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-Snow Color's POV-

It's one day after getting Shadow Steve out of my body. I am sitting on my bed and thinking about stuff. I heard a knock on the door. ,, Come in!" I called out to who ever is behind the door. The door opened revealing Amber Alex.

,, Hi Amber Alex." I said. ,, Hello Snow Color." she said waving her hand.
,, Please call me just Snowi for short." I said. ,, Alright. Wait, here is your diary." she said while handing it to me.

,, Wait what? Why did you have my diary?" I asked a little angry. ,, Well, Lighty bring it to my brother and he read out loud part of the book to all of us." she said. ,, That means that you now know about me being..." I started. ,, From real world? Yup!" she finished for me.

,, That's why Lucas and Sabre sent me for you. They just wanna talk." she said with smile. ,, Alright." I said feeling shy. I stood up from the bed. I started to follow Amber Alex to place where should be Sabre and Lucas. Lighty started to follow us too.

'Iam happy that Lighty started to run around the place. I just hope she won't get into trouble.' I thought while watching her as she was walking by my side.

After few minutes we got to a house. It have two floors. Amber Alex knocked onto the door. After a minute the doors were opened by Sabre. We walked in. There was a small table at which there was Lucas sitting.

,, So what do you want to talk about?" I asked feeling a little nervous. ,, Wait. Amber Alex could we talk to Snow Color alone." Sabre asked sitting next to Lucas. ,, Alright." she said while walking outside.

,, Snow Color?" asked Lucas. ,, Y-yeah?" I said. ,, What's your real name?" Sabre asked. ,, What?" I asked feeling confused. ,, You know the name that parents gave you in the real world." he said making me less confused. 'Why I never thought about this?' I thought realizing some things.

,, The thing is I can't remember my real name. Iam now even realizing that some parts from my memories are blurry." I said feeling a little bit sad from this.

,, It's alright. Maybe you just need some time to remember." Lucas said while Sabre just nodded.

,, I will go now. See you later I guess." I said. ,, Bye!" they said at the same time. I left their house. After minute looking at the ground while walking I bumped into someone.

I looked up to see Ghost Steve. ,, Hi Ghost Steve. Sorry for bumping into you." I said. ,, It's okay." he said. ,, By the way. Thanks again for turning off that machine. If you wouldn't turn it off, I wouldn't be able to get back into my body." I said with smile.

,, Don't mention it. After all it was nothing." he said. ,, Alright. Well Iam going now. Bye." I said while running away. I could hear him say bye.

Just now I realized that Lighty isn't with me. ,, I guess she's with Amber Alex." I said thinking out loud feeling a little bit sad.

I ran inside my house and went right into the basement. Everything that Shadow Steve build here is already gone and the room is now empty.
'Perfect place for some training.'

I started to look at one place while concentrating. Than I started to slowly lift my hand. Nothing happened. ,, How does those powers work?" I asked myself while I looking at both of my hands.

,, Are they working just when I feel some other emotion?" I closed my eyes. I started to remember some of the happy memories. The weird thing about some of them was that people in them had blurry faces and some of the words they said were quite. Which made me worried.

After minute I started to have back memories of the first time I got here. That nightmare which scared me and then being attacked by Nightmare Steve. My eyes shot open and the floor under me froze.

'What if Iam not able to control this powers? What if I will lose control and hurt someone from my friends?' I started think as the walls of the room started froze more and more from my worries.

,, Breath. Nothing like that will happen." I said to myself slowly calming down. The ice on the floor and walls started to melt. I left the basement.

I looked out of the window to see that the sun was going down. So I decided to go sleep. After all Iam still tired from everything.


FINALLY!  I wrote longer chapter. Well guys and gals soon is going to be school but I will try to write as often as I can. Well I hope you liked the chapter 👋 bye.

Word count: 807

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