Prisoner 894 And Prisoner 762

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-Stampy's P.O.V-

He was exactly as I always thought him to look like. Pure white, emotionless eyes that seemed to stare right through you and the typical blue clothes of a pure Steve - except these were torn and stained red in places with the blood of warriors fallen beneath his sword. The sword itself was also famous - the blade was made of enchanted obsidian and had a handle made of diamond. A small, white bead-like gem was embedded in the handle of said sword, which was on a stand just beside Herobrine's throne. Images of fire and dying warriots were carved in the black throne, as well as every kind of mob in existence.

"Well done Squid," I heard Rosie mutter behind me. Squid grunted and drew his own diamond sword. Herobrine's glowing eyes seemed to be foolowing Squid's movements as he raised his sword to his chest. "I don't think you ought to harm me," he advised Squid, in a silky smooth voice that was barely more than a hushed whisper. Squid froze, as though he was unsure what he meant. "Give us one good reason why we shouldn't attack right now!" I snarled after a moment, breaking the tense silence that had fallen upon the room. Herobrine turned to face me this time. I shuddered - even his gaze made me tremble. "I will," he replied quietly. He clicked his fingers and a skeleton tentatively emerged from the shadows at the back of the room. "Fetch me prisoner 894," he ordered. The skeleton dipped his head and scurried away. I noticed that, even though the creature was working for Herobrine, he seemed scared of his master.

A few minutes later the skeleton returned, this time leading somebody behind him. At first I didn't recognize the bony, starved figure the mob was leading. Then it struck me. There was only one person I knew with eyes as blue as his. Only one with fur so thick as his. The others seemed to realize it too. 

Prisoner 894 was Lee.

Rosie gave a startled yell and I instinctively whipped my sword out. Finnball nearly dropped his own sword in shock and Squid completely froze. Lee's once-clean face, now with the bones clearly visible, swivveled around to face us. His eyes had lost their spark and instead were dull and lifeless. He looked like a skeleton that had been painted to look like a bear. He opened hiis mouth as if to say something, but no words escaped him. Herobrine dismissed the skeleton that had brought him to the room and the still frightened creature slipped back into the shadows from which it had come. 

Herobrine himself got to to his feet and swept soundlessly across the flor too stand behind Lee, who remained motionless, his sad gaze still fixed on us. "I do believe this one is a friend of yours?" he asked, a mischievous look spreading across his face. I nodded sharply and Squid added, "One we thought to be dead." Herobrine laughed. "Oh, Lee never died, or at least, not permanently," he replied, "Yes, his body remained long enough for you to bury him, but if you were to back and dig up his coffin now, you would find it empty." I lashed my tail from side to side. How in the name of Notch did he know all of this stuff? He must have been psychic, because his next words were, "I know anything and everything related to war and death, my dear friend Stampy. From the moment the first swords clashed in your little war I got plenty of information on you and your friends." 

I was about to reply when movement caught my eye. Lee. He seemed to be trying to tell us something, mouthing the words as discreetly as possible. I frowned, trying to work out what he was saying. I couldn't. Herobrine looked as though he was following my gaze, so I quickly pulled my eyes away and glanced awkwardly around at other things in the room. My eye fell upon his sword, a beautiful yet deadly blade that had felt the innocent blood of many of Herobrine's opponents. If we got into a fight, which really was inevitable - well, we'd just have to hope and pray that our own wepaons wouldn't be sliced in two in thirty seconds flat. 

I heard Squid fumbling with something in his inventory and shot him a warning glass, but I surprised to see he drew a picture of us all together. Every single member of the Lovely World, in one photo. For a moment I was in utter confusion as to how on earth he was able to take that picture, but I mostly forgot when Squid pointed to where Amy was on the picture and mouthed the words, "She's safe," to Lee. At once he seemed to relax, as though relieved of a heavy weight that had been holding him down for a long time. Unfortunately, Herobrine also noticed the picture, what Squid was silently saying and Lee's reaction. A grin spread across his face and I felt my heart sink. Oh Notch, what is he planning now?

