A Shocking Discovery

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

"Stamps! Wake up! We're going to be late!"

I ignored Squid at first and rolled over in the bed, groaning a little. I heard Finnball giving a frustrated sigh as Squid added, "We're going to visit Notch, remember?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily. "Oh yeah," I murmured. I didn't like being woken up. But I found the energy to drag myself off of the red and white sheets and get myself ready. If washing my fur and putting my iron boots on counted as getting ready that is. We met the girls downstairs and decided to go to what seemed to be a sort of cafe across the road - well, stone path. 

We actually had some really good food. I had some bread with cooked steak and pork chops, of course with a cake afterwards. Squid got into an argument with Amy over the last apple but Rosie stole it and ate it whilst neither of them were looking before stating very loudly, "What a delicious apple!" Squid and Amy were furious. I simply burst out laughing and sent bits of cake everywhere, much to the girl working in the cafe's annoyance. We had fun though and the food was absolutely delicious, not to mention a good price. 

"Right, so how do we get inside the castle?" Amy asked as we left the cafe. Squid looked at her like she was being stupid. "We ask, of course! So long as we get given the all-clear, we'll be fine!" he replied, rolling his eyes. Then he glanced at Finnball. "That means you'll have to give them your sword when we go in, Finnball," he added. Finnball sighed and pulled his iron sword from his inventory, stroking the silver blade as it glinted in the morning light. "Fine," he muttered and put it away again. Squid nodded a little before he started towards the castle.

It was a surprisingly long walk to the castle, twenty minutes or so in fact. Then again, the city was absolutely huge. Shops of every kind lined the streets, as well as plenty of houses, hotels and resturants. We eventually made it to the enormous iron gates that barred the entrance to the castle. Five armour-clad swordsmen guarded them, each wearing perfectly polished diamond armour and bearing enchanted diamond swords. Squid bowed slightly to them as we approached, and we thought it best to do the same. The guards eyed us suspiciously.

"What is your buisness with the Creator?" one guard boomed, his gaze darting from one us to another. Squid lifted his head. "We have a problem we wish to consult with him about," he said in an even tone. I felt the fur pricking along my spine - I was fully aware of not only the guards that could and would kills us if we made a wrong move but also of the eyes of citizens watcing us from the streets. The guard lifted one eyebrow. "Drop your weapons before entering," he grunted. Amy and Rosie laid their bows and arrows at his feet and Finnball reluctantly parted with his sword. The guard dipped his head and waved his hand towards one of his comrades, who raised the gates, allowing us to enter. "I shall take you," the first guard added and strode away into the courtyard of the castle.

Within the castle's walls it was like a whole other world. Knights, soldiers and guards patrolled the grounds, not to mention the huge iron golems standing at each doorway. Other workers darted around, carrying all sorts of things. There was a clattering noise as gates on the other end opened and a guard on horseback canered in. A sort of cart with a cage on it was being pulled along behind him. Contained within it was a creeper. Another guard ran up to him and the two exchanged words before the guard on horseback pulled the cart away again. 

"Follow me," our guide grunted and we followed him up some stairs and through some large doors into the castle. We were faced with a corridor that stretched all the way to the back of the castle. Paintings hung on the wall and there were many stairways and doors leading off to other parts of the castle. It actually took a while to reach the end of te corridor but when we reached the end we were faced with two iron doors and three growling dogs. The guard we were following muttered something under his breath and threw down some pork chops, which the dogs hungrily fell upon. Whilst they were distracted, the guard opened the doors and waved them inside. "Go on then," he muttered, sounding irritated as we filed inside. My heart nearly stopped beating. We were about to meet the creator of Minecraft itself.

A silence fell upon us as the doors slammed shut behind us. There was a small three block passage which widened into some kind of an office. We couldn't see Notch, but we could hear him pacing and murmuring things to himself. Squid gently tapped on the walls. "Sir?" he asked tentatively. His air of confidence seemed to have left him upon entering the room. Footsteps could be heard coming towards us and then he was there. Notch himself stood before us, looking at each of us curiously. 

"To whom do I owe this pleasue?" he asked, a smile painted on his aged face. Squid bowed. "My name's Squid. I met you before, years ago when I lived here," he explained. A look of realization glimmered in Notch's eyes as he said, "Ah yes, I remember. You came to me with some photos you wanted identifying, didn't you? My, you have grown!" Squid pulled out of the bow and nudged Finnball. He removed his crown and stooped low. "My name is Finnball, sir. I am a a friend of Squid's from the world he now lives in." Notch dipped his head and looked curiously a the crown. "An interesting specimen, crowns. Not normally worn by your average Steve," he commented before turning to the girls, who immediately did small curtsies. "I'm Rosie and this is Amy," Rosie explained, "We too come from Squid and Finnball's world." Notch nodded and turned to me. I felt myself go cold, but I forced myself to do as the others had, falling into a bow. "I'm Stampy. I own the world we all come from," I told him. 

Notch nodded at me and beckoned us inside. "Have you found your brother, Squid?" Notch asked, indicating for us to sit down at a table in one corner. Squid nodded. "Apparently he grew up in Stampy's home world," he told him. I nodded. "And I never knew I was friends with my future friend back then," I added, grinning. Notch smiled. "A small universe, Minecraft is," he stated, grabbing some milk from a chest. "A small universe that could be in danger, sir," Squid corrected him. Notch froze as though somebody had turned his limbs to ice. 

"You know about the problems?" he asked in a hoarse voice, "About people going missing after death?" Squid nodded. "One of our friends was killed a couple months ago and he never respawned," he explained, "That's one of the reasons we came: to ask you if you knew why." Notch fixed us with a fearful yet curious gaze. "What was the other reason?" he asked in a voice that gave away all his dread about the answer.

"We have a feeling our friend's killer knows - well, knew - more about the lack of respawn than he should have," I chipped in, unable to keep silent any longer. Notch turned to face me, his eyes now filled with dread. "I had a dream about our friend's death. I heard what him and his killer were saying," I explained. Then I went on to tell him everything about the war with Hit The Target, about how he kidnapped Amy and about how he and Lee fell to their deaths. I told him about my dream, of how I had listened to what Hit The Target said and how he claimed to live whilst Lee would be gone forever. About how he was about to reveal the name of the culprit when they smashed into the earth and were killed. 

By the time I was done all the colour had been drained from Notch's face. He was pale as a ghast who had been painted with bonemeal and was shaking a little. "You said that he said 'He' and then he was killed before he could finish the name?" he stammered. I nodded.

Then Notch told us something that shocked all of us. Something that was hardly believable. Something that made my fur stand on end and my heart start hammering in my chest.

"The culprit this Hit The Target was talking about is Herobrine."

A/N A bit of a typical storyline but hey, don't worry, if you don't like it all I can say is trust me and everything will be evilly messed up later on. Is 'evilly' even a word? I don't know... All I can say is that this book might not end in the way most of you are thinking..... Mwa ha ha.... xD

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