An Extremely Unfortunate Event

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

I overslept the next day. Majorly overslept. Like, I wasn't up until it was nearly mid-day, though I kind of blamed everyone else for not waking me up. "I didn't want to disturb you," was Squid's argument whilst Finnball shrugged and said, "I didn't notice." Perfect. I was on a voyage with people who might have not actually cared for much other than adventure. Truth be told, I didn't blame them much - I was thoroughly over-excited as well, even though only Squid and I truly understood how important our mission was. To find Notch and give him information valuable to Minecraft's safety. 

Breakfast, like dinner the previous night, was small, as we were on rations in order to make our food last longer. It was one baked potato or carrot each with half a bucket of milk for each person to last the day. Not exactly living the high life at sea. I didn't mind  though - except for the obvious fact that there was no morning cake - for the job of navigating and steering kept my mind off of hunger and thirst. Lunch and dinner would be the time to fuss over that. At times I grew suspicious of Squid stealing rations, due to the almost guilty expression on his face every time he came out of the sleeping quaters, but it didn't really bother me.

We had smooth sailing for the majority of the day. The sun was warm and there wasn't a cloud in sight. There was, however, a strong wind blowing, which sent the SS Stampy all over the place. That also meant that despite the sun's efforts, there was still a chill in the air as we went on. As we passed through the quite desolate world, we passed a few small islands, but they were barren and uninhabitable. Nobody could hope to make a living in this world, unless they lived beneath the waves their whole lives with the squid and the fish. Well, technically Amy and Squid could do that if they wanted, but they chose to stay with me in my Lovely World.

All was going well until a little over halfway through the afternoon. The winds picked up and there was the bleak form of black rain clouds on the horizon, drawing ever closer. "A storm at sea blocking our only way forwards," I heard Finnball mutter to Squid as we all gathered at the prow of the ship to gaze in concern at the skies ahead. We could even hear claps of thunder growling in the storm. It was all we could do to hope and prey we wouldn't be caught up in it. Notch knew what would happen if we were.

However, all the silent hoping and praying in the universe couldn't have helped us avoid the storm. All too soon, the sun's comforting rays were blocked out, as well as the faint silver light on the horizon that marked the barrier seperating the worlds. The winds grew harsher and colder and we all retreated to the captain's cabin to shelter from the weather. "If we lose track of our position now, we're screwed," Squid muttered irritably, pacing the room. I barely heard him over the noise though - rain and wind were lashing at the boat furiously whilst lightning and thunder raged overhead. Amy and Rosie pressed closse together as they sat in a corner whilst Finnball paced the room restlessly. 

All of a sudden, we were thrown wildly about the room as the boat lurched wildly from side to side and a crackling, electric sound pulsed through the air. Terrified, I swung the door open to see that a huge bolt  or series of bolts of lightning had struck multiple parts of the ship. Now the sails, parts of the decking, roof of the cabin and railings were on fire, despite the torrentual rain. I heard the girls scream as the fire burned a hole in the roof of the cabin and I myself gave a petrified shriek as the ship began to fall on one side. "It's sinking! It's sinking!" I screeched as the boat completely flipped over, throwing all of us underwater. I saw, through wide eyes, Amy and Squid swimming easily around looking for Rosie, Finnball and myself, but none of them came near me. My stomach churned and my vision became blurred as water tugged at my fur, and slowly I gave in to darkness. 

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