The Dream

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

Two months. It had been two months since the battle but it felt like forever. I stood on my balcony, watching the sun setting over my Lovely World - well, the parts of it visible from my balcony - trying to remember life before the battle. After all, before that night, life in the Lovely World had been very different.

We were all constantly having to keep our guard for fear of attack by Hit The Target. That wasn't a problem any more, for Hit The Target hand thankfully been killed in the war.

Second of all, before the war we had Lee. I always knew he wanted to die a brave death and great Notch, he was brave, but too young. I was glad, and still am, that I could see his grave from my balcony, for he was buried in the Love Garden. I smiled a little, knowing he wouldn't want us to be sad, and turned in for the night. 

(The Dream)

I slowly blinked open my eyes, expecting to see the soft early morning sunlight streaming in through the windows into my room. Instead, I saw a scene I hoped I wouldn't have to see again. The battle.

It was near the end of the battle, however. I could see Lee and Hit The Target clashing swords, edging closer to the edge of the island. I watched on in pure horror, wishing I'd never have to relive this moment. I was tempted to scream out, warn Lee, but swiftly remembered that he would die anyway, for I was in a dream. Instead, I decided to rush forwards and walk alongside him and Hit The Target, taking in his last moments and relishing the chance to see him in full glory again. The snippets of converstaion I heard were what intrigued me most, however.

 Hit The Target had an insane, crazed look on his face as he tried to speak between wild laughter. "He.. You can't live... I have his favour!" the brazen man shrieked, bring his sword wildly down towards Lee who was succesfully deflecting every blow, as well as throwing in some of his own. Lee flattened his ears and spat, "You are insane!" Hit The Target grinned. "I'm not insane, I'm just on the right side of the war!" Lee opened his mouth to reply when he suddenly realized that they had reached the edge. Both Lee's and Hit The Target's eyes rested on the TNT and Hit The Target whipped out some flint and steel to light it.

Don't do it, I silently begged, don't set off the explosion! It was useless though. The blast sent both Lee and Hit The Target spiralling into the air before they fell towards the ground. In the knowledge I couldn't die with them and both curious and terrified by Hit The Target's earlier words, I dived over the edge alongside them.

"You won't respawn! You won't respawn!" Hit The Target chanted, still waving his sword aimlessly in the air, "Lee will die and Hit The Target will live!" Lee snarled and struck Hit The Target with a heavy blow from his own sword. "If the fall is enough to kill me, it will kill you too!" he snapped, grabbing Hit The Target's cape and pulling him back for another attack. Hit The Target smirked. "Oh, I will die," he confirmed, "But I will live again! By the gracious will of He-"

But I didn't hear any more, for at that moment they smashed into the earth. Dead. I felt familiar tears trickle down my face, but that was not what was on my mind. Hit The Target knew something about the lack of ability to respawn and he had been trying too scare Lee with that information moments before death. He knew things important to Minecraft's very existence

(End of dream)

I was jolted awake by someone shaking my shoulder. I slowly blinked open my eyes, relieved to see that morning had come. Craig was standing beside my bed. "You were so restless during the night I could hera you in my room," he commented. Well, that wasn't a surprise, because if anyone were to hear me in my room at night it would be Craig, as his room was just opposite mine. "Cake," he added, placing a cake down for me. I rubbed sleep from my eyes. With Lee gone, Craig had taken up role of bringing me morning cake, but I secretly thought it didn't taste half as good as Lee's "Did you have a bad dream or something last night?" he asked, concerned. It all suddenly came back to me in a flash. Realizing how important the message of it was, I scanned my brain for someone who knew a bit about respawning. I remembered a conversation I'd had, a mere week after the battle.

"I need to talk to Squid."

A/N Sorry if this was a poor chapter, but I needed somewhere to start that linked in with the previous story. Also sorry it's taken a while to come out, I've been doing some other things lately. PS, I really need suggestions for the Stampylonghead: Crazy Extras book or I won't do it. For those of you who don't know, it's basically going to be a book with extra stuff about the Stampylonghead series. Now, run along and enjoy your lives whilst I sit in my tiny den and type my life away on Wattpad :)

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