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Ella's P.O.V.

"Happy fifteenth birthday baby." Carl says and kisses my lips. I smile and kiss him back "Right back to you babe." I say mumble on Carl's lips then pull apart from him. "Happy four years." I say and Carl smiles "Four incredible years with the most beautiful, smart, funny, bad ass,hot, and sexy girl in the world." Carl says and leaves a trail of kisses down my neck. I giggle and Carl throws me onto the couch. "Carl!" I shriek and Carl climbs on top of me. "What do you wanna do today babe?" Carl asks and lays on top of me. "I wanna hang out with you." I say and run my hands through his hair. "How bout we go swimming." Carl says and kisses my chest every where. "How?" I ask and Carl stands up then brings me to a fenced in back yard with a pool. "Ill go." I say and take off my shirt then shorts which left me in my bra and underwear. Carl took off his shirt and pants then tipped of his hat leaving him in just his boxers then jumped into the pool. I jump in and land besides him. Carl smiles then wraps his arms around my waist. "I remember us doing this at the farm at the lake." Carl says and kiss my neck. I smile "Yeah me too. That was fun." I say and Carl goes under the water. He grabs my legs and makes me go underwater too. I hold my breath as the cold water goes over my head and I feel Carl's warm lips be pushed into mine. Carl wraps my legs around his waist and comes up from the water still kissing me. He pulls away and presses his forehead against mine.Wet water droplets fall on to the part of my breast that were showing because of my bra from his wet hair. I pass a hand over Carl's stomach and feel his two scars from when he was shot."I can't believe how strong you are." I say softly and kiss Carl's lips. "You're the reason Im so strong." Carl says softly and I smile. "I love you." I say and Carl smiles "I love you too baby." Carl says and I sigh. "Remember when we went to our first haunted house?" I ask and Carl laughs. "Yeah! You were so scared! You were behind me, dad was in front then mom in the back of you and you had your arms wrapped around my waist so I wouldn't leave you and when you got scared you would hide your face in my back." Carl say and I laugh. "I was really scared but felt safe with you." I say and Carl smiles. "I miss it so much." Carl says and I nod. "Me too. I loved when we went to the mall just you and I and Lori and Rick would like go do something else then we would run around like idiots!" I say and giggle. "Your my idiot." Carl says and I smile. "And you're mine!" I say and Carl smiles. We swam for a little while then decided to get out of the water. I walked to the bathroom and took off my bra and underwear. I turned on the shower and jumped in. "Babe." I hear Carl says and walk into the bathroom. "Yeah?" I say as I wash my hair. "Hurry up I gotta take a shower too!" Carl groans and I giggle. "I will!" I say and then the shower curtain opens up. I see a naked Carl standing there smirking "Do you mind?" I ask and Carl walks in. "You take too long and I'm cold." Carl says then closes the shower curtain. I shake my head and he sits on the shower floor. After I finish washing my hair I sit down in front of him with my knees pulled up to my chest. "Can I see them?" I ask and Carl automatically knows what I mean. He sighs then nods. I slowly grab his arms and see his healing cuts and scars. "Your gonna stop for my birthday present right?" I ask and Carl nods. "What do you want for a present?" I ask and kiss Carl's cuts and scars on his arm. "Nothing." Carl says and I look up at him. "You gotta want something." I say and Carl shrugs "I want you to stay with me forever." Carl says and I smile. "I think I can do that." I say and kiss Carl's lips.Our lips move in sync and Carl rubs little circles on my hip. I moan as Carl licks my bottom lip and Carl smiles.I put my hand on his stomach and pull away when I feel his two scars from where he got shot agin. "Im still so sorry that happened. That should've happened to me not you." I say and Carl kisses my shoulder "Don't you ever say that! It was me for a reason. Why? I don't know but there's a reason for everything." Carl says and I smile. Carl kisses my neck and move me besides him. "I love you." Carl says softly and kisses my jawline. "I love you too." i say and kiss his lips. Carl sighs then puts his back up against the shower wall. I do the same thing and kiss his shoulder.The water started to get cold so we hurry up took a shower then went lay in bed. Carl had his head on my chest and I was playing with his hair. "We're gonna leave early tomorrow I guess." Carl says and I nod. "M'kay." I say "Carl?" I ask and Carl looks at me "Yeah Ella." Carl says and grabs my hand then starts messing with my fingers. " you think The Governor is gonna come back?" I ask and Carl tenses "If he does the fucker won't get you! Ill kill him myself if he even thinks if you! He will be a dead man!" Carl says and I nod. "I just don't want him to get me agin." I say and Carl grabs my hands. "He will never and I mean never hurt you agin." Carl says softly and I nod. "You know what sucks?" I ask and Carl looks at me "What sucks baby?" Carl asks and rubs my little circles on my hip bone. "We will never get to go to prom or dates or anything like that it sucks!" I say and frown. "Yeah I was really hoping we could go to prom together and go on a bunch of dates." Carl says and I cuddle up to his side. He stands up and throws his shirt and pants off leaving him in his boxer. He climbs on top of me and kisses my jawline. "You want to have sex agin huh?" I ask and he blushes "Sorta. I mean we don't have to but I would like to. " Carl says and I smile "I guess we can since its our birthday." I say and flip Carl over. "We can do this." i say and quickly kiss Carl's lips.I slowly take off my tank top I was wearing and my cotton shorts leaving me in my bra and underwear."No telling Rick." I say and kiss Carl's neck. "No telling anyone." Carl says and grabs my hips. "Not a single person." I say and Carl flips us over. "Im gonna make you scream my name." Carl growls and I smile. "Doubtful." I say and Carl pins my hands above my head "Your on princess." Carl says and I smile. Well this should be an interesting night!

My blue eyed sheriff(A Carl Grimes fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora