This is seriously making me mad!" Crosshairs yelled. Hound ended up slamming on his brakes and one TRF smacked into his big backside. "Never mess with this chunky Autobot!" He laughed. "Seriously. Why do they want to shoot us? We came in peace," Maxima asked. "Because we caused expensive damage," I said. Just to be funny, Slugbug played Why Can't We Be Friends. I laughed. "Faster Autobots!" Optimus yelled. I saw a bridge. "Do y'all parkour?" I asked. "Yes, why?" Rodimus asked. "We jump over that bridge, turning right, then continue," I said. "What?" Sam asked. "Good idea," Drift said. That's when the paparazzi in vehicles sped past the TRF in the left lane, risking their pathetic lives taking pictures of us. "Great! As if TRF is bad enough! Now we have the paparazzi harassing us!" I said. "Uuhhh... I'm gonna die," Maxima said. One guy poked his head out the window with a camera. "Transform and smile for the camera!" He said. "I'm not gonna do that in middle of a chase!" I shouted back. "Oh! You're Sam Witwicky!" He said. "Drive away before you get yourself hurt, idiot!" Sam shouted at him. "Go away!" Dakota also shouted. "There's the bridge!" Optimus said. "We need to time this correctly. I go first." He transformed, jumped off, then transformed back. Then it was Bumblebee, Drift, Maxima, Slugbug, then me and Crosshairs. We both collided, sending Sam and Dakota rolling on the ground. Hound landed on both me and Crosshairs, we grunted. "Really guys?" He asked. "I get in front of you!" Crosshairs yelled at me. "How about you stay in the left lane!" I shouted back. "Come on, guys! Save the road rage for later!" Sam yelled at both of us. A missile hit my shoulder. Hound and Crosshairs was hit too. I grabbed Sam and sped in front of Crosshairs. Hound followed. A helicopter appeared, a machine gun ready. Optimus shot it down and we kept going. Once we're safe, played some music. Phoenix Down by Unguided came on.
   We ended in Lubbock, TX, or just outside of it. It's so flat and sandy, except for the buildings of course. There were wind turbines everywhere. We transformed and rest. Slugbug did random stuff, off in her own little world. "That was fun," Hound sarcastically said. "Earth is crazy," I sighed. "Ugh! It's hot in Texas!" Dakota said. Sam laughed. "That reminds me of a meme," he said. He looked something up on his phone, then showed it to Dakota and both laughed. "Let me see," I said. He showed it to me. It showed wind turbines and said, "It's so hot in Texas they installed fans." I laughed and said still laughing, "That's great!" "Let me see too!" Slugbug said. Sam ended up showing it to everybody except for Optimus and Drift. They weren't interested. They're boring. Just in case there's a Decepticon activity picked up by the news, I got out my collaspable portable device and tuned into the news. It floated in the air like a hologram. We just sat there listening to it. "It was a bad idea to base in Roswell. I'm sorry guys," I apologized. "It would have happened anyways," Optimus said. "So now what?" Drift asked. "Probably just wait til a Decepticon attacks," Sam said negatively. "I don't want to hear any negativity," Dakota said. "What about the arm? Why didn't you say that the metal is growing into your arm?" Sam asked. "Now we got a female Bucky Barnes!" Crosshairs joked. I looked at him. "They're trying to have a serious conversation and you ruined it," I said. "You joke around sometimes too," he said. "At least I try not to be so offensive!" I shot back. "Fight each other!" Hound joked. "Here we go," Drift sighed. I looked at him. Dakota sighed and left. Sam followed her, calling her name. "Great! Now I have to apologize for y'all!" I said and followed them. "Why didn't you tell me about your arm?" Sam asked. "Because I didn't want to freak anybody out," she replied. "I'm not," Sam said. "We good?" "Yeah," she replied. "I'm sorry about that. Crosshairs, he can be-" I said. "It's fine," Dakota said. "I was on my way to a street fighter competition. But it's ok if I missed it. I found something else better to do." "You're a street fighter? That's cool! May be you can show me some moves," Sam flirted. Dakota scoffed. Later Maxima fixed me up while we watched Star Trek. She fixed Hound and Crosshairs. I definitely cried when Spock lost his people. Though he's a fictional character, I understand how he felt. "Are you really crying over a fictional character?" Maxima asked. Slugbug just laughed. "Well don't you have something in common with him too?" I asked. "I understand you sometimes, even though you're my sister," she sighed and cut off the movie. We fell asleep. I could've sworn I heard Sam and Optimus talking in my sleep. "Do you think Electra could ever lead the Autobots? I mean you gave her the AllSpark. That means something, right?" Sam asked. "She may be tough on the outside, but her mind is fragile. She may learn while being on Earth," Optimus said. "She may one day be a Prime." And that's when I fell deeper into sleep. I thought I felt Bumblebee's hand on my side but I wasn't sure.

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