I Think We're Here

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-Squid's P.O.V-

I was confused a moment when I awoke to find myself slumped across a small bar, outside and with potions scattered every where. Empty potions. Groaning, I staggered up and looked around to see Stampy curled up quite comfortably in a bed placed by the stage, snoring a little. On the stage itself, Amy and Zoe were out cold by the note blocks and Squid, Tomohawk, Finnball and Netty were in a pile on the dance floor. Then I remembered - we partied half the night, got drunk for a quater of it and slept the rest. Still staggering a little, I made my way over to the only bed and shook Stampy awake. He blinked sleepily before sitting up. "We need to get going," I reminded him, clutching the stage to steady myself. He grinned. "Okay. No swimming though - you're still a bit tipsy after all that milk and potions last night. I chuckled a little and staggered off to get my things from Netty's room whilst Stampy woke the others.

By midday, we were all ready to set sail again. Netty thankfully had a ship of her own, smaller than the wrecked SS Stampy but big enough to suit our needs. They also gave us loads more food and drink, enough to last us at least a week, though from what I remembered it shouldn't take a week to get there. It turned out that Rosie had not attended the party - apparently she had instead been exploring Netty's world and having her own little adventure. She returned safely just after we all woke up though.

Stampy climbed aboard the new ship first, with Rosie and Amy following and Finnball after that. I waved to Tomohawk one last time before following. As soon as we were on board we went to our positions. I was steering. Stampy was in the crow's nest. Finnball was navigating. Amy and Rosie were keeping the supplies organized. We didn't have time to say proper goodbyes - we just yelled from wherever we were and Rosie and Amy stuck their heads out of the windows and waved madly at them. "Don't die before we meet again!" Netty shrieked as our boat slid gracefully away from the dock and out into the ocean. Stampy laughed and returned to staring out at the turquoise sea.

Once we had left all signs of land, I left the steering wheel to join the others on deck. I didn't need to stay there - it would keep going in a straight line until we hit the world barrier. It was a beautiful day - the sun's golden rays reflected off of the water like it was glass and squids floated lazily just beneath the smooth surface. Rosie and Amy were leaning against the mast, eating apples. Stampy had climbed down from the crow's nest and had gone to get a cake. I was about to follow Stampy when Finnball gave a shriek fron below deck "Guys! There's a tv and all sorts down here!" he yelled (A/N because there are obviously televisions in minecraft xD).

I immediately dashed over to the hatch, which was inside the captain's cabin as it had been on the SS Stampy, and joined him. It was true - our sleeping quaters really were quite luxurious. There were music blocks with discs so we could play a variety of music, chests stocked with yet more food and milk, plenty of space, carpets and as Finnball had said, a TV. Stampy, Rosie and Amy poured in after me and gazed around in awe.

Stampy, cake in hand, curled up on one of the beds and switchehd on the TV. Showing was Deadly Dancing, a popular show where competitors had to impress the judges with their best dance moves whilst avoiding zombies being released onto the stage. "That host is so... energetic," Amy commented, sitting down beside Stampy, "What's her name again?" Rosie shrugged and grabbed a piece of steak from one of the chests. "Nobody knows," she replied, "Everyone calls her TheMCFreak101 for some random reason." I nodded in agreement and leant against the wall.

"Who's your favourite judge?" Finnball asked, coming over to me. "I think Louis_overload26 is a good one," I replied, "He makes sure none of the other judges are biased." Amy piped up again. "But warrior_wolf1 puts it straight. Sometimes I think the others pretend the perfomaces were good but she just tells the truth," she replied. Stampy rolled his eyes. "Ok, let me just say that slidepool is the best of the three judges because she make sure they aren't biased and she's fair," he sighed. There were murmurs and the argument seemed to be settled.

We watced the hour-long show, featuring four peformaces, occasionally arguing about which dancer was best. "Come on, Kurenai Cookie is obviously the best at dodging the zombies whilst keeping a stylish pose!" Amy snapped at one point. Stampy lashed his tail and growled in reply, "But so does Stephanie Wonder!" Rosie rolled her eyes and paused the programme before snapping back, "Stephanie fights more than dances. I don't see why she isn't out of the competition already!" Finnball put the show on again and silenced everyne by threatening to throw them overboard if they objected to his favourite, Norina Baker, or started arguing again.

We were so engrossed in the television we were caught completely off-guard by the vaccum-like pull on the ship as we struck the barrier. Amy screamed and tackled Rosie off of her bed in shock. I gripped the stand the TV was on and dragged Finnball and Stampy towards me. Rosie dragged herself up towards us with Amy clinging to one arm. "When did we hit the barrier?" the mermaid squealed. Stampy lashed his tail around, his eyes wide. "Apparently five seconds ago," he gasped as we were sucked through the barrier and we lifted into the air for a moment.

The second we touched down in the new world we were scrambling out of the hatch onto the deck to see where we were. And great Notch, it was beautiful. We had emerged into a wide river snaking off through a jungle biome and I could see a ravine up ahead. In fact, it felt like I had been there before. Then it hit me.

I recognised the half-destroyed treehouse just about visible in the nearby trees.

I recognised the gravel tracks leading off into the jungle.

I recognised the vast clearing filled with melons.

"I think we're here," I breathed. 

A/N So yeah, I randomly decided to include some of you readers in here. Sorry if you weren't mentioned, I included people who I thought were supporting my account and the book series a lot. So, those people would be @TheMCFreak101, @Louis_overload26, @warrior_wolf1, @slidepool and @KurenaiCookie. Stephanie Wonder was a random OC and Norina Baker is somebody I often play minecraft with ^^ 

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