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-Stampy's P.O.V-

I wasn't in the lava corridor anymore. I didn't actually know where I was to be honest. I seemed to be floating in the air above a battlefield. War raged on beneath me and the echoing cries of falling soldiers were unbearable. Pools of blood stained the grass and dead bodies littered the ground. I flew around, watching people battle on. Then, as t drew closer, I realized something so confusing that it made my head ache. It was... different. It wasn't blocky. In fact, I don't know what it was. I allowed myself to drop down beside a half-burnt house and sat down. Where in the name of Notch was I?

A noise caught my attention. People talking nearby. Cautiously, I peered around a corner to see two children. One was wearing typical Steve clothes - blue shirt and trousers - and the other wore clothes almost exactly like Notch's. I could see tears streaming from the tightly shut eyes of the Steve-like boy. It was the other one who was talking.

"Don't worry Herobrine. Dad won't die. He'll help us win."'

What the actual hell. Herobrine? Was it even possible? My eyes widened as the child-Herobrine opened his eyes. They weren't white. In fact, they were a bright sky-blue colour. "But Notch, what will we do if he doesn't come back?" Herobrine sobbed. Notch put his arm around Herobrine's shoulders. "We'll think of something," he murmured.

Suddenly my vision flashed black and when I looked I saw not the war-ravaged land from before, but instead a forest clearing. There seemed to be some sort of shrine in the clearing and it was giving off some kind of orange glow. The world was still not-blocky and it was making me quite uneasy. I walked around a bit, not really understanding why I was at this shrine place, and noticed there were letters engraved on the shrine. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was written in Ancient Minecraftian. I had been taught the ancient language by my parents and even though the words were hidden by clumps of lichen and moss in places, I could still make out what it said.

'A hundred years of constant force cannot compare to the strength of a shattered heart. The key to new worlds is not found in power, but in our souls.'

For a moment, I was confused. What was it supposed to mean? It was obviously some kind of riddle about the shrine, and whoever was here seemed to have worked it out. My theory was confirmed when a cry from behind me made me jump with fright.

"Herobrine! It worked! The portal's open!"

I leapt across the clearing and crouched in what seemed to be some ferns, though the unusual not-blocky terrain made it hard to tell for sure. Peering out, I saw Notch, perhaps a few years older now than when I saw him in the warlands, emerge from the trees on the other side of the clearing. Excitement shone in his eyes as he rushed towards the shrine, Herobrine right behind.

A brief flash of fear gripped me when I saw that, although one eye was still a sparkling sky blue, the other one was white. "We can finally escape this war!" Notch yelled, anticipation gleaming in his eyes. Herobrine grinned and added, "And heal my eye."

I watched on as both of them stepped towards the glowing shrine. Notch's face was the picture of excitement as he stood before it. "Time to get away from the war," he murmured. Herobrine nodded sharply, reaching out and clutching at Notch's hand. "On three," Notch added, "One... Two... Three!"

I watched in a mixture of excitement and amazement as they both leaned forwards and dove into the light. For a moment, the light seemed to grow brighter - then, in a white flash, the glow faded and the shrine crumbled and broke. Nobody would be able to use it now.

I felt a slight dizziness in my head as my vision once again flashed black and once again the scene changed. To my relief, I seemed to be back in Minecraft. My body had regained its natural blocky form, as had the land around me. I was in a city. It looked quite old-fashioned, with little to no hotels or other large buildings. Yet it was still familiar. The way that the streets were laid out. The guards that patrolled the area, swords in hand. It was as if I had been there before.

Stampylonghead 2: New WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now