Chapter 11

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Hello my wonderful friends of Wattpad! Please read my authors note that I posted before this chapter so I can finally choose the celebrities for the female characters minus Eleanor & Danielle. Ok I'm gonna go so you can read. Bye! Love, Summer


Liam: Danielle... I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so...(gets down on one knee) Danielle Claire Peazer.... Will you marry me?

All of our mouths drop open as he said that, and everyone's eyes quickly turned to Danielle for her answer.

Danielle's POV:

A tear slips down my cheek as I look at Liam who was now on one knee PROPOSING TO ME! His dark brown eyes burn into mine as he waits for my answer. I love him more than life itself but... Was it too soon?.... What am I saying? I've dated Liam for at least 2 years, if we didn't love each other we would have broken up ages ago.i looked back into his eyes as another tear trickled down both of our cheeks.

Danielle: Yes! I'd love to marry you! I said with a huge grin on my face. He stood up and slid the ring onto my finger. It was beautiful, a big diamond laid in the center of the silver ring. I looked down at it and smiled once more before jumping into my fiancés arms. We stayed close together while everyone clapped. I finally let go and placed my lips onto his. We kissed for a couple seconds before I heard Alan yell playfully, "Woah now, no baby making in my studio!" I suddenly pulled my lips away from him putting my forehead on his. He has been the love of my life for 2 years and now and I can't wait to officially call him my husband.

Harry's POV:

Allan: Ok, that was our show everybody! Thank you to One Direction and their beautiful girlfriends & fiancé for being here today! Goodnight!

Back to Harry...

I looked over at Sophia sitting next to me as tears welled up in her eyes at how happy she was for Danielle and Liam. Wow, she even looked beautiful crying. I love her so much and hopefully... Someday... I'll be able to call her my wife.

3 Months Later....... (still Harry's POV)

I turned over to see my gorgeous girlfriend sleeping next to me with the covers wrapped around her naked body. I pulled her into my arms and let her put her head on my chest. I started twisting her long brown hair around my fingers which caused her to start to wake up.

Harry: Good morning gorgeous. I said kissing her nose.

Sophia: Good morning. She said wrapping her arms around my waist.

Harry: What do you wanna do today?

Sophia: Um.... I don't know.... Oh wait yes I do. Me and the girls are going to a dress fitting. Danielle's going to pick a wedding dress and me, Eleanor, Annie, Sarah and Danielle's sister are going to pick out our bridesmaids dresses.

Harry: Oh, can I come with you?

Sophia: I wish you could but I think you and the guys are going searching for the perfect bachelor party for Liam.

Harry: Oh ya... I forgot. I just have gotten caught up in all of the time that we spend together.

Sophia: Ya, me to.

Harry: I just wanna stay exactly like this forever. With you. In my arms forever.... I don't want to go on the U.S. tour in 5 months.... Unless you come with me. I said looking at her. She sat up with that confused look on her face.

Sophia: What do you mean?

Harry: I mean... I want you to move here and live with me so that we will never be apart. We can get married, start a family and you can come on tour with me. I can check with Simon to see if it's ok but Sophia.... I love you, and I want to spend every day with you. And for that to happen, I'm asking you to move in with me.

Sophia: Harry.... I'd love to move in with you! But what about my career? My house back home?

Harry: You can act here. And, if there comes a movie or something that you get hired to be in that's in the U.S., then you can go. Believe me, I would never stop you from acting.

Sophia: Ok, what about my house?

Harry: Our first stop is LA but maybe we could leave right after Liam & Danielle's wedding to fly to California to get all of your stuff packed and ready. And then we can get some movers to ship it here. So then when the boys come 3 weeks later, we can do our show in LA and you can tour with us around the U.S. She looked at me with a big smile on her face.

Sophia: Well Mr. Styles... Looks like you've got a new roommate!

I smashed my lips against hers as they began to move in sync. I then pulled away after a few minutes and smiled at my girlfriend. I cannot believe that she is going to move here. Which reminds me.... I have to go call Simon. I jump out of the bed quickly pull on my boxers ad dance my way downstairs to the phone. I can hear Sophia laughing which makes my smile that I had on my face grow even wider. I grab the phone and dial Simon's number.

*Harry on the phone with Simon*

Simon: Hello Harry, is something wrong?

Harry: No not at all. Everything is great actually. I just had a quick question for you.

Simon: Ok Harry what is your question.

Harry: Would it be ok if my girlfriend Sophia comes on tour with us? Please, she's moving in with me after Danielle and Liam's wedding and...

Simon: (cuts Harry off) Wait what!.... Danielle and Liam are getting married? He says shocked and a little angry because he's just finding out about it now.

Harry: Yes, they are getting married in 5 months but 3 weeks before our tour starts.

Simon: Well good for them. Tell them I said congratulations.

Harry: I will. But wait can my girlfriend come with us? Please?

Simon: Sure why not. Just make sure that all of her things are packed and ready to go by then. I'll call a moving service and book a flight for you & your girlfriend to LA after the wedding so you can start packing.

Harry: Thank you so much.

Simon: Your welcome Harry good bye, see you at the wedding. (hangs up)

*end of phone call*

Harry: Sophia! Sophia guess what? I yelled from downstairs.

Sophia: What? She replied standing out of the door with her clothes on for the day.

Harry: We are going to the U.S.!

Sophia: Yes! She screamed running down the stairs and pulling me into a tight hug.


Kind of suckish chapter I know, but it had to be done. On the plus side... Harry & Sophia are moving in together & Danielle & Liam are getting married! Yay!

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