Surprise Rescue

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-Stampy's P.O.V (again, I know)-

I blinked my eyes open, confused. Where the heck was I? I wasn't in the ocean, that was for sure. In fact, I was quite dry, though I did feel a little sick. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. I was in a bed in somebody's bedroom. Had we passed into someone else's world? More importantly, where were my friends? Last time I saw them they had been drowning in the ocean with me, except for Amy and Squid of course. Groggily, I got up and walked around the room, examining it. It was a basic space, a little like my own but a tiny bit bigger. "What the.." I said to myself. My throat was sore as heck... I must have swallowed a lot of sea water. Either that or I'd been out cold for a long time.

I was about to turn and leave to explore when the door creaked open and I pretty figure stepped into the room. "Netty?" I gasped in shock. Had Netty's world been beyond the one where the storm had occured? A smile lit up her face as she raced over and hugged me. "Stamps! You're okay!" she squealed. I grinned. "You were unconscious! You could have drowned!" she fretted. "Was it you who saved me then?" I asked. Netty shook her head. "Zoe was fishing and saw you in the water, so she dragged you out and brought you back here," she explained, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me outside. "Welcome to Netty's Dream Land!" she announced, waving a paw to show what she had built. Though small, it was quite pretty. There was a small dock with well-kept soil ready for crops to be planted to the right of it. Between the trees I could see the woollen tops of umbrellas and, after wandering around a little more, I came across a couple bridges. One led to an island I could just about see in the distance. The other led up to a woollen cloud that bore signs on it. "These are the names of some people who helped me on the way here," Netty explained, scanning the cloud and the names written on the signs. Then she turned and waved in the direction of the trees. "Somewhere over there is the temple. Zoe and I had our fair share of difficulties getting around it," she explained, giggling a little.

At that moment, there was the sound of footsteps and we both turned to see Zoe and Tomohawk running towards us. "Stampy, you're okay!" Zoe exclaimed. I grinned as Netty's friend pranced around us, checking I really was okay. Tomohawk laughed and called Zoe over. "Stop makingg a fuss!" he giggled. I grinned. "I get enough fuss at home - I'm used to it," I assured him. He shrugged and walked over to Netty. "Shouldn't we be going out to rescue his friends?" he reminded her. Netty jumped. "Oh yeah! Sorry Stamps, I might have, well you know..." I smiled, "Don't worry, Amy and Squid are quite capable and they would be doing everything possible to help Rosie and Finnball." Netty squealed and jumped in the air again. "Yay, you brought Rosie and Amy!" she yelled in delight. Then she straightened herself up. "Tomohawk, Zoe you're on ocean search and rescue patrol. I'll stay with Stampy!" she ordered. Tomohawk gave a mock salute and raced away to the boats, followed by Zoe.

-Squid's P.O.V-

I hadn't a clue where I was. I'd begun looking for Finnball, Stampy and Rosie as soon as the boat overturned, knowing that Amy could take care of herself. However, the current and pieces of wreckage had driven me back until I hit the barrier and I got sucked through. Since then, night had passed entirely and the sun was swiftly ascending in the clear skies. "Amy! Finnball! Stampy! Rosie!" I yelled as loudly as I could, even though it hurt my throat to even talk. I weakly attempted to swim on, but foundmyself drifting along with the current.

Then I saw something. A speck on the horizon, drawing closer and closer, growing clearer with each passing moment. Relief washed over me. It was a boat, and inside that boat was Tomohawk, fit and healthy again after our ordeal with Hit The Target's Wither two months before. I tried to stop myself from grinning as his boat easily cut through the water in my general direction. Excited, I lifted my arms - well, tentacles - in the air and waved. The second he saw me he turned the boat and sped towards me. Very soon, he had drawn up next to me.

A grin spread across his face. "Squid!" he exclaimed. I grinned back as he helped me into the boat. "You look like you've been better," he commented. I nodded, thankful to be able to sit down again. "Don't worry, we've got Stampy back at Netty's house. Zoe's looking for your other friends," he assured me, as if answering my unspoken question. I nodded and looked around. "I guess we're in your world then," I murmured. He nodded. 

There was an awkward silence that lasted a good couple of minutes as we sailed back to the land. It was broken when Tomohawk asked in a quiet voice, "Why did you save me, two months ago when that Wither tried to kill me?" I felt myself tense up. He stil didn't know I was his brother... But he'd have to know eventually. "Tomohawk, where did you spend your childhood? Did you ever know your real parents?" I asked,. He looked confused. "I grew up in the same world as Netty, Zoe and Stampy. And no, I'm adopted. But why?" he replied, frowning a little. I felt my stomach lurch. Tomohawk grew up in the same world as Stampy? That had to be a coincidence. "So you don't know your real parents?" I checked. He shook his head. "My foster parents told me my mother just dumped me on their doorstep one day, when I was about a year old," he replied again. I felt myself go cold. I was a year older than him. It was when I was two years old that my father left my mother and I. She must have sent him away so he wouldn't have to be in poverty with us. 

"Did you ever have any... siblings?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes. "You're asking a lot of questions," he said uncertainly before adding, "My foster parents never told me of any siblings." I took a deep breath. This could go wrong. "What would you do if I told you I am your older brother and that our mother sent you for adoption because our father left us and she didn't want you to suffer the effects with us?" I asked cautiously. Tomohawk froze. "Are you saying you're my older brother?" he gasped, clutching the side of the boat for support as it lurched on the waves. I nodded. "But... how did you know about me? Did mother tell you?" he asked. I shook my head. "When I was about seven - you'd be six then - there was a mob uprising and mother was killed, respawned and lost her memory, just like everyone else who died and respawned. She took out some photos of you and asked me who they were of. I didn't know, of course, so I took them to Notch-" He interuppted me. "Are you saying that I spent the first year of my life in Notch's world and never knew it?" he exclaimed. I nodded. "Anyways, I took them to Notch nd he identified the pictures as being of you. That's how I knew," I concluded. He was now shaking with the shock of what he had been told. for a moment I was scared he would topple over into the water, but he kept his balance. "L-lets go back," he murmured and set the boat back on coarse for Netty's world. 

A/N So now Tomo-kun knows that Squid-kun is his brother! And thank Notch they're safe.... Sorry I didn't post this for a while, I've been a bit busier than normal :3

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