Breaking In

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

As we ran down the seemingly endless corridor back towards the courtyard of Notch's castle, I could still feel silent tears streaming down my face. None of us had any idea as to what would happen too Amy when she regained her memories. Would she forget all about us and only remember her previous life? Would she still remember us but choose her old life over us? Would we even make it back alive to see her reactions? I really did have no idea. I could however hear my friends in the same worried thoughts, and Rosie's occasional sobs broke the silence that had fallen upon us.

We were faced with gasps and awe-filled stares from both castle workers and citizens alike as we burst out of the doors. Our enchanted armour made us stand out like Enderdragons in a theme park. I didn't pay any attention though - we had all too clear instructions to find and kill Herobrine, no matter what the cost. Deep down, I was actually quite curious to see what Herobrine would be like - I wa stold he looked like a typical Steve but that his clothes were ripped and he had pure white, soul-sucking eyes. I shuddered at the very thought of it.

We ran and ran until we burst through into the villagers' zone and then we finally emerged out of the buildings and onto the huge docks. Many boats of all shapes and sizes littered the waters and it took us ten minutes of frantic searching to find our - well, Netty's - small vessel. Squid tipped the guard who had been looking after our boat with his last few gold nuggets before climbing up the ladder after us. Rosie and Finnball had alfready disappeared below deck to sort out our weaponry and start the furnaces. I was up the mast into the crow's nest the second I got on and behind me I heard Squid rushing up the steps to steer.

It was only when I signalled for Squid to start steering us out of the docks that I noticed we had been followed by a crowd of both Steves and villagers alike. It seemed everyone was intrigued, but their curiousity seemed to be sarisfied when there was the booming of red and black war fireworks exploding from Notch's castle. A grave silence fell upon the once noisy port as they realized we were headed into battle for the sake of their kingdom. I paid little attention once the fireworks had faded away into the sky - I was too focused on Notch's instructions on how to break into Herobrine's fortress. There will be too many guards, so you'll have to tunnel in from some distance away, he had said, But be careful of traps, the grounds will be littered with them. Destroy every redstone related object you come across.

Once we were smoothly sailing along the river, Rosie and Finnball came up from below deck and leant against the railings. "Are we sure we're doing the right thing?" Rosie asked, her voice showing all her unease and uncertainty. I saw her point, but we had already left. "We can't turn back now. Think of Notch and the citizens of Minecraft. Think of Lee," I reminded her. That was what was driving me on most - my desire to have Lee back home. The two months since his death had been much lonelier and dare I say duller than when he was with us. He was a part of the Lovely World - without him, nothing was the same.

Finnball sighed. "You did enlist somebody to take over if... well... you know?" he asked awkwardly. I nodded. "Craig," I replied swiftly, "I have known him longer than anyone else. He was the first person to move into the Lovely World with me." I saw him nod in agreement and draw his new diamond sword. It flashed brilliantly in the sunlight. "Careful not to cut my head off," Rosie joked half-heartedly, "It's Herobrine we're meant to be slaying, not our teammates!" He laughed a little, but none of us could truly enjoy a joke in this situation.

Time passed slowly as we made our way along the river. "It should branch off somewhere near here and go west," Finnball observed, checking the map. He was right. Barely a minute or so after the words had left his mouth, I saw a smaller river breaking away from the one we were already sailing along and snaking off somewhere to the west. "Turn us around, Squid - we're headed west!" I yelled to him from my high perch. A few moments later we were slowly turning into this new river and making our way along it. It seemed to curve a lot more than the other river and I felt a small sickening feeling as the boat swayed in the wind. In fact, for once in my life I was relieved to see the faint shimmering of the world barrier looming ahead of us.

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