Chapter 6

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I'm truly sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, but I'm on the road headed to Vegas so it's the perfect time to start writing & uploading! Please vote & comment, I love getting feedback from you!

Harry's POV:

I grabbed the bags and placed them at the door. Sophia turned around looking very confused. "Harry. What's going on? Where is everybody?" She asked. "Oh, they went to the grocery store to get some food. You are all out."

*Sophia walked to the fridge*

Sophia: Harry what are you talking about my refrigerator is full of food." "Please tell me what's going on.

Harry: Maybe the guys were hungry.

Sophia: And they couldn't eat anything out of my fridge?

Harry: Look, let's just go put the girls luggage up in their room & then we can show them around London.

Sophia: ok.

I carried the bags up to the guest room and then walked back downstairs.

*beep beep* (got text message from Louis)

Louis: Hey Hazza, we got all of the decorations and the cake. Where are you?

Harry: I'm at her house, we are dropping off the girls suitcases and then I'm going to show them around London.

Louis: Ok, you better leave soon because we are on our way.

*Harry puts phone away*

Harry: Ok let's get back in the car, I want to show you girls around London.

***1 Hour Later***

Harry: So, what do you think of London?

Annie: It's beautiful!

Sophia: well what should we do now? (turns to look at Harry)

Harry: *looks at phone* (another text from Louis)

Louis: ok we are at here. All of the decorations are up. Come on.

Sophia: Hello, earth to Harry.

Harry: Oh sorry. It was a text from my mom, I guess we should go home now.

Sophia's POV:

After we dropped the bags of Harry was kind enough to show my friends around London. He's so sweet. We stopped at this huge statue that I hadn't even seen before so of course we took pictures. Some girls recognized Harry and he gave them his autograph. The weird thing is that Harry seems distracted. He's been texting someone and I don't think it was his mom.

Sarah: Hey Harry, did you know that Sophia's birthday is coming up?

Harry: I did.... Quinn told me a while ago.

There was quite a bit of silence at the sound of her name but Annie broke the silence by asking "so what do you plan on doing for your birthday Soph?"

Sophia: I don't know. Maybe we can all rent a bunch of movies and try to pull an all-nighter.

Truth is, I'm not really a big birthday type of girl. Sure when I was younger my parents would have the annual party, but I grew out of it. I always feel guilty when someone tries to throw me an over the top party because of how much it costs.

Harry: oh come on babe you wouldn't want to do anything else besides watch movies on your birthday?

Sophia: I don't know, maybe. I just can't think of anything. Usually that's all Sarah, Annie and I do is watch movies on my birthday.

Sarah: Ya, last year we watched The Notebook!

Sophia & Annie together: Oh please don't talk about it.

That's one of the things I loved about Annie, we are more like sisters than her and Sarah are.

Harry: Why not? What's so bad about The Notebook? (giving a smirk)

Sophia: There's nothing wrong with it at all, I just hate it when movies make me cry. I love watching comedy movies or action movies and occasionally horror movies. I'll only watch horror movies if I have someone like you to snuggle up to.

I looked to him and A smile appeared on my face. He put his hand and rested it on my thigh. I placed my hand over his and squeezed it. If only my parents were alive to see how much I really love this guy.

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