Herobrine clicked his fingers and this time, a zombie pigman strode in through the doors at the end of the hall. "Prisoner 762," Herobrine asked in his usual, smooth voice and the creature turned and went back through the doors. When he returned, I think I nearly fainted right there and then. Prisoner 762 wasn't any of our friends - oh no, somebody completely different altogether.

Quite opposite to Prisoner 894, Prisoner 762 was none other than Hit The Target.

I heard Rosie give a gasp and Finnball and Squid pointed their swords threateningly at both prisoner and guard. Herobrine, however, merely laughed and said, "Come now, give him a chance to speak." It was only when he said that and I truly focused on Hit The Target that I noticed just how petrified he looked. He was shaking, he was as thin and starved as Lee if not more so and there was a lost, horrified look in his small eyes. "Go on then," I growled, my fur standing on end. Hit The Target now me straight in the eye. "I'm sorry," he murmured, and I could've sworn I saw a tear run down his face. It was, however, extremely hard to feel pity for the one who had caused my world and my friends so much trouble, not to mention the one who caused Lee to fall to his death.

"I didn't know until he gave me my memories back," he sobbed, so now I knew he was crying. I was confused though. Hit The Target of all people had died and respawned? Then again, if he caused as many wars and battles as he had done two months before, that would be no surprise.

(A/N Please take some time to relish your last few moments with your brain. The next paragraph will be the bomb that blows it into a million pieces)

"I didn't know," he wailed, tears streaming down his face even faster now, "I didn't know." Irritation was pricking at me now and I heard Squid give a frustrated sigh. "You didn't know what," I growled, flicking my tail from side to side in annoyance. Hit The Target swept his sad gaze across all of us now. "I didn't know that Amy was my sister."

Forget nearly collapsing - I literally heard Rosie fall the floor in a dead faint behind us. Finnball gave a startled yell and began looking around wildly as if he expected Amy to suddenly appear in the middle of the room. I myself really did begin to fall backwards in shock and would've knocked myself out on the fllor if Squid and Finnball hadn't caught me and propped me upright again. "Hit The Target is Amy's brother?" Squid exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief, "But how in the name of Notch is that even possible?" Hit The Target shuddered and moaned slowly, "I don't know, Squid, I don't know. I just have memories of growing up with her, exploring new worlds with her, doing everything with her." He turned to face me now. "Like you would do with your sister, wouldn't you Stampy?" he checked. I nodded slowly.

None of us noticed Lee, rigid with shock and looking more furious by the second. In fact, we all jumped nearly a foot in the air with the obvious exception of the unconscious Rosie, when he roared, "You monster! I don't care whatsoever if you didn't remember! How the hell could you have been so oblivious to her? So cruel? I would quite happily say you would have been the worst Notch-forsaken brother in the whole of Minecraft!" I had almost entirely forgotten about Lee's bear instincts. However, I was more angry and surprised to see Herobrine snatch his sword from its stand and press it against the back of Lee's neck before snapping, "Don't you dare lecture anyone on brothers in my presence!" 

Now I whipped around and pointed my sword. "Don't you dare harm my friend who you kidnapped and let us believe to be dead for two months!" I snarled, my tail lashing wildly from side to side. Herobrine laughed menacingly. All the eerie calmness had left him now. "Bring it on!" he howled, waving his sword in the air and looking quite insane, "Bring it on, cat! Squid! King! Penguin!" 

And oh Notch almighty, we brought it on.

A/N Yeah.... I have a lot of brain-funerals to pay for now, don't I? Not to mention a freaking cliffhanger, the return of Lee and Herobrine getting enraged because Lee started lecturing HTT about being a good brother? Confusing? Well to explain now I'll have to tell you something I hoped to keep a secret... Oh well! Basically, after this it will take roughly two more ENTIRE FREAKING BOOKS to actually understand everything that's happened so far. Oh, and by the way, you can stop raging at Lee's death now, because I'm dead serious when I say if Lee lived, then three books of good plot would  be completely ruined xD I've spilled enough already now, haven't I.... BAI *runs away*

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