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Ella's P.O.V.

"CARL! THAT'S NOT THE SAME GUN YOU HAD BEFORE!" I yell as Carl shows me a gun he took from Some where.

Carl slapped his hand over my mouth. "Shut up! I know it isn't I put the other one back and then took this one from Daryl today."Carl says and I shake my head.

"Carl we don't need to be messing with guns! Please Carl I don't want you to get hurt! Baby just put it back please!" I say and step closer to Carl.

"Ella calm down! I know how to use it! Remember when dad brought us to that shooting range and we shot like once with a gun like this. Babe I got this I promise I'm not gonna get hurt." Carl says and puts the gun back in his pocket then pulls his shirt over it. I

"Fine but if you shoot your self I swear to god I will kill you!" I say an grab Carl's face in between my hands. "Got it?" I ask and Carl nods then I softly kiss his lips. "Good because I love you and want you alive." I say and Carl smiles .

"I love you too and want to be alive to so I can stay with my bae." Carl says then wraps his arms around my waist and I laugh. I hear a knock at the door

"Come in!" I sing and see Rick walk in smiling.

"Still my lil singing Ella." Rick says and walks in the room.

"I have something to tell y'all. Don't go into the barn until we say you can." Rick says and then walks out.

"Wow your dad totally wanted to talk to us!" I jokingly say and Carl laughs.

"I wonder what's in the barn?" Carl says and my eyes widen.

"No Carl no! Were not going see!" I say and Carl frowns.

"But I want to know." Carl says and I shake my head.

"Carl no! We would both get in trouble!" I say and Carl steps away from me.

"Aren't you tired of them keeping stuff from us?" Carl asks and I look at the ground.

"I mean yes but Carl there only trying to protect us." I say and Carl shakes his head.

"Come on Ella! We deserve to know what's in there!" Carl says and I sigh.

"Fine." I say an Carl yanks me downstairs. We walk outside and sneak into the barn.

"Carl we shouldn't be doing this!" I say as Carl closes the barn doors.

"Ella its fine." Carl says and we turn around to see Randall sitting on the floor all beaten up.

"Hey kid." Randall says and Carl pushes me behind him. "I see your little girlfriend has a knife on her. Im not a bad guy. Please let me go. Cut the ropes an let me go. I'm a good guy." Randall says and I grab Carl's arm.

Carl pushes me directly behind him so Randall can't see me. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING IN HERE?" I hear my daddy ask and he pulls me and Carl out of the barn.

"See Ella this is why I said stay away from him! He's gonna get you in trouble and your gonna end up dead because of him!" My daddy says an I hug Carl.

"Shut up! No he won't!" I scream and Carl hugs me back.

"Don't come back in here if you do I swear Ella you'll get it!" Daddy says an I tense up.

Daddy walks back inside if the barn. "Carl I'm scared of him!Im so scared he's gonna hurt me!" I cry and Carl looks down at my crying face.

"Ella I promise he won't hurt you. I won't let him." Carl says and kisses the top of my head.

My blue eyed sheriff(A Carl Grimes fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora