Mystery women

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Ella's P.O.V.

"ELLA GET JUDITH AND GO INSIDE OF A CELL!" I hear Rick yell and I step out of my cell. "Why?" I ask and look up at Rick to see him and Carl holding a dark skinned women. "Who's she?" I ask and Carl shakes his head. "Ella just go into our cell with Judith! Know!" Carl says and I nod. I take the baby from Beth. I walk into me and Carl's cell. "Well I have no clue what's going on but I now your Daddy and Carl will make sure everything's okay." I say and lay Judith on the bed. I put her on her back and she starts to kick. "Someone's active." I say and smile at Judith. "Hey." Carl says and walks in. "Hey what's going on? Who was that? Is everything okay?" I ask and pick Judith up. "Please don't stress over this everything will be fine and we will get them back." Carl says and I look at him. "Maggie and Glenn where are they?!?!" I ask knowing he meant something happened to them. "Ella it's okay we're gonna handle it." Carl says and I step out the cell. "Beth please watch Judith for a little while I need to talk to her brother." I say and Beth nods while taking the baby from my arms. I walk back towards me and Carl's cell. "Where's Maggie?? TELL ME NOW!" I say and Carl sighs. "Some guy called The Governor took Maggie and Glenn. The women out there Michonne saw them with the baby supplies and brought it to us." Carl says and I back up against the wall then slide down it. "We have to get them! Carl we have to Maggie's like my sister I love here and Glenn's like my brother! I love both of them we have to get them Carl!" I say and he comes sit down next to me. "Baby we will. I promise they will come back and be okay." Carl says and kisses me on top of my head. Carl hugs me and I look at the ground. "I want to help find them." I say and Carl stands up. "No Ella I'm not gonna let you go out there and get hurt! If I lost you..." Carl yells then lowers his voice. "If I lost you I wouldn't be able to live anymore." Carl says and grabs my hands pulling me up. I sigh and lean my head on Carl's chest. "Are you still okay?" I ask Carl and he nods. "Yeah you took everything sharp away so yeah Im good." Carl says and I nod "I had to for your sake." I say and roll Carl's sleeves up to see his cuts." They make me want to cry because I wasn't able to be there for you when you needed me." I say and Carl puts a hand on my cheek. I put my hand over his and he puts his other hand behind my back pushing me towards him. "It's my fault I didn't tell you." Carl says and I shake my head "Carl you were having thoughts about killing yourself! What if you would've? I would be miserable! I wouldn't be able to live with out you ether!" I say and move away from Carl and go to the bed. I sit down and cross my legs on the bed. "Ella you know I love you right?" Carl says and I nod. "Yes I know you tell me every day." I say and smile. "When are we getting Maggie and Glenn back?" I ask and Carl shrugs "Tomorrow I guess. I don't want you going though. If dad lets me go I want you to stay here and watch after Judith." Carl says and I stand up "But Carl-" I say and Carl cuts me off. "No buts! This guy seems really bad and like I said I'm not gonna lose you!" Carl says and I sigh "Fine I won't even ask." I say and I sit back down on the bed. "Okay so what do you want to do?" Carl asks and I shrug. "I think I'm going to help Beth with the baby. You should go talk to your dad." I say and kiss Carl's cheek. "Ill see you later." I say and walk to Beth's cell.

My blue eyed sheriff(A Carl Grimes fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora