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   I was ready for action, but Japan looks completely fine. It's so beautiful! Cherry blossom gasped in amazement and relief. The countryside looks so pretty. "Well the Japanese pop culture will live on after all," Crosshairs said. "Ah, good! That means more anime to watch!" I said smiling. Someone saw us and pointed to Drift. "Look! That one looks like a samurai! He's in a Japanese spirit!" I snorted. He gave me a look. "What?" I asked. We transformed and rolled out to have a look around. I played music off of Pandora. Swamp Thing by Pegboard Nerds came on. Just for laughs, I turned on the comlinks. "Banjos! I hear Banjos!" Crosshairs said. I held in a laugh, snickering. "Why do I hear banjos? Who's playing the music?" Hound asked. I busted out laughing, so did Bumblebee. "Electra..." I heard Rodimus say. Electra's facebook name, Random Rowdy Robot, fits her just well," Drift said. "We should create a radio chatter videos and have our own youtube channel," Bumblebee said. "Autobots, focus!" I heard Optimus say. "Hehe! Ok!" I said. Keep it 100 by Keys N' Krates came on. Japan is awesome!
Then I heard voices and slams on the brakes. The others did the same. We transformed. "What is it?" Bumblebee asked. "Voices," I replied. "I don't hear any," Crosshairs said. I heard screams. That's when I transformed and sped off. Others called my name and followed. I peeked over the hill and saw Megatron. He was sacrificing cyber-formed humans just for their energon to build another bomb. I gasped in horror, tears fell. "Megatron," Optimus sneered. "This is horrible," Bumblebee said. The Autobots mumbled about it. Anger quickly build up inside and I growled. "Electra, are you ok?" Bumblebee asked. I soon as a I charge after Megatron, he held me back. Anger erupted in me like a volcano. "MEGATRON!!! YOU BASTARD!!! YOU ALMOST KILLED US!!! YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs. "Electra. He's gonna see us. Stop!" Bumblebee said. "Electra! Calm down!" Optimus said. "He's gonna see us anyways the way her hair glows," Crosshairs said. "Too late. They're staring at us," Drift said. I elbowed Bumblebee in the face and transformed and sped off towards Megatron. "Electra!" Optimus called and followed. I transformed and flew towards Megatron in a blinding rage, swords drawn, teeth showing, and electricity shoots off from me. He shot me in the face in midair, knocking me on the ground. Energon streamed down my face and hair, one eye poked out. "Aw... Did I do something to make you angry, gremlin?" He taunted. "I can add your energon to the mix for my second bomb." Angry tears streamed down my face. "Well, nah. I am happy that you're sacrificing humans for your incredibly selfish desires. OF COURSE I'M ANGRY!!!" I sarcastically yelled as we clash swords. As we clashed swords, specks of water moved... On it's own? Must be in my mimd. "I am not gonna let you cyber-form any more planets! You're makimg us Transformers look bad! Stop it!" Optimus stepped in front in of me. "Go," he said. I looked at him, then back at Megatron. "If you survive, may be next time, megalodon," I said and left. I heard him say, "It's Megatron! Not Megalodon!"
Knock Out followed me. "Aw...man. Look what Megatron did to your face," Bumblebee said, touching my face. We're by the beach. I noticed Bumblebee's face was cracked a little where I hit him. "Oh Bee. I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's ok," he said. I heard Knock Out coming up from behind me. "Hello Miss Gassy Sassy," he said. I saw him in corner of my eye. "Leave this to me, Bee," I said. "But you're injured," Bumblebee said. I faced Knock Out, swords out. Then the sirens went off. I saw the water receding and knew what it means. "Electra?" Bumblebee asked worried. "Ah, shit! IT'S A TSUNAMI!!! AUTOBOTS!!! ROLL OUTTA HERE!!! TSUNAMI!!!" I yelled. I saw the wave coming. We transformed and sped off, Knock Out followed also trying to outrun the tsunami. "You Autobots think you can outrun a tsunami?" I heard Megatron above us say flying off. "You cheats!" Hound yelled as we sped faster. The wave was catching up. I saw Optimus turned onto our street and caught up to him. The wave was right behind us. Knock Out was right beside me. We're not gonna outrun this wave. Then everything went.
Then I felt a pain in my back, my eye still hung out. "No more of your pesky powers!" Knock Out is gonna rip out my converter! I turned over and kicked him. "GET OFF!" I yelled. "YOU WILL NOT GET MY CONVERTER! ANYWHERE ELSE BUT THE CONVERTER!!!" "The hair?" He teased. "Definitely not the hair!" I shot back. "Hahaha! That's what Thor would say!" He laughed. "You're no Autobot!" He began ripping auto parts off of me. I bled everywhere. Bumblebee rushed in and pulled Knock Out off of me. The other Autobots got up. "Ehehe! I'm outnumbered. Goodbye!" Knock Out said and fled.
Optimus walked up to me angry. He slapped me and my eye flew off. The other Autobots picked up the pieces. The pain makes me feel alive. "Never in my life I had an Autobot rushing up to Megatron like that! Do you want to die?!" He yelled. I stared at him blankly, tear rolled down, then said, "I don't care if I die. In fact I welcome death." "Well, if you don't value your own life, then I will for you," he said. I felt a pain in my chest and my left side went numb. A rod was stuck through my left spark. "Autobots, roll out," he said. "Are you ok?" Rodimus asked. "I'm f-" I started to say but fainted. Bumblebee caught me. "I got you," I heard Bumblebee say. "I guess you could say Electra got wasted early," Crosshairs joked.

Transformers Interstellar Wars Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now