Show Us Around

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

I jumped around at Squid's words. "Really? You recognize this place? This is where you grew up and where Notch lives?" I exclaimed. He nodded slowly. There were gasps of awe from the others as we looked around at the tree-clad banks on either side of the river we were sailing along. "If we are here, then the city should be at the end of this river. There will be a huge port where we can leave the boat and go off into the city," Squid explained before running up to the steering wheel to direct the boat up the river. 

We travelled along it for about twenty minutes, admiring the beautiful landscape. The jungle biome was huge - it seemed to stretch for thousands of blocks in each direction. Amy kept thinking she could see ocelots slinking in the shadows beneath the trees but none of us ever saw them. We could, however, see a few squids floating lazily in the crystal-clear waters. Squid seemed at home on the river, easily and confidentally directing the boat along the river. Then again, he had grown up in the city at the heart of this world, so he would feel a lot more at ease.

Then we saw it. Our first glimpse of the city. It really was huge - small houses around the edge, much larger buildings further in and finally, at the centre, a castle towered above all else it the world. The green and blue flags of Minecraft were flown from each of its four colossal turrets and even from the great distance we were from it, we could see guards patrolling the huge walls that bordered the building. Amy gave a whoop of joy that was carried on the breeze and echoed throughout the world, making some villagers and the guards at the vast port turn to stare as we sailed smoothly into one of the docks. Squid drew us to a halt and Finnball hopped below deck to turn off the furnaces powering the boat. Two guards, each wearing full iron armour and brandishing diamond swords, came to greet us as we climbed off of the ship.

"It is the law of the creator's city that all new visitors a searched upon entering the city," one guard told them. Squid nodded and stepped aside so that one could go and search the ship. Then we all waited whilst our inventory was scanned with some strange redstone device. After about five minutes we were given the all-clear and we charged into the city.

"Show us around!" Amy begged Squid, "We don't have to go straight to Notch, do we?" Squid grinned and nodded in agreement. "Come on!" he yelled as he charged off down what appeared to be the main street of the villagers' settlement. The villagers themselve were making a terrible noise with all the humming and grunting. They seemed quite wary of us for some reason and scattered into houses and alleyways as we charged past. "In this city, Steves like us are ranked higher in society than villagers," Squid explained as we burst past a group of villagers, who fled towards what looked like a church. 

We sprinted towards where there was some sort of moat thing seperating the villagers from the Steves. There was a bridge there with yet more guards patrolling it, but we didn't need to worry about them. They were there purely to keep villagers and mobs out. We leapt past them, Amy dragging one hand across the surface of the water, and found ourselves surrounded by more buildings. This new part of the city seemed to have had a major upgrade from the villagers. There were markets, hotels, parks, bakeries and a whole load of other attractions. "I lived near the boundary between here and Notch's castle," Squid told us, slowing down and pausing beside a market stall selling apples, melons and pumpkins. "How much for half a stack of melon slices?" he asked. The woman behind the counter replied, "Two gold ingots." Squid sighed, thanked her and came back over to us. "Expensive shops," he muttered, "I forgot how much they charge." Rosie sighed and looked around. "Look's like there's some kind of theme park over there, kind of like the Funland," she said suddenly. We all whipped around to see what looked like the top of a dropper sticking out over the tops of the buildings. "Please can we go?" Amy begged, looking at me with wide, innocent eyes. I couldn't deny her that after everything that had happened within the past few months. "Fine," I muttered and began pelting towards where the theme park seemed to be.

We spent hours in the city. We played a safer version of Spleef that used water instead of lava as well as a game surprisingly similiar to my Water Rush mini-game. There were loads of rollercoasters that the citizens of the city had built and we went on lots of them. Then we went to market stands where we could trade with some other people. Rosie traded one of her sets of arrows for a new iron chestplate and I swapped some apples for a few cakes. In fact, we spent so much time shopping and playing mini-games we didn't notice the sun slowly setting. As the first few stars appeared in the sky, we noticed the citizens emerging from their homes and lining the streets with torches. Soldiers came down from the castle to guard the city from any mobs that may spawn in. "Come on," Squid said urgently, "We need to find a cheap hotel to stay in!" 

It didn't take us long to find one. The Ender Inn was the hotel we chose. It didn't have the best kept rooms or service, but it would do for our stay. Squid paid the receptionist in five gold nuggets he won in the theme park. Then we went up some ladders to our rooms. They were small, each contining one or two beds, a chest, a crafting table, a furnace, an enchanting table if you were lucky and a small window that looked out over the city. I shared a room with Squid and Finnball and Amy and Rosie stayed in a room together. Admittedly, Finnball, Squid and I stayed up quite late.

"Are you sure we'll be allowed to see Notch?" I murmured as Squid put the single torch we had with us away and the room was plunged into darkness. "Certain," he replied, "We have a good enough reason." And with those words and the prospect of tomorrow's meeting with Notch in my mind, I found it surprisingly easy to drift into sleep.

A/N Kudos to Minecraft_aka_maddie for being the first to enter my contest! If you're a fan of this series then check it out, it's on the original book. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys either in the next chapter or in the comments! Bai!

Ps, are you actually enjoying this sequel? I feel like it's lacking some elements of the first book at the moment and I was wondering if people would maybe like me to add a bit more tension... I'll wait to hear your opinions before I update next then ^^ now seriously, bai!

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