Herobrine's Fall

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

I sprang forwards, straight towards Herobrine, with my sword pointing straight at him. He dodged at the last minute, and streaked towards where Finnball stood guarding Rosie's still unsonscious body. I gave a warning yowl, but there was no need - Squid was still there and managed to push Herobrine out of the way, sending the enraged dark warrior skidding across the floor. The pigman who had Hit The Target gave a squeal and rushed forwards with his sword waving around wildly, but Squid also dealt with him, driving his sword straight through it and delivering a killer blow.

I lunged towards Lee whilst Herobrine regained his balance and brought my sword down on the chains binding his hands. The second he was free Lee streaked away down one of the corrdiors, a look of determination set on his dishevelled face. I didn't question him - he must have known something was down there that could help us. Instead, I turned my focus back to Herobrine, who was scramblin towards his throne. I jumped in front of it, blocking his path, and brought my sword down towards him. He lifted his feared obsidian blade and blocked the blow before leaping backwards and shooting towards Finnball and Rosie.

Finnball lifted his sword and began to lash out at Herobrine, slowly but steadily driving him away from Rosie. Herobrine was still laughing like a madman, lunging forwards with his sword in an attempt to break through Finnball's enchanted diamond armour. He succeeded in flinging his helmet across the room, leaving Finnball's head exposed, just as Squid and I pounced on him and pulled him backwards. Of course, he easily shook us off, sending both of us flying in opposite directions with a flick of his overpowered sword. I was sent skidding across the cold stone floor towards where Hit The Target still stood, motionless with terror. Thoughts flickered through my mind as I debated on what to do - images of Hit The Target standing atop his balcony during the battle and of him falling over the edge with Lee, and more recent ones of his terrified, shocked face when he told us he was Amy's brother.

I sighed, having made my choice. Staggering to my feet, I brandised my sword and brought it crashing down on the chains that bound Hit The Target's wrists. "You can either get out of here now and run for your puny life or you can go and help Lee with whatever he went to do," I snarled in his ear. Whimpering a little in fright, he nodded, and streaked away towards the corridor Lee had disappeared along. It was then that I realized what Herobrine had been trying to do when he was heading for this throne. There was a button on the back of it and it was this button that Herobrine brought his clenched fist down on. At once, each of the dim lights in the room flickered and died, plunging us in complete darkness. All we could see was the faint glow of Herobrine's soul-sucking eyes, whizzing around the room as he tried to find us.

I tensed up, gripping my sword as tightly as I could. Please Lee, I silently begged my old friend, Hurry up with whatever you're doing! I could hear Finnball and Squid shrieking and the sounds of swords clashing together as Herobrine supposedly struck out at them. Then I heard a petrified scream and assumed Rosie had finally awoken. "Rosie! He's on the attack!" I yelled into the darkness, hoping she would understand. I heard her shriek a muffled reply and decided to move towards the edge of the room to avoid Herobrine. "Guys! Torches!" I heard Squid shriek as Herobrine supposedly shot towards him. I immediately understood and drew a torch from my inventory and placed it on the floor where I stood. I saw over lights flicked around me, showing me where my friends were. I could see Rosie and Finnball standing back-to-back in the light of one torch and both Squid and Herobrine were illuminated by another.

Seeing that Squid was growing weaker, I pelted forwards and slammed into Herobrine, sending us both flying across the room and into another button that turned the lights in the room back on. Finally, I could see properly again. Just in time too, because as both Herobrine and I scrambld to our feet, Lee and Hit The Target burst through with what must have been every single other prisoner in the fortress. I saw Herobrine's eyes widen a little with surprise, but that didn't stop him. In fact, he just laughed and laughed, louder and louder, filling the room with his insane screeches.

